Sarge's No Excuses & No Whining Boot Camp #15

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  • Sarge - guess you know my vote

    It will make me try harder!
    .... ..

    Not trying to be pushy. If team members don't want "the cut", it's fine with me.

    After thought - What if it's like on the show, if your elemenated from competition then you compete against the others who are elemenated for best end result. Like the competitors on the show who go home but still compete against each other. (Too much to deal with?)
  • Negative Nelly's
    To many of us have had to deal with negative people in our lives. There are some that they make it a habit to tear others down to make themselves feel better. Frack em. You are losing weight for you, no one else. Have faith in yourself and your accomplishments. It's easy to gain it, pretend to be happy and not be effected. But you are the one that lives with it day to day. Scrawny people don't understand the struggle. If you have never been overweight, then don't lecture me. The Feeders, those that say it's ok to eat it just this once, is only satisfying there need so they feel better. Don't fall into their trap. Keep your positive peeps around you, the true friends who help you fight the cravings, who help choose to walk instead of drive, who try to lose with you and compliment you even when they didn't lose that week. Everyone else that says their a good friend but are negative nelly, just tell em you can see LESS of me later.

    Congrats to all the loser's. Keep the faith! Bring on the B.L. Challenge. I'm ready!
  • Sarge - I vote to cut em loose if they can't take the heat. It's a challenge, challenge yourself.
  • I’m actually all for cuts because I would be more motivated and then the winner actually worked for it every single week. I know we all have bad weeks but like the show that’s life. I do like Jeanettey’s idea of eliminated people being able to still complete against each other.

    But whatever you decide is okay with me since I know it takes a lot of hard work to keep track of these things

    Today I had such a good day. I went to the gym for an intro on TRX so I can now go to the classes. I really want to work on building muscle now since I have been "skinny" before but this time I want to be fit! I am making sure I am getting my money out of my gym pass since I went twice today. Once to go on the bike and stair stepper and then later I went swimming.
  • Thank you all for the welcomes! I was so inspired reading all of your posts as I got caught up with the thread that I hauled my butt to the gym just in the nick of time for this awesome strength training group class. I was a pile of mush at the end ready to veg out at home but I bumped into a friend as I was leaving and decided to go hard before going home and joined her for an intense pilates class.

    It's safe to say I will be sleeping soundly tonight and pleasantly sore tomorrow!
  • I'm fine with eliminations. My initial reservations were mainly because I think it would suck if someone new to this added in weight training or something one week and got eliminated for it. But after seeing who is competing I don't think that will be an issue, so bring it on.

    It might be fun too if Jeanetty ran a weekly challenge with immunity/advantage, if she's up for it. Or someone else, I just like her challenges.

    Reso, thank you for that. I don't think I'm making excuses re: running this time around given my injury history, but I could definitely work harder at other things I do and actually get some solid cross-training in. I'm jealous of your buffalo!

    ennay, running is stupid

    ruby, welcome to the Platoon! I love those happy accidents that cause unintentional exercise. Way to tough it out.

    josey/peanutt, you might want to warn people around you that 2 people from the Platoon are getting together. I'm not sure if they can handle that much hardcore at once. Ok, but really, I am jealous and hope you guys have fun.

    I'm excited for Black OPS to start! Forget Jillian, I'm going to channel Tara the entire time
  • Sarge - I vote eliminate. It is a fun challenge among friends and is going to inspire me as I start training for my hilly 10 miler in Oct.

    kittykat - congrats on making it to the 2teens! You are rocking it!!!

    My stomach is feeling good so I went out for a jog this morning. It felt so good.
  • Rated- Excellent work! I am so impressed that you you have been able to stick with the weight loss during school, keep it up.

    Ruby- Welcome*****

    6:30am walk with my neighbor, on my day off , just happy to get a workout in.
  • Morning Troopa Koopas

    Lift those knees. Swing those arms. Get out there and exercise!

    Did 5 mile run last night. Good stuff. My lunch is packed and ready with an apple and cucumbers with some left over dinner from last night (chili!)

    Make it a good day people!

    Keep it going!
  • Darn it! I missed beating Chesh to the early morning post by less than 30 seconds so I'm gonna put up my poster anyway!

    And after reading the comments about eliminating players in the Black Ops Challenge I say LET'S DO IT!!!! So there you have it...the player with the lowest % of weight loss each week will be eliminated from the challenge unless they beat out the lowest player on the NBC show. Our challenge therefore becomes a game of last man standing. At the end of the challenge I'll also name an "at home" winner, the one who lost the greatest % of the eliminated players.

  • I'm fine with eliminating people as long as everyone agrees to be honest. I think it promotes dishonesty and I'm not totally sure I believe everything that everyone says on here as is.
  • Good Morning Troopa Koopas <----

    Cheshire: The turtle is cracking me up this AM

    SARGE: You almost made it to the first post. I am from your poster. I hate it when that happens . . . LOLOLOL . . . silly panda

    Well sounds like the Black OPs team and rules are set: GOOD LUCK TROOPS!!!!

    Anon: If people are dishonest, then the only person they're sabotaging is themselves. Everything here on SARGE's playground is on the honor system. Maybe I'm gullible, but I accept what people say at their word, (unless it's something outrageous) . . . sometimes truth is stranger than fiction sometime

    I was sore yesterday and even more sore today, (DA*N, fitocracy achievements . . . ) I think I will just walk this AM and stretch and stretch and stretch . . . OH MY . . . OK, off to do some crunches to get the blood flowing . . . I will definitely need my bunny hug this AM . . . (I think summer is OVER . . . <sigh> )
  • Good Morning Platoon!

    While catching up on all the posts I realized I went away without telling anyone. Sorry about that. I had two trips in a row and seriously upped my work out routine for Fitocracy challenges. All together it was more going on then I could keep up with. Sorry for dropping off the map like that.

    I have seriously improved my workout regiment but I seem to have totally thrown off my calorie balance in the process. I'm going to have to try and recalculate my BMR and see if I can re-gain that perfect balance I had going before. Need to get everything back in check before the BL Challenge starts up again.

    Can I be on the Black Op's team with you guys and the Red Team? Double the motivation double the fun right?

    Also, I've been talked into running a 10miler on December 3rd. I haven't officially signed up for it yet but I don't think the ladies will let me get out of it
  • MadamB, they're only sabotaging themselves in our ordinary weigh-ins, but if someone lies about their weigh-in and causes someone else to be eliminated, now they're sabotaging someone else's effort. But whatever, that's fine. I think it also gives an advantage to anyone who's post-menopausal/disadvantage to anyone who's on their period on a given week.

    I'm changing up the spreadsheet, experimenting with how to make this work. Pretty much, the only way it WILL work is if EVERYONE logs in their weight each week. The formulas are going to go all haywire if people leave weeks blank. I can either make a simpler Black Ops spreadsheet that only tracks %lost or everyone can pledge to AT LEAST enter their weight each week. BTW, leaving your weight blank for a week or more, then entering it again whenever you decide to return totally screws the spreadsheet, so if you take a few weeks off, at least enter the same weight each week until you return.

    I restarted c25k today. w1d1. I decided I want to run outside, and it is SOOOOO much harder than running on a treadmill. So back to square 1 for me.
  • The following people are being removed from the spreadsheet as of this evening unless they speak up and ask to stay:


    I believe that the following people need to be added:


    Once again, please let me know if I forgot anyone. Changes should be made (additions and deletions) by tomorrow morning. I will keep working on the %lost change for a few days, though, as that one will be slow to roll out.