Lose 20 pounds (or whatever amount you want) by New Year's Eve Challenge!

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  • Quote: Good Morning everyone...I hope you all are having a great day.

    So I weighed in yesterday and lost 1lb I'm happy about that but of course I really thought it would be more.I'll try harder and see what happens next week.
    Rainydays Your welcome hope you enjoy the recipe.
    Hey, a pound gone is a pound that you don't have to lug around anymore!

    And I'm sure I will enjoy the chili! I'm waiting a week or two to make it since we just had chili, but I'm definitely excited to try it!
  • Rainydays That is true I don't have to lug that pound around anymore..It's just that you know you have those weeks where you feel like you've worked extra hard and when you step on the scale you really expect to see what you think you should see that's all..I'm very happy that I did lose though..
  • Joining the challenge. It is my 3rd week on IP. First 2 weeks have been good, but this week scale is stuck! I am trying not to be discouraged and sticking with it. Went out with my son today, and had a lettuce wrapped burger with a side of salad/no dressing. Will be carrying WF dressing in my purse from now on...
    My goal and my gift to myself is to meet New Years in ONEDRLAND! It has been a long time since I have been there lol. It's about time! I can do it! And you all are my inspiration, thank you for that!
  • ican, I definitely know what you mean! Have you been measuring yourself? I find it to be a HUGE help. If you have weeks where the scale is slow, you very well could be losing inches, especially when you're working out quite a bit. You'll get there!

    dashenka, welcome to 3fc and to our challenge! I hear you on Onederland, I am so close I can taste it!! I've heard Ideal Protein is pretty great, so best of luck with that! What is WF dressing?
  • Rainydays, thank you for encouragement.
    WF dressing-Walden Farms brand(usially WallMart and ShopRite carries it -in produce department in Shop Rite)-0 carbs, 0 everything salad dressings. Helps to get the veggies down. They also carry shirataki noodles (next to tofu). I found them completely edible, and they are only 20 cal per 4 OZ! Of course my couch said they are not allowed, so I will have to wait...
  • Hello everyone! I'm going to hop into your challenge here, because I NEED something to get me going again. I had an awful day yesterday(Sunday) when I realized that I gained back all of the weight I lost last year, pus two extra floaters! That's 40-whatever pounds that I had hoped to keep rid of and didn't, so I'm back to square one and nothing helps me get in the right mindset like a good challenge thread!

    My starting weight is 268 as of yesterday, and my goal will be to weigh 245 by new years - So that's 23 pounds I'd like to re-drop, please!!!
  • Weigh in day! 4.2 lbs down. That's 11 lbs for my first month and also 2 inches off my waist.

    I expected to lose a little more these 2 weeks but I'm just happy I didn't gain with little to no exercise and TOM on me! yay!
  • Quote: Weigh in day! 4.2 lbs down. That's 11 lbs for my first month and also 2 inches off my waist.

    I expected to lose a little more these 2 weeks but I'm just happy I didn't gain with little to no exercise and TOM on me! yay!
    4.2lbs is amazing?! congratulations on the 11 lbs so far, weigh day tomorrow and I think mine is about 4 lbs in the first month lol but I guess that is my target so I dont mind!
  • Quote: 4.2lbs is amazing?! congratulations on the 11 lbs so far, weigh day tomorrow and I think mine is about 4 lbs in the first month lol but I guess that is my target so I dont mind!
    4 pounds is great. I'm sure my weight loss is so high because it's the first month and I do have a lot to lose. I'm sure me sticking to my plan no matter what might have something to do with that too.

    I've really gotta pick up my exercise this next month! I'd really like to start running. I think it'd be so awesome to do a marathon someday. I'm hoping my bf got the hint that I'd like a bike for the holidays this year. We shall see

    Ninepaw Don't get discouraged! You can do this! Welcome and good luck.
  • Quote: 4 pounds is great. I'm sure my weight loss is so high because it's the first month and I do have a lot to lose. I'm sure me sticking to my plan no matter what might have something to do with that too.

    I've really gotta pick up my exercise this next month! I'd really like to start running. I think it'd be so awesome to do a marathon someday. I'm hoping my bf got the hint that I'd like a bike for the holidays this year. We shall see

    Ninepaw Don't get discouraged! You can do this! Welcome and good luck.
    What plan are you following? Or are you counting calories? Would be interested to know how many as you are a tall girl like me! I love running, I can only do a couple miles a time at the moment but am hoping to get my fitness levels higher soon!
  • I'm not following a plan just calorie counting. It seems to have worked for me in the past. I am eating no lower than 1200 and no higher than 1800 right now (my BMR was around 2000 for my height, weight, and age). This usually gives me some low days not often though (yesterday I had around 1300 and was fine). And then some higher days when I get around 1700. With probably an average of somewhere around 1500.

    I usually just try and see how I feel. There are days when I need those extra calories because I'm hungry! But other days I can do just fine with 1300-1400. I am proud to say that I haven't let myself get that "OMG I'm starving" feeling since I started. (Except some days when I wake up my tummy is growling!!). And I haven't had the "OMG I ate too much and am so full" gross feeling.
  • Okay, I'll come back later to catch up with everyone else because I have homework I have to finish for class tonight, but I just got back from the gym and had to post...

    Earlier this week, I saw 200 on the scale. It wasn't an official weigh in day, and I thought it may have been a fluke since I just hit my 203 mini goal last week--that's why I didn't even mention it. Plus with the terrible TOM I've been having, I didn't really believe that it would stick. However, I had a huge whoosh and I made it--

    I weighed 199 exactly after a big lunch, clothed!!!!

    I haven't seen this weight since before my five and half years old twins--I'm ECSTATIC!!! In case you couldn't tell!

    Thank you all so much for supporting me to this point! I had no idea it would be so soon when I created this challenge with hitting Onederland as part of my personal goals. I wonder if I'll slow down now so I do end up at 191 for the challenge by NYE, or if it'll be sooner. Either way, I am just so happy!! Thank you again everyone for the love and support!!!
  • Rainydays omgosh that is so awesome! Congrats!! It must have felt so good to finally be out of the 2's. Keep it up girl! It's only downhill from here!!!

  • Rainydays, WOHOOOO! Congrats! I am so happy for you! Keep it up!
  • Hey ladies!
    I was downtown yesterday all day, and worried about what I’d do for lunch, but I managed to stay OP. We ended up at a pub, and I ordered blackened chicken with baked sweet potatoes. Yummy, and not deep fried (I do have trouble resisting French fries, but they’re just not worth it unless I get them from my favorite restaurant which just happens to be 3 hours away from here ). So I’m happy.

    Rainy: Congratulations!! That’s so exciting! Say goodbye to the 2s forever
    Soft: Congrats on the loss! 11 lbs is great for your first month – you’re well on your way now!
    Blondie: 4 lbs is great! (I also lost 4 lbs in my first month, and it really felt like a huge loss back then, especially compared to the nothing I lost the previous month )
    Ninepaw, Dashenka and Caramelkitty: Welcome!
    Ican: Sometime the scale takes a few days/weeks to catch up with our good work, but you’re doing great so I’m sure you’ll keep on dropping.