Daily Accountability/Lifestyle Change - January 2013 - Everyone Welcome!

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  • Hi Everyone!

    Thank you for all the compliments about the pictures. It really made me feel good.

    I made some "cookies" today. They are made from bananas, oatmeal, vanilla extract, cinnamon. They were OK, but my mind nor my mouth was convinced that I was eating cookies.

    Ilovemo Good job getting right back on plan.

    Emurph Ha Ha going on the cruise ruined it for me to ever go on another one. I don't think I could ever get my DH to go on another one. Yay on finding the treadmill.

    Pinkflakes Congrats on the size 9 jeans. I saw your picture. You look awesome! Keep up the great work!

    Mamakat This ship is set up like a round about. Other ships are set up linear (I think that's how you would describe it). We were on a small ship. There are two clear elevators behind us in one of the pictures. There are also other elevators, but the clear ones are a great effect. A level or two below us you can see pictures along the wall. Every day the staff takes pictures during dinner and before you leave for excursions. They put the pictures out and you can pick out your pictures. You buy what you want and/or throw the others in the trash. There are thousand's of pictures. This ship has a couple shops to go in, but it's nothing major. I always come back from vacation in need of a vacation. It's not suppose to be like that is it? I'm glad you like how your tattoos turned out. How painful was it? Did your DH figure out the resistance on your bike?

    Radiojane Glad you enjoyed the time with your nephew. The young kids can keep you active. Good job on the 9 pounds!

    Amarantha Good job on exceeding your exercise goals! Keep up the great work!

    Ona You are doing a great job! Keep it up!

    Novangel It sounds like it's going to take some time to build your stamina back up. Hang in there.

    Bluewater Hi and Welcome to the check-in!

    Misti Hi I hope your day went well.
  • Total Approx 1445 Calories +

    Breakfast (395 Calories + coffee)
    spritz oil in pan
    egg 70 cal
    egg whites from carton 60 calories
    Vegetable of choice
    1/8 cup feta cheese 40 calories
    Rudi's Whole Wheat English muffin 130 calories
    1 teaspoon jam 20 calories
    juice 75 calories
    coffee w/sugar and cream

    Lunch (600 calories)
    Lighter Portion Chicken Alfredo 500 calories
    Steamed veggies 100 calories

    Dinner (450 calories)
    Plain salad w/ranch 150 caloris
    Banana 150 calories
    Oatmeal 150 calories

    Les Mills Combat 30 w/weighted gloves
    TF Fire 30 w/weighted gloves
  • Just came back to this site today because I realized it has helped me lose my weight!!! Im so happy I found this thread again! I thought I wouldn't run into anyones user names that I recognized!
  • Hi Bulletproof Heart. So glad you are back!!! I look forward to getting to know you.
  • @Misti
    Hi!! Im happy to be back and wish I never left! Im really excited to be back on this site and hoping I can get back into exercising since I have a different schedule and trying to figure everything out has made me keep putting this off for months!
    I look forward to getting to know you and everyone else also!!!
  • I had (way too many) fish sticks this morning and then some vegetarian chili. I estimate the total to be near 1200 or 1300 so far. I'll probably throw on some laundry, put on Netflix, and grab some fruit and/or yogurt to finish off some tiny "hunger pangs" before bed. That and I like fruit and yogurt... >.>

    No exercise since last night but I'm glad to report that I'm not at all sore after my jog, even though I haven't been out jogging in a month or two. I am, however, cleaning and I cooked a bunch of veggies in my crock pot. And I only jabbed myself once this time! The cut I got a few days ago though is healing... >.>
  • Bulletproof Heart, it is neat that you still see some names you recognize! And a lot of us too that you will get to know. It is always nice to get back into it when you have been off the wagon for a while.

    Diana, you really do look great in the photos... and such lovely outfits!!

    lovedancelive, sounds like you are doing GREAT! Way to go. I love fruit and yogurt too... especially Zoi Greek yogurt
  • i keep meaning to get back to posting over here...

    it was a really good weekend, my teenager came back from his trip and flew in yesterday afternoon, so good to have him home! i did a really hard running workout yesterday (hard for me anyhow, new level of difficulty) and found myself VERY sore and stiff later...got alot of cleaning and errands done this weekend...all set for the start of school and work again tomorrow...

    i did go for another treadmill workout this morning...i ran less distance at the same level of difficulty and then walked the rest of the 60 minutes at an incline and fast pace...i was SO sore omggg by the end of it...at the very end when i stopped, i seriously felt like passing out and i'm not even sure why...it was very weird...it may be related to my decrease in calories lately...not sure
  • Good morning, everyone

    alaskanlaughter, glad you are back!!

    Off to work again!!! Wishing everyone an on-plan day!
  • Good Morning, Everyone! Is really Monday, already?

    I'll be back later.

    Calories for yesterday: 1445 +
    Weigh In: 160.4
    Up: .2
  • Happy Monday! It's "shed day" at our house. My 2 year and I will be supervising the delivery which should be rather interesting.

    I'm down 0.6lbs this morning which makes me quite happy.
  • I am so upset with myself. I was doing so good yesterday and then my daughter got home around 9 and brought me a loaded double cheeseburger and I ate it. I just want to cry. I cant believe I let myself do that! grrrr.

    Does anyone think if I lower my calorie intake today that it will make up for it? not sure how that works.

    Hope everyone has a great day
  • [QUOTE=Diana3271;4578370]Hi Everyone!

    Pinkflakes Congrats on the size 9 jeans. I saw your picture. You look awesome! Keep up the great work!

    Thank you you look great also !
  • Quote: Just came back to this site today because I realized it has helped me lose my weight!!! Im so happy I found this thread again! I thought I wouldn't run into anyones user names that I recognized!
    welcome back
  • Quote: Happy Monday! It's "shed day" at our house. My 2 year and I will be supervising the delivery which should be rather interesting.

    I'm down 0.6lbs this morning which makes me quite happy.