IP Daily Chat Tuesday 02/14/2012

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  • Quote: Happy Valentine's Day everyone! I ended up having a good day. One of my employees gave me a decorated wine glass with different types of candy in it. I set it on my desk and did not touch ANY of them! I gave them to my husband. Not that he needs them either but better than me eating them! I feel empowered and strong!

    Came home to a dozen orangish/yellow roses that smelled so good! My husband and I's one year anniversary is on the 19th and he is planning a dinner out somewhere. Tonight I just made my own dinner with portabello mushrooms and crab. YUM!!

    Have a great night all!
    What a beautiful gift from hubby. It sure made passing on the candy gift worthwhile. Enjoy your special anniversary. If you make it throught the first year the rest of them are easy. ( I was going to say a piece of cake but caught myself!)

  • Quote: WooHoo!!! So, I just wanted to pop in and say I WON the photo shoot contest I had posted about. Thank you guys all SO SO much, I can't tell you how much it means to me.
    That is incredible!!! It will be a wonderful gift for your hubby!

  • movie tonight

    I was wondering what kind of suggestions does everyone have to snack on when going to the movie theatre. I usually take soy puffs but I have already had my one restricted today??? Hmm, what should I take?
  • Quote: So I can't remember where I read about it, but thanks to whoever mentioned the liquid stevia. I just ordered valencia orange, peppermint, root beer, English toffee, chocolate and vanilla cream. I can't wait to get them and play with the flavors. I am already thinking of mixing the peppermint and chocolate to make a "hot chocolate" drink. Not to mention putting the English toffee with a bit of vanilla cream in my coffee. I actually splurged for 2day shipping so I can be sure to have these for the weekend when I have my biggest cravings for sweets.
    Where did you order from? (I'm sorry if you've already covered this...I am so far behind in my reading!!!)
  • Quote: My clinic doesn't have the potatoes yet. My coach said he was hesitant to get them because it would make people want to eat more with them. I'm going to have to ask him to get them. They sound yummy!
    Well I would have liked more, but of course I didn't eat anymore. I had that for lunch with some celery and WF peanut butter. Great lunch.

    Quote: WooHoo!!! So, I just wanted to pop in and say I WON the photo shoot contest I had posted about. Thank you guys all SO SO much, I can't tell you how much it means to me.
  • Hi Awesome IP'ers, I have read your posts odd and on for close to a year I think and am finally introducing myself. I did IP for a couple months last spring and lost 30pounds then started sabotaging myself. I do not do well with male attention and I think that's why I keep loosing and gaining and I am sooooooooo tired of it. Anyway, I started cheating and couldn't seam to stop so my coach and I decided I should go off till I could really recommit. So, I've been off IP for about a year and gained all the weight back plus about 10 extra pounds, uggh. I have an appointment to see my coach tomorrow night and begin IP again on Thursday. I'm pretty nervous but I can't keep doing this to myself. I love love love the inspiration and support you all offer each other and I look forward to walking this path with you. Has anyone here had the experience of quitting, gaining it all back and going back on with better success? If so I would love to hear your experience. Blessing to all of you and happy valentines. Xoxo
  • Quote: I know some people have a hard time getting their intake of oil so I thought I would share what I do. One of my dail veggies servings is a snack of 1 cup sliced cucumbers. I mix one tsp of olive oil with about 2 - 3tsp of vinegar and let me cucumbers marinate in it until I am ready to eat them. Then...I take the left over oil/vinegar and pour it over my lettuce and spinach salad at lunch time. I use the remaining 1 tsp of oil to cook my meat and or veggies at supper time. I really love to take a cup of angel hair cabbage and cook it in the tsp of olive oil with some red pepper flakes. Sometimes I will add a spray or two of I Can't believe it's not butter.
    What is angel hair cabbabe? Is it just cabbage you cut really thin? Any tricks for doing this?
  • I have to share with y'all what I did today. One of my oldest son's friends just got deployed to Afghan at the beginning of Feb. He and his wife are expecting their first child and he will not be home until the baby is 3 months old. They know they are having a girl and have named her Edan (I forgot the middle name). So I knew she would be kinda bummed out since he is away so I told my son to call her to see if she wanted to go have pizza (her favorite) so she said sure. It was buffet night at Pizza hut so she really enjoyed it. I have 2 huge salads and water that was it!! and I was completely satisfied for 2 reason's 1) I knew it helped her out and put a smile on her face not to be alone 2) she asked if I would be a adopted mom to her since she has no family here. How could I say no right? and 3) I stayed OP even though there was all that pizza and breadsticks and cinnamon sticks and.... and.... and..... LOL.

