SBD Winter Cold Info

  • I know a lot of you get the Daily Dish emails, but for those of you who don't, this one was especially helpful for me as I'm struggling to fight a cold myself. Hoping to kick it by Saturday in time to go searching for a Christmas tree out in the elements!

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    Handling a Winter Cold

    Have you been hit by a nasty winter cold? We all get them from time to time, but the trick is figuring out how to avoid compromising your diet while sick. Here are a few tips from Dr. Agatston on how to treat a cold while on The South Beach Diet™.

    1. Drink plenty of fluids. Water is the optimal choice, but if you feel especially dehydrated, an electrolyte balancing drink can be a good alternative. In addition, hot herbal tea will soothe a sore throat, and club soda may soothe an upset stomach.

    2. Choose a medication in pill or sugar-free liquid form. Pills will not contain a significant amount of high-glycemic sugars, and sugar-free cough drops or cough syrup should not be difficult to find with the help of your pharmacist. These products are commonly made for diabetics. Be aware that these products may contain sugar alcohols, increased amounts of which can cause GI distress.

    3. Take a zinc pill within the first 24 hours of a cold. Zinc products, such as Zicam or Cold-Eeze, can shorten the duration and intensity of a cold if taken at the first sign of symptoms. Get plenty of rest. Allowing your body proper time to rest will help ensure a speedy recovery.

    4. Put your health first. If you can't find sugar-free medicine or are worried about skipping your daily exercise, don't stress. Your health should come first — once you are 100 percent again, you can get back to the diet.
  • I was disappointed that it didn't recommend homemade chicken soup! That always makes me feel better when I have a cold.
  • Yup! Homemade chicken soup with garlic and ginger does it for me!
  • Bump for Nefarious_Wytch..