Slimmin SAHMmies 2!!!!!!!!

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  • Thanks, Chris. Actually, the baby has been pretty wonderful, compared to some of the stories I've heard. From the first night in the hospital, she has only gotten up once a night, max. Thing is, I go to bed at midnight, she gets up around 4, 4:30...then sleeps until about 8 or so....but even though that sounds pretty good, I think it's the interruption in my sleep. Plus, she's still not super 'regulated', though we're trying. I mean, some nights she's up at 4ish...others it's 6 ish. She's getting better and better at sleeping through...but we're still working on it, lol. One thing, because she's adopted, I don't have the physical recovery of my own, or the biological part of 'baby blues'. I do, however, think that all the changes have tossed me for a bit of a spin. Hubby is trying too - he's not being evil...I know that part of the problem is that I'm overtired and I take whatever he says as negatively as I can. However, he hasn't gotten up with her once. There have been a couple nights she got up at 3, and he was still up (and fed her), but other than that, it's always me. With his work schedule, though, I think it's the best option...I just need to give him a chunk of the daytime that she's 'all daddy's girl'. It will be good for all three of us.

    OK, enough whining from me - good night!

    Here's to a great tomorrow!

  • Good morning ladies. I feel horrible this morning...Last night was one of those nights where I woke up every couple of hours, and i am pretty sure I have caught whatever it is that Haleigh has (so has DH) Soon I am going to run DH out of bed so I can rest for a while, lol. I bet he'll appreciate that Anyways... I did pretty well yesterday, except i didnt drink any water, but I will do better w/ that today. I think my personal challenge for this week will be to get in at least 48oz of water daily. I think that when I take Christian to school this week, I will stop by the town's walking track for a quick walk (if it isnt raining) I have ALOT of housework to catch up on this week also.

    Anywho, the kiddies are hungry, so i gotta get off here and fix them something to eat.
    I'll check in later,
  • Snoopy: Welcome to 3fc and Slimmin' Sahmmies! Always room for one more (and the more we slim down, the more room there will be, ha-ha!)

    Cat: I must have missed the post where you were asking about advice for your husband's adjusting to the baby. Here's my 2 cents: Since, like you, I was new to staying at home and it felt weird, I would ask my hubby each morning if there was anything around the house he would like me to do while he was at work. Sometimes he wanted something done (update Quicken, compare cell phone plans, other small projects like that), more often than not he would say "Just take care of yourself and the baby". But that way I felt better about just staying around the house playing with the baby (which, although it was my new job, was very fun!), and he got the chance to let me know of a project that he would like done. Maybe that would help with your hubby.

    Another thing that helped was organizing my chores. There are certain things that I do every day for obvious reasons (dishes, scoop litterboxes, straighten up), but I scheduled weekly chores for certain days (e.g., bathrooms on Tuesdays, vacuuming on Fridays, etc.). If you can organize your days in a similar way, maybe letting your husband know your schedule will help his perception of your daily activities.

    And make sure you keep taking those naps when you can! You've already realized how much it helps. Even though you didn't physically give birth, you still need that extra rest and recovery because you're losing sleep every night as well as adjusting to a completely different way of life. When the baby sleeps, take the opportunity to nap yourself and don't feel guilty about it. I got to the point where I would take a 20 minute nap as soon as I put The Sir down for his morning nap; without fail I would wake after 20 minutes and actually felt refreshed.

    Sorry to be so long-winded; hubby and stepkids are watching the bowl games and I'm sitting here with them typing away because I could care less about football.

    Hello to everyone else, hope you're having good days! Talk to you later!

  • Good Morning Ladies!!
    Good Morning Ladies! How is everyone doing? Good i hope! I am doing good, except my legs, arms, butt HURTS......OMG!! Taebo Bootcamp workout....will kick your BUTT!!! I have only just begun and i am ALREADY FEELING IT BIG TIME!!! Its great though, i know i will see results with this, if i already feel it and i didn't even finish it all the way through. WOW!! Anyways............

    Snoopy: and most importantly to the SLIMMINSahmmies! Of course there is room for one more!! There is always room for more!! I really hope you like it here, these ladies are an awesome bunch of GREAT ladies!! Good luck with your goals we are all here for you!!

    Cynthia: Good job on throwing in a little veggies on a night full of go girl!! And oh yeah about Mariah....i think she ALWAYS dresses like a hoochie mamama....i mean your right atleast she isn't stick then, but you are right she has put on some weight......and to be wearing what she wears i think only makes her look bigger!

    Amanda: Take it easy!! Don't over due it and get REALLY sick like Cara!! I think this is just the time of the year for EVERYONE to be sick!! Darn Germs!!

    Julie: OMG!! You can run a 1/2 mile!! You go girl!! WOW! Thats so great!! You are doing Soooo good!!

