TBL "WMB" - Black Team Chat

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  • Hello all I'm on the black team just wanted to say hi , this is my first challenge looking forward to it .Good luck every one.
  • Quote:
    A few people have said how lucky I am that my DH is losing weight with me and so supportive of my weight loss. I agree, I am pretty lucky to have him. He is also in this TBL challenge. He is even on our Black team. His username here is Mikella. He doesn't have much time for the computer and is afraid that the ladies here would feel weird if he posted. He has lost 55 lbs in the last 4 months. He rocks.
    That IS awesome!!! DH and I are in this together as well. It's a lot "easier" to have someone that you're doing it with.... AND, tell him to get in here and POST. My hubby has a 3FC account. He's not in the challenges, but he comes and posts his pictures every now and then. I also think it's REALLY cool that you two got on the same team!!! What are the odds? (well, I guess 1 in 3 chance, huh...lol). Anyway, who here votes that Mikella needs to join in the chat? I DO!! I know that the Blue team has a man on their team also.... so, I, for one, would not feel the least bit weird if he posted here.
  • Congratulations to all that have WI and lost weight this week. Good Luck on WI tomorrow LodonJulz I also weigh in tomorrow morning so I will post before I leave for work. I have been OP for over a week well besides the 2 onion rings I had tonight with one bite of a mozzarella stick so hopefully tomorrow WI will still be okay.
  • That is great!! My dh is doing this with me aswell, he is actually my inspiration, he has been going to the gym since May 06' and he has really made some significant changes to his body, I am so proud of him.

    I wouldn't feel weird if he posted here either!!
  • I want to wish everyone that's weighing in tomorrow a good weigh in. We all need to get some more exercise time into the moon. As far as miles the blue team seems to have more in than we do. I don't think I've admitted it here before but I'm a wee bit competitve.

    ahill1979 (Manada)- Yay, your dh is on the same team.

    If I had a million dollars I would pay off all our debts, get dd her braces, tithe, donate to the library, get dh the truck and boat he's been wanting, get a new house some land, get an rv, take the family to Disneyland and take mil to Yellowstone. She's always wanted to go.
  • Good morning! Wow we've been busy since the last time I posted...that's great, I hope it stays like this til the end of the challenge. I weighed in this morning and am happy to say I posted a big loss -7.5lbs . I don't think I ever posted that big of a number..**happy dance**. I planned on running this morning, but it took me a lil longer reading the posts so...I'll have to try to get it in later.

    If I had a million dollars....I'd build a house, buy two or three vehicles...one being a jaguar...always wanted one of those. I'd buy a boat, a snow mobile, a four wheeler, a camper, lots and lots of clothes, I'd get my hair did, I'd have electrolysis done, buy season football tickets for the Detroit Lions and the Huskers hmmm... I guess I'm probably gonna need a plane and a pilot, then I'd start vacationing....First I'd go to Alaska...been a dream of mine for a long time (maybe that's where I'd build my house), Then I'd head to Africa, then a fun trip to Vegas...stay at the Venetian....oh to dream!

    I better hop in the shower...its snowing so gonna have to leave a bit earlier to get DD to preschool on time.

    Everyone have a great op day.
  • dream710 - WOW!!! Way to go!!!! That will balance out for my 1 pound GAIN that I have to post this week However, I'm not so disappointed because I know it's not a "real" gain... it's muscle. So... I'll not be discouraged because I know that that number will start going down.....I hope....lol

    Hope you all have a GREAT day!!!!!!
  • GREAT JOB Dream710 7.5 lbs you go get a happy dance.

    LondonJulz like you said since you started lifting weights you usually do gain a little but it will come off with a vengence

    Well today was WI day for me and I did loose 5.7 lbs so I think I will give myself the happy dance as well I am trying really hard to stay OP becasue I do have a vacation goal but that would mean that I need to loose 3.4 pounds in the next 8 days not sure if I will be able to achieve that but I will sure try and will get close. I believe I lost this much because I did do TO this week....

    Good Luck to everyone else that will be weighing in the next couple of days, hope all goes well for you. Have a Great Day everyone.
  • Good morning everyone!

    Wow, dream & reda those are excellent numbers! It's a great way to start off the first weigh in.

    LondonJulz- Don't worry about that 1 pound gain. Your next weigh in will be more to your liking.

    Darn, thyroid, with all that working out (eating could of been better & Tom) I lost 3 for this week. That's a good loss for me though. So I'm off to the gym for right now. This is the best I've ever done with exercise.
  • Good morning Black Team.

    hsmomx2-Congrats on your loss this week and congrats on the exercise. Getting on and sticking to an exercise routine is so hard for me.

    dream & reda-WOW! You guys kicked tail this week. That is fabulous. WTG!

    Julz-Don't let this weeks weigh in get you down. You are building muscle which will help you lose more weight in the long run. Next week the scale will be going in the right direction. I think you rock!

    Maybe I can get my DH to post here this weekend. He is pretty much my inspiration. And have I said how proud of him I am??

    Hey, I am pretty proud of all of us here too. We have done great so far. Just gotta keep it up. I am going to go and check out the exercise challenge now. I need something to help me stay accountable in that area too.

    Later. Good luck today everyone!
  • Good morning Black team. I've lost 5 lbs so far but I like to wait until Monday morning s to post just in case I lose some more.

    Congratz to all you big losers! WTG!

    Have a great weekend.
  • I weigh in tomorrow hoping to have lost something, I like this challenge and I like the idea of teams you know for support. I wish my DH would join me its cool that some of your DH are joining you.Have a great day Rena
  • Hi everyone. I missed a day or 2 of checking in and there were 3 new pages of posts! Yikes! But I read them all! Thanks to everyone with their congrats for me and my bun in the oven. I had a bit of morning sickness this week and my appetite is down (actually a good thing because it has stopped me from snacking!!).

    Hmmm, if I had a million dollars....definately pay off the house, buy all the materials to renovate the basement, buy a new truck for my husband, buy a ton of photography equipment and all the latest scrapbooking gear, let my son go wild at Toys R Us....there are too many things that I'd like to do!!!
  • Just popping in to say to all the people doing so well already! There are some amazing losses!

    I keep taking before pics and I keep not liking how my face and hair look in them (I definitely need a haircut). I will give it one more shot tonight and I will post them whether I like them or not.
  • WTG Black team losers (lol).

    Ive yet to post my first progress pic. I've been waiting for a chance to get out and get some new batteries for my camera.

    I'm also planning on buying a nice measuring tape... I have a seamstress one and I really hate it, plus I haven't been able to find it for th elife of me lol.