****Weekly Chat March 22nd-28th****

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  • So I just got my hair done....nothing super special, same color that I have been getting...but I definitely needed it. And I have been trying to grow my hair out for a while so she just trimmed it all up and trimmed my bangs up. But it looks 100 times better.

    And yes being in the single "CLUB" is kind of sucking right now. I thought I was going to get to see ryan today but I haven't heard from him. He will probably call me before he goes to bed. BLAH! I think I am going to curl up on my couch and watch a movie out of pure boredom and lack of REALLY wanting to pay or find a babysitter for tonight
  • Hey all I'm having a rough day today. I'm exhaused. I don't know why. I've spent the last like 4 hours sitting here doing virtually nothing. Which is bad given how much I have to do. Everyone keeps telling me that I don't seem like myself today. Plus I'm having all these body image issues today fearing that I'm gaining weight. I haven't weighted myself since the surgery becuase I don't want to see my weight until the swelling settles down. I think the body imagin is just becuase I'm pretty swollen but it's just been a rough day all around.
  • Aww, I am sorry you are having a bad day, rememberhowtosmile. When will the swelling go down? I bet you will be pleasantly surprised when you weigh yourself!

    Try to smile and remember that tomorrow is a new day! Do something to make yourself feel better- read a book, take a walk, etc. We're here for ya!
  • Well haven't participated in the weekly chat for some time, since I haven't been on for some time... Well Today at work I got a ton done, and I'm hoping it will prove to my boss who thinks I am basically worthless that she is wrong. Been doing alot of thinking lately, and I, no kidding, think I have an anxiety disorder... I don't know why it was never suggested. In high school I was diagnosed with sleep paralysis, IBS, and a heart condition that are all stress related. Last year in my abnormal psych class I had to take a test that diagnosed me with an anxiety disorder also. I get so scared to meet new people, and talk to people and try new things that I avoid them. Sigh. I wish I had medical insurance so I could go to a doctor. Anyone know any options for something like this in MI that wouldn't involve insurance?
  • i have been a bum today. still in pj's and havent worked out. i will workout tonight though as soon as my food digests i plan to start my FIRM tape at 945ish.

    i think i needed a day but as of tomorrow it is crunch time i will be completing as many assignments as i can to make my life easier these last crap 8 weeks of undergrad.

    will be back after workout

    EDIT: i'm not working out i think i need to rest my body ive pushed it hard the last 3 days. i will be back at it bright and early in the morning promise. still POP though with eating and water and i am taking this as a planned rest day and substituting another.
  • cake - thanks! I hope my dress is good, i'll post pictures afterwards, except that my roommate borrowed the cord to my camera and mp3 for his camera and THEN his dumb mp3 got stollen with my cord! no new picts, but the cord is on order now...stay tuned!! I went to school right out of HS, then quit for so long, on and off again for forever i've just decide to work for an associate...whatev, but applied science is coool you don't really NEED a bach, just xperience! Your boy is so not good for you, i mean we don't know the WHOLE story but girl, you need someone who COMPLIMENTS you, not the other way around...

    luvja - Definitely take a conscious decision to complement today....veer your steering back to us, pwwwweeeese!!! We luvja! haha, i'm a dork, seriously, but caaaaamon

    brie -

    Star - i hope you made salsa, that is some of the funnest stuff evar!

    CORA!!!!! - oh girl, damnit when it rains it pours!!! Damnit!!!! Don't you ever worrry about anything, we are all here waiting for you and when you get everything together, we'll STILL be here, So glad to hear from you...We miss your cute lil avatar!

    Chele - it's beeen a while since i've personalized you, but glad you are back, and I love running but only at practice and since it has now been 10 years since i played softball at a community college i've never really done any running, so c25k is my bag baby!

    Star & Bliss - i want the pasta dish recipe too, just like bliss, but i LOVE cottage cheese with salt and pepper, or with sliced peaches yum! I understand the texture though, i hate ricotta for that same reason

    miss melissa - definitely a normal fear girl...what do you like I can make a snack closest to our favs at all...you';ll learn through your journety too, but every little bit helps...i love love love snacks, so i have learned to make veggies my snack...i'm serious, i eat a WHOLe tomato as a snack, and people laugh, but its DEEEEE lish, and yum and GOOD FOR YOU!!! Don't stop with the image in your head, let it be your motivaion, DO STOP being afraid you can do anything as long as you commit to it, seriously!!

    bee - yay BF is coming but i can certainly relate to period/quarter end, i'm in operations so we just have to make sure everything is there so you can BILL it!! Do work soN!

    rhts - girl just keep on trucking, i agree with the wi, don't do it till you feel comfortable, plus you still have pains, so just seeing anyhing negative might put you over. you have come so farrrrrrrrr so relax for a bit then jump back in!!

    brie - girl, just dont fall out, its ok to be BLAH one day, we know you'll do your stuff!!

    BL - still yay you hair is DID now, woowho! Sorry no ryan time, but you are still makin good decisions saving money and staying in, its for your own good right!

    K Girls, i'm getting ready for bed, WI is tomorrow morning, I FORGOT this morning that it is TOM for me, and I just don't care about anything, we did a 50 min lift on our arms today which was pretty much 3 workouts each on biceps and triceps, then i said FFFFFFFF the cardio, cause realluy i didnt want to b there anyway...so I got home and weighed 150.8, so that's cool after 10 glasses of a 30oz glass today is fantastic, and plus ice i probably had 200 oz of water today?>?????? plus the one bottle of wine commpleted by now?>????!??! ok, so I'm a lush i admit it, but stilll caaamon 147!!! talk to you all tomorrow, gnight!!
  • sorry girls no time for personals. beck at yeah tomorrow. night
  • Well ladies...i got a babysitter and told Ryan that I was comin over for a bit. It was good to spend a little"quality" time with him.