    Then we went to Wally World and guess what I bought myself????....A beach crusier BIKE!!!!..YES, I bought myself a BIKE to go riding. I will post pics later. I can't wait til tomorrow after my WI to go riding .......Happy early Birthday to ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Quote: WooHoo!!! So, I just wanted to pop in and say I WON the photo shoot contest I had posted about. Thank you guys all SO SO much, I can't tell you how much it means to me.
    Congratulations! That is so exciting. I voted for you! You'll have to let us know how it goes!
  • Quote: WooHoo!!! So, I just wanted to pop in and say I WON the photo shoot contest I had posted about. Thank you guys all SO SO much, I can't tell you how much it means to me.
    Congratulations!! Maybe you can share a pic??!!!!!??
  • Quote: Hi Awesome IP'ers, I have read your posts odd and on for close to a year I think and am finally introducing myself. I did IP for a couple months last spring and lost 30pounds then started sabotaging myself. I do not do well with male attention and I think that's why I keep loosing and gaining and I am sooooooooo tired of it. Anyway, I started cheating and couldn't seam to stop so my coach and I decided I should go off till I could really recommit. So, I've been off IP for about a year and gained all the weight back plus about 10 extra pounds, uggh. I have an appointment to see my coach tomorrow night and begin IP again on Thursday. I'm pretty nervous but I can't keep doing this to myself. I love love love the inspiration and support you all offer each other and I look forward to walking this path with you. Has anyone here had the experience of quitting, gaining it all back and going back on with better success? If so I would love to hear your experience. Blessing to all of you and happy valentines. Xoxo
    Hey Fanny, Welcome to posting and out of lurkville.....lol...Glad to have you join us, sorry you gained all of your weight plus 10 BUT you know this program works and you are back. I wanted to share a link with you that I think some of your questions maybe answered when it comes to going back on with better success..... http://www.3fatchicks.com/forum/idea...estarting.html
  • Newbie - First WI Today
    Hi everyone!
    You are all so inspiring and informative! I can't wait to try out some of the yummy recipes that are posted. Today was my first WI. I lost 9.7 pounds and 6.75 inches. I feel I'm off to a good start and look forward to chatting with everyone.
  • Quote: Hi everyone!
    You are all so inspiring and informative! I can't wait to try out some of the yummy recipes that are posted. Today was my first WI. I lost 9.6 pounds and 6.75 inches. I feel I'm off to a good start and look forward to chatting with everyone.
    So awesome! Congrats on your first week!!!
  • Quote: Hey Fanny, Welcome to posting and out of lurkville.....lol...Glad to have you join us, sorry you gained all of your weight plus 10 BUT you know this program works and you are back. I wanted to share a link with you that I think some of your questions maybe answered when it comes to going back on with better success..... http://www.3fatchicks.com/forum/idea...estarting.html
    Thanks so much, I will check it out.
  • Quote: patns and purplesky: did you all come up with your goal weights or did your coach. I'm 5'1 and I just guessed 125 but I don't know what the healthy weight is. my frame is petite (but my flat tire isn't) so I'm guessing I'll go based on clothing sizes would love to get to a 4/6 but just wanted to ask
    Quote: There is some disagreement on my goal weight. I am in my 60s and have been very overweight since I was 8, with all of the weight around my middle.

    I had lost 40 pounds before IP (only took me 10 years ). I started IP at 161. I am actually a large frame for my height. With my coach we thought I'd aim for 140 first and then try for 130.

    But I am a very slow loser so switched to alternatives as it was expensive to be on the real IP for so long. So I don't have a coach anymore.
    So now I am almost at 130. I am just getting into size 10.

    My doctor says that is as low as he would like me to go because research shows people who are at the upper end of the healhty BMI range live the longest. Hubby would rather I didn't lose anymore because my mother has become very frail in her old age. But my mother was always very light and has a small frame.

    I am planning to go to 125 because I'd like to get to a size 8. Because I was so large around the middle for so very long I still have lots of flab around my middle.

    I came up with the weight I put on my pencil by using an app on my iphone called ideal weight. It puts your age into the calculation.

    You are probably right on the mark to aim for a size instead of a weight, 4/6 would likely be great for you.

    Purple Sky thanks for noticing my stats. I thought I'd never get to the end of that pencil!

    Bella so good to see you! I was getting worried about you. You are doing so well with maintaining.

    Your hubby sure is a keeper. But you know that.
    Don't be a stranger anymore.

    131 is the lowest weight I had ever seen on the scale in the last decade. So, I thought why not try to pass that. Although part of me thinks I should try to go beyond that. I did not think I could go back to my previous weight of 110 (+ or - 5 lbs). I, too, am pretty small boned. So, at the time I picked 130 which I thought was a long stretch based on my unsuccessful history of trying to lose weight. I thought that I might wait till I get closer to goal to reduce my goal but I don't know. I am already so happy with where I am at now. I feel good.