    Chris: I am very proud that you are deciding to join that Gym!! That is such a big step in becoming a more fit and healthy person!! You go girl!! And don't worry about other people!! All that matters is what you think!!

    Well ladies, i have a confession. I am no longer "dieting" well by that i mean i am no longer doing the Atkins diet! I am tired of everytime i take a day off or have a slice of pizza or some corn i gain a pound or more i am officially just watching what i eat, measure my portions, and count calories,fat,carbs,sugar,sodium....i did it yesterday and today i am three pounds lighter than i was when i started, i know it is water weight...but its great too see usually i have to eat no carbs for a couple of days to see it. So i am HOPING AND PRAYING that just watching what i eat, is enough to help me loose and more importantly KEEP IT OFF!! Have a great day ladies!!! I will chat with you all later!!

  • Alisha - that Bootcamp is serious business. Believe me, if you stick with it you will definitely see results. I noticed muscle tone after just a couple of weeks of doing it. And I know what you mean about giving up Atkins, it wasn't for me for that same reason.

    Well ladies, I am officially back on track today. I have been doing horribly and the scale says I gained five pounds. I'm hoping that's mostly water weight. So, I have to dust off Billy and get back to business. I haven't seen him since last Wednesday and he probably misses me. lol
  • Good morning ladies. I am feeling a *little* better today, although I didnt sleep well again last night, but I have armed myself w/ nyquil for tonight , LOL...That should give me a few hours of sleep uninterupted by coughing and such. I ended up keeping Haleigh home from school today, she was running a mild fever again this morning...GRRR...I wish this Crud would go away, lol. The only one of us who ISNT sick is Christian, but I'm sure he'll catch it w/in a couple of days, I hate this time of year

    I bought myself a new sports bra today (one that lifts and separates....No more Uni-Boob, ROFLOL), and a couple of 5lb dumbbells so I can start doing some strength training, I got some fitness bands for Christmas so I should be able to come up w/ a decent workout...

    Alisha: I agree 100% although I have to admit (knocking on wood as I say this) I have never had pneumonia, or strep throat. Until I got preggers w/ Christian I could count on 1 hand the # of times I had been to the dr for being sick. I suppose growing up in a large family has its advantages

    Cindy: Men really don't understand how much work is involved w/ keeping house and taking care of kids. I have had my DH come home to a spotless house and say "So, have to DONE anything today?" Hmmm..Lets see, where do I start, LOL. I just wanted to slap him, lol. OH well what can you do ?

    Cara, I hope you are feeling better Take it easy and get well

    Well, I'll end my novel now. I gotta get busy on the house
  • Good morning...ladies.
    I called my sister on the phone and she's gonna go with me to join the gym. She went yesterday to work out and she says that all that was there was some old guys. I feel better...I was worried about all the skinny little lycra clad blonde bombshells.

    Amanda-I had to laugh! The uniboob...too much, girl! I loved it. I hope ya start feeling better. I've had pneumonia...and it sucked. I'm hoping you get better soon. All this stuff going around is starting to get to me too.

    Alisha-I never tried Atkins, but I did South Beach and when I started eating carbs, I gained back the weight too. Right now I am going through the weight loss center at our hospital. I'm doing a higher protein diet but still eating carbs (only the healthy ones) and it works pretty good as long as I stay within my calorie limit they have for me.

    Cara-Haven't heard from you for a bit either. Are you still sick? Hope you get to feeling better soon.

    Hi Cynthia! I missed part of the Mariah Carey discussion, but FYI I think she looks like she's a touch larger than she used to be and on anybody, I have always hated when people who are heavy try to stuff themselves in clothes that are too small. It does make them look larger. It makes a person look heavier too, when you wear too large of clothes. My mom and I were talking about that the other day. I was always wearing big tees and then i finally bought some that are my size and I look so much thinner, even though my weight is the same. I can't stand wearing stuff that is too small though.

    Julie-1/2 mile? I'd be dead if I tried that. My lungs would be on fire and my legs would fall off. Way to go!

    I may have forgotten some people (sorry) but I have got to get my butt busy and finish my folding clothes so I can get to my sister's house. Talk to you later.


    I am so excited. Thanks for the encouragement you all gave me.

  • chris - congrats!!!!! I am so excited for you! You are on your way.

    I haven't had a chance to read all that I've missed - promise to catch up later. I've been upset & down b/c I still am not "released" to exercise. I want to so bad. I tried to dance w/ the kiddies yesterday and i felt awful. So, I have until Monday (my dr. check-up) to stay ay home and stew. I will not say anymore. I am sneaking out tomorrow to get the bootcamp video. I am starting Monday night if all is well. I may only be able to do 15 or 20 minutes but what the heck, I gotta start somewhere.

