
  • OK, so I'm coming back to the beach and am trying to do a menu plan for the week. I loaned my south beach book to my supervisor so can someone remind me... does southbeach consider cheese as dairy or protein?

    Thank you in advance.
  • I found this article, can anyone confirm this?
  • Good article. Thanks for posting it.

    Although an ounce of chicken and an ounce of regular cheese have the same amount of protein, cheese has twice the calories and four times the fat. That's why we have to be careful not to overdo it. Reduced fat cheeses are better choices.
  • Thank you Ruth... I've come to realize the reason south beach didn't work as well for me the last time is that I was not watching my fats nor my c heese!!! YIKES!
  • Hello starting again Oct.12th Been doing the shopping for it today.What are some non meat meals to have not counting eggs.I like eggs but not 3 times a day and dont like the texture of tofu. Chick peas and lentils are on the like list.Any suggestions Violet