    Anyways maybe I will take some new pictures and put them up...for now It is WAY past my bedtime and I need to be going to sleep
  • I weighed last night.I gained a pound. Fuggit no biggie. My fridge was out and I have been struggling. I have been doing a resistance training. So between muscle recivery and higher sodium intake I am not too bummed. I will be fine in no time. Just in case you are wondering .....I am totally convincing myself. After my appt today I will go to the gym and kick some a** and then push up/sit up challenge for me!!! SO I paid for a bagel yesterday for Panera cause I just really wanted one. So the guy is bringing them in this morning......I was only planning on eating 1/2 but now I am little bummed about eating any. I want it though. You guys think it would kill me??? Anyways SO I got up this morning and made me a salad, a roast beef sandwich on whole wheat Arnold Bread, and then stopped by Farm Fresh BEFORE work and picked up strawberries for my cereal and an apple for a snack.. NOT BAD ehh!

    I am pumped and ready to get this week right!!!

    Starmac - I will be patiently waiting on your answer. 10.0 MPH Holy Crap Batman! You're awesome

    Cora - Hi Baby. So glad to hear from you. I am glad you are doing well.

    Becky - Even if you didn't change your hair its always a confidence boost to get it done. Yay for "quality time" w/ Ryan. You needed a little free time.

    DanSin - Bummer about the cord. Yeah I haven't totally decided but I am too smart to be walking around without it. I have a great job (finance and benefits wise) but it was supposed just until I finished with school for what I wanted to do and I have now been here for 8 YEARS!

    BRie- Good Idea to rest cause you will bustin a** when you come back all refreshed! Oh and my mom thinks your pic is so beautiful!

    Tandi - HI. I hope you figure out something...

    RHTS - Sorry you have been so exhausted. But you are tuff as nails and you will come through this. You probably just needed to vent a bit

    Bee - Congratulations on graduating! HAHA

    Chele - Yay you are a runner now. I love the runners club!

    Oh I am not moving my ticker up a pound EFFF THAT
    Edit: Ladies it dawned on me that for the past six years I have been trying to get into a bikini and every summer passes me by year after year. Its not that I haven't lost any weight becasue I have (and a good bit) but because it seems unrealistic that I will ever have a body that will constitute being able to wear one. It seems like I was not made for that sort of body so get over it! Any you ever felt this way and did it change for you?
  • Cakebatter- I JUST TOLD HUBBY THE SAME THING. I told him that I wasn't made for a bikini and that I never foresee myself getting into one. He disagrees saying that at goal... Anything will be possible! And while I know he is trying to be supportive, realistically, it ain't happening. Seriously, had he not seen my loose skin and horrid stretch marks? How about the lovely "bottom belly"? Although I hope all that to be smaller and toned... there is no way I will EVER be bikini ready. *I so hope I'm wrong! I wanna bikini!! *

    What do the rest of you think?
  • RHTS - You've come so far and inspire me. You're just having a rough day.

    Heather - I say the same thing all the time. "I was not made for a bikini" and have accepted the fact that I will probably never wear one. I gain most of my weight in the stomach, and I'm almost CERTAIN I will NEVER have a flat stomach. Not to mention all the stretch marks, and probably saggy skin afterwards. Nope, no bikini for Sherri!
  • Yeah I have that "bottom belly" shyt and I have never had any children. I was like effin born with that ugly shaped stomach. I have plenty of overweight friends and their stomach pokes out but they don't have TWO! I have some permanent indention across my fuggin belly button!!!
  • Cake - I gained too, and I'm totally convincing myself that it's ok, cause I work hard and its TOM...And you know what IT IS OK, we work our butts off, and it's going to be up , down, up, down, up, ESPECIALLY with resistance training, so every other week I'm up, and down. OH Friggin well, and NO I'm not changing my tracker either. Oh, yeah I keep saying I'm only here through school too, I'm on 8 years too, that's crazy, before this job I normally only make it 9 months, Its just to comfy here!

    BL - Yay Ryan time, does he always have his girls too?

    Cake/Heather - Bikini's are a confidence thing! There are so many women on them beaches that probably shouldn't be wearing them bikini's but they don't care and they do it! I think it all comes down to your comfortability levels, I mean if you tell yourself there is no way it's happening, then of course it will never happen! But I say if you want to wear one, get er'done and do it! Definitely at goal you will feel much better about yourself, and probably have the confidence to put one on and strut your stuff like nobody's business...I dunno, I don't feel comfortable wearing one either, if my stretch marks don't go away with a tan and some tone, then you wont catch me in one either, unless its a tank-top top lol.

    Ok so i was 149.6 this moring boofreakingwho! Whatev, it's not 150, so i'll take it. I mean 2 weeks ago I was 151, then last weighin was 148, so 149 this week is like an average or something, right? hahaha, Whatev, I'm gonna look smoking tonight in my dress and i'm going to have a good time, so scale! Have a good day ladies, I'll try and stop in before I leave...caamon 12:45, that's when I get outta here!
  • Quote: Yeah I have that "bottom belly" shyt and I have never had any children. I was like effin born with that ugly shaped stomach. I have plenty of overweight friends and their stomach pokes out but they don't have TWO! I have some permanent indention across my fuggin belly button!!!
    Is it like a permanent fold line? Like where all your pants must sit or they slide right off? I totally wondered if I was the only one that permanently folded across the belly button and had 2 distinct, separate stomach sections.
  • Yeah like my pants are SUPPOSED to sit there. But since I have gotten my belly button piercing I push them sort of down below the belly button. I know what ya'll thinking ....I got it in hopes of it being healed by summer when I am smokin!!!! HAHAHA