    Hello to all , newbies & friends alike. I will check in later tonight.

  • Wow - sounds like everyone is doing great! We had a big day too - I had things to do in town, so baby and I went and ran around pretty much all day. She is so wonderful - she will sleep/eat/play anywhere. We went by the foster/adopt agency we are licensed through to do some volunteering, and she got so many snuggles! It was great to see her interacting with other people and all.

    I want to thank y'all for all the suggestions about helping hubby and I transition into the whole SAHM thing. I had already done a lot of that - in fact, I made 'day of the week' index cards with the stuff I need to get done on a given day. It was working OK, then hubby signed up for a different shift at work - went to 4-10 hour days instead of 5 days a week, and it threw everything off. I need to re-do those cards!

    My eating was good today, and I made awesome choices in the grocery store. I have given myself a 'present' of a little time to be online right now, then I'm going upstairs to get some chores done, grind some wheat, make some bread dough...blah blah blah. It's been a long day, but a good one. I hope everyone else is well!

  • --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Im bad, I went on a 2 month Hiatus from you guys. So I guess I will reintroduce myself. My name is Jenny I am 21 and want to look it. I used to weigh 140 pounds then I had two kids, now I am at about 205. I had gotten my self down to 194 before I had my emergency surgery and since then have gain all the weight I lost back. I am ready to get back on track and be healthy for my girls. Plus I wouldnt mind looking hot in a swimsuit. So here I am.
  • Carafre! Nice to see you again. PLEASE do not overdo it, okay? Start small (that probably means no Taebo, but like you say if you just do a few minutes you should be okay). I saw that Jenny posted on our first thread, she's back! I sent her a PM letting her know about Slimmin' SAHMmies 2, hopefully we'll see her soon.

    So, is the Bootcamp workout the official tape we'll be doing? I'll have to get it next time I'm at Target, if I can find it. Sounds good to me!

    Chris: Congrats on joining the club! You will like it, I'm sure. I belonged to Gold's Gym and went faithfully until I got pregnant. The only complaint I have is the expense, but some gyms are priced better than others. I really wanted to take some of their classes, but never got a chance to.

    Amanda: Uniboob, that cracked me up! I'm sorry to hear you are all still sick. I'm like you, though; before getting pregnant I never went to the doctor. Not even for my yearly exam (I know, that's bad!). Since I was married I had pneumonia once and a severe cat bite once, but that's about it until the little guy decided to make his presence known.

    Alisha & Tracey: Good for you about the new eating plan, hope it works for you. I've always been a little suspicious about the Atkins diet. Many of the people I knew who were on it would eat the craziest things and it never seemed to be very balanced. But what works for one person doesn't always work for another.

    Have a good evening ladies!

  • I found it. Glad to be back!!
  • Jenny -

    Bootcamp it is!!! Weigh in on Saturday & water , water, water.

  • Good Evening Ladies!
    Good Evening Ladies. How is everyone doing? Good i hope.....I am doing has been such a long day for me, i had to take the MIL to the doctor and i got stuck there for about two hours...and needless to say my 3 year old got RESTLESS i about had all my hair pulled out by the time she got out Anyways needless to say i blew my calorie limit today....oh well i will kick myself in the butt later....i am back on track tomorrow...i have still been doing i took off, my poor legs and butt and abs need a little rest.....

    Cara: I am glad you are feeling better, take it easy though. Taebo is REALLY hard, don't jump into anything too hard just yet, take it easy, ease back into it....

    Cynthia: For me Atkins worked, thats where i have lost the weight that i have lost so far....but i hate it when i go off for a day or two that i gain weight!! So i am trying just eating healthy watching my calories and fat, etc.....I really hope it works....i have debated trying out for the Biggest Looser.....i don't know though, i don't think i could be away from my family that long.....i don't think THEY could be away from me that long, you know?

    Chris: YOU GO GIRL!! You have taken SUCH BIG step in joining a GYM. We are all sooooOOOoooooo proud of you!! Good luck....don't give up...if you need us to give you a kick in the butt now and then, we will

    Tea: I can already feel results i can't wait till i get so see them!! Can you make it all the way through the bootcamp workout without stopping.?

    Cat: You make your own bread? You Go girl!!

    Amanda: I hope your little girl gets to feeling better soon. Tis the season for NASTY germs!! I hope you all can get past it.....Keep your lysol handy!!

    Jenny: Well, Well Mrs. Jenny how have you been, long time!!! How are things for you, we have missed you. And we are SUPER glad to have you back! Jump right back in!!

    Julie: How ya doing sweetie?

    Well ladies i am going to jump off here, i hope i didn't miss anyone if i did i am sorry. Ladies have a GREAT night i will chat with you all tommorrow!
