IP Daily Chat Tuesday 1/10/11

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  • Why is it day 6 is worse than day three?? Holy cow I've been really good but for some reason I have been extra hungry today. Had a vanilla shake for breakfast, sweet chard and pudding for lunch, protein bar at 3 and soy patty and zucchini for dinner. I want bread sooooooooooo bad tonight. I don't get this I thought it would get easier. I've been fighting whether I should have another protein pkg. maybe the jello or the yogurt drink will hit the spot. Keep saying yes, no, yes, no. It's 8:30 pm now and still deciding.
  • Hi Marcella,

    Try having some tea--it will really help. Or why not some lettuce with lemon/oil/salt on it?
  • Wow. It's so nice to see the board so active. Congratulations on all the great WI's and the NSV. Lisa/Wuv you are going to make a great coach. You have been a huge inspiration to me. All you newbies hang in there the first week is tough but by the end of the second week you start getting the routine down and honestly, there aren't many things that can top the high you get from seeing those numbers drop on the scale. SO hang in there. You can do this. It's been a while since I last posted. Tomorrow will be the two month mark for me. It has flown by. My husband came home for Christmas and he was very surprised to see how much I had lost in such a short time. I am currently down 30 lbs. The other day I was reaching into the closet to get some khakis to wear and grabbed a pair I hadn't worn in a few years and to my delight they fit. My size 12's are beginning to be uncomfortably loose. I am hoping to to skip the 10's as I don't have anything smaller in my closet and would love to be a comfortable 6 when I finally reach goal and frankly I don't want to have to go shopping to often for replacement clothes. I had a huge NSV about two weeks ago. I've been on BP medicine for a few years now and I got to the point where I was having dizzy spells and just not feeling right. I kept a diary of my BP readings and made an appointment with my PCM and I am now off BP medicine's. This was one of the motivator's for me to loose weight. I was so tired of the huge deductible for my BP med's that alone almost makes the amount I'm paying weekly for IP worth it. I'm thinking more and more about switching to alternatives. I haven't quite gotten there yet. I just feel so guilty about the amounts that I spend each week for food and supplements.
  • Quote: Hi Marcella,

    Try having some tea--it will really help. Or why not some lettuce with lemon/oil/salt on it?
    Hi Someday, I have food sensitivities and cannot eat raw veggie's so salads are out. I feel so water logged I can't even think of having more fluid. Thanks for the advice.
  • Quote: Why is it day 6 is worse than day three?? Holy cow I've been really good but for some reason I have been extra hungry today. Had a vanilla shake for breakfast, sweet chard and pudding for lunch, protein bar at 3 and soy patty and zucchini for dinner. I want bread sooooooooooo bad tonight. I don't get this I thought it would get easier. I've been fighting whether I should have another protein pkg. maybe the jello or the yogurt drink will hit the spot. Keep saying yes, no, yes, no. It's 8:30 pm now and still deciding.
    Lots of people say that eating the bars makes you hungry. Sorry to say this, but some days you will be hungry. You may feel like you are water logged, but you aren't. Drink the tea, drink some more water... if that doesn't help, go to bed. You likely aren't really hungry, just craving something. You can stir-fry some lettuce if you can only eat cooked veggies. I'm not trying to sound rude, just speaking from experience. Every 3 weeks or so, I had a string of hungry days. Those were the weeks I lost the most. Do what you have to do to stay OP!
  • Decided on the jello. I don't want to feel like I'm starving so bad and want to think of food.
  • Quote: Lots of people say that eating the bars makes you hungry. Sorry to say this, but some days you will be hungry. You may feel like you are water logged, but you aren't. Drink the tea, drink some more water... if that doesn't help, go to bed. You likely aren't really hungry, just craving something. You can stir-fry some lettuce if you can only eat cooked veggies. I'm not trying to sound rude, just speaking from experience. Every 3 weeks or so, I had a string of hungry days. Those were the weeks I lost the most. Do what you have to do to stay OP!
    Thanks Paint Lady and you are definitely NOT rude. This is why I came here for help. Thanks for the suggestions. I appreciate them all.
  • Quote: Hey guys, what day should I start to feel . . . I don't know, bad? (like from carb withdrawal, etc.)
    What day are you on? I am on day 5 and have not felt bad at all. A little hungry at times and a bit of a head ache once in a while but that's it. Hopefully we will be those people who don't get sick or feel bad from the program.
  • Quote: What day are you on? I am on day 5 and have not felt bad at all. A little hungry at times and a bit of a head ache once in a while but that's it. Hopefully we will be those people who don't get sick or feel bad from the program.
    I was GREAT yesterday on day 5 but today day 6 was hard but I just had the IP jello and have calmed down. LOL I guess today at school I was surrounded by popcorn and cookies that we sell for fundraising and it may have got to me. I never thought about that until now. Oh well I will have to get use to it because they are around me all day long. Such is life. I feel good now so it will all be good. Thanks guys. A dumb question.... why is it once I hit 20 posts here it stays at 20 and not moves up? Just curious. Thanks
  • Marcella, try stir frying lettuce with a little soy sauce. when I was hungry I threw extra lettuce in a stir fry pan, it helped a lot.

    p.s. my mom's name was Marcella, you don't see that name too often.

    good luck and try not eating the bars. it went to 21 with the last post.
  • Quote: Hi Everyone!

    So, I lost 3lbs and 2 5/8"...that brings me to 17.25lbs lost in 5 weeks! If all goes well, I should reach 20 lbs next week :-)
    I tried on my wedding dress and still need to lose 3 more inches in the chest...I have to order it next month, so I am hoping that it will come off by then. I don't know if one would want to count this as a NSV, but right before I went to try it on, I got asked out on a date by a random stranger. How funny to answer back that I was just on my way to try on my wedding dress!
    Then it was off to the Goodwill bin to stuff it full of old big clothes. Now, I am baking fish with 1/4 packet of crushed salt & vinegar crisps (yucky on their own, I think). I hope I will still be able to have pudding cookies tonight since I only used (and precisely measured) 25% of the packet. I saved the rest for another time.
    Congratulations to everyone who had good WI's today and for those of you who are struggling, KEEP GOING!
    Thanks for the idea of using the salt & vinegar crisps on fish. I just opened a bag for the first time tonight. I didn't know what they were cause I was given a bunch of different packs for my first week and the bag just said vinegar. I ate one and thought YUCK!
  • Day 2 is done!
    Today wasn't as bad of a "feeling" day, but mainly just a mmmm I want bread & pizza kind of day meh.

    I'm almost thinking maybe the bars are just making me more hungry rather than helping. meep!

    Also, is 924 calories too many for 1 day?
  • Went to Walmart to get some MIO and of course, they had one flavor (peach tea, no thanks) and a lot of empty shelf space. Grrrr. I really wanted to check this stuff out. Our local grocery store doesn't carry it. Guess I'll try again next week.
  • So random question ~ I have had two c sections and I am wondering if the flop over "gut" will go away while on the program or will I have to do some major areobic work after I meet goal? Any thoughts or people that have experience with this?
  • Supplements
    Quote: I've been doing the alternative plan as well and I found a sheet that gave the supplement information. I was able to find what I needed at walmart. The key is to look at the elemental properties. If the ingredients of your substitue are elemental, you should be ok! http://www.ihpweightloss.com/Supplement_Overview-IP.pdf
    Thank you for posting the supplements. I am surprised that they are all just the "minimum" recommended by the FDA.