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  • Hi all. So I am not "officially" in the 170's but I weighed in this morning at 180.0. Really? .0? It couldn't give me .02lbs. oh well. I figured I would jump in here because I WILL be here by tomorrow.

    This is my second year of trying to lose weight. I use the word "trying" very loosely. I have not been consistent with working out or eating healthy, but I have managed to lose about 20lbs.

    So I am trying something new. I have met a fantastic workout partner. She has convinced me to sign up for my first triathlon. We also signed up for a fitness challenge that lasts until April. So I am hoping that all of this will help me stay on track.

    Can't wait to join some of you heading to the 160's!
  • Haaayyyy Everyone!! I have been dying to join this thread, I've been in the 180's since AUGUST. Happy to say that for the 2nd week in a row, my weigh in was officially 179- so I think I can legitimately join!

    I'm hoping I am more focused now, the weight has been coming off faster in the last month and I think its because I've "figured out" how to work out and eat... here we go!!
  • Darnit, I weighed in at 170.4 this morning, I so love you guys but $%^&, I want out of these 170's lol. Hopefully one more week and I can say goodbye 170s!
  • I weighed in this morning at 170.6!

    I've been in the 170s for two months now, I'm going to be happy to join the 160s thread....

    I hope that next Saturday I can say I'm safely in the 160s.
  • Just wanted to pop in and say "hey..I've loved it here...but it's time to MOVE ON!!!" LOL! I'm hovering at 170, but I'm soooo hoping for the 160's by tomorrow (weigh-in day). Donno cuz it's TOM time, so I may be stuck here yet another week...stay tuned...
  • Well after an overnight swoosh, I weighed in this morning at 169.9. So that means, after hovering in the 170's since AUGUST I can finally say good-bye!! It was fun, but it's time to go! See you all in the 160s!!
  • I broke through!!!! 169.6 this morning!

    It's been lovely, but I'm heading over to the 160s thread....
  • Ack! I am right in the middle of the 170's. I weighed in at 176, I tried two scales and they said the same thing. Yeah I am finally with you ladies and I am thrilled to be out of the 180's. How is everyone here doing?
  • Newbie!
    Hi! I am new to this site. I am trying to find a way to motivate me to lose some weight! I have been between 175-183 for several years. I did gain 35 lbs with my kids each time but then went right back to my "lazy" weight of 175-183 within a month of giving birth. ( By lazy weight, I mean I eat whatever I want and don't exercise. )

    I am REALLY trying to get out of these bad habits, especially since I have hit 30 and have young ones to take care of. The lowest weight I have seen in the past several years is 167, which I weighed right before getting pregnant (and doing WW). I hope to see this number again soon... and then push on to pre-marriage weight!!
  • Glad to see some posts. I thought I was the only one in the 170's for a while. lol. Good luck to those moving on to the 160's and welcome to the new 170's gals.
  • Still smack in the middle. I lost and go down to 171 now I am back up to 175. so discouraged. But that is okay. I'll just hang out here a little longer!
  • I'm back in the 170s, yay! I was in the 170's before winter break, gained about 3 lbs, now back down to 177.4. I'm trying to get to 170 in the first week of March--I've been working out 3 x a week at the gym (elliptical 20 min and weights) as well as biking around town more often. Ive also gone back to eating well, which means a smoothie for breakfast, a low carb/high veggie and protein lunch, same for dinner and plenty of water.
    I guess something is working because I weighed 180.6 about 5 days ago.

    I'm glad this thread is here!
  • 177.2 lbs this morning!!! I'm chug chug chugging along and I'm loving it
  • New here...it's been quite a roller coaster of a ride!
    Hi all! I wanted to introduce myself. My name is Aspen and I am a mom of 4 little boys. Had no trouble really losing weight after the 1st three in spite of enormous weight gains with all of them, but after my 4th (who is 3.5 years old) I have made excuse after excuse and gained and lost over and over in the last 3 years. This past couple months I have done really well learning how to really just listen to my body and not run to food for comfort and all the othere reasons I run to it! I am currently right at about 175. I am "normally" (before kids and after the first 3 pregnancies) between 140-145 lbs. I am 5'7". I weighed 255 when I delivered my youngest, Owen. I hovered in the lower 200's for a while, then have really bounced between 187-197 for a while. I am really focused right now, but I also don't feel deprived or restricted. I am just really looking to connect with other people as I work my way down through the next 30 or so pounds. I am 33 years old and live in Nebraska.
  • Back at it!
    Hi there.
    I've been a member for ages, but fell off the commitment wagon.
    I've lost 17 lbs since December, but need a community to keep at it as I've been bouncing between 168 and 175 for a month and a half and need some like-minded chicks for sharing and support.
    I was eating really well, but have allowed some of the junk to creep back in...butter, too much bread, too many "treats"... I am going to start a food journal tomorrow.
    But I've been pretty good with the workouts! Used to be a jogger and am rediscovering my love of the runner's high! I'm using Running for Beginners from Women's Health. Now to add the weights.

    Goals for rest of the week (Thursday-Sunday):
    Food: fill in food journal daily, drink large glass of water with every meal
    Exercise: two running sessions, two push-up sessions, two ab sessions

    Weight: be under 170 lbs by April 7th (Today I am 175). Am I giving myself too much time?

    I hope it is okay if I also use this as a place to state goals. I haven't been very good at being accountable to just myself!
