How often do you weigh yourself?

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  • I have weighed everyday for past 3 1/2 weeks. I kind of use it as a gauge as to how well I am following the plan. Does anyone else do this?? I don't freak out when it goes up a pound or so. I just like to keep track. Should I slow down? I am looking for opinions. BTW 3 1/2 wks and 14.5lbs gone
  • I also weigh every day. I know we should only weigh once a week, but I've never been able to do that while dieting. Heck, if I weighed myself everday all the time, I wouldn't have gained this weight in the first place!
  • I weigh every day too I just can't help it! I'm going to try and only weigh once a week so I don't get discouraged when I don't see a loss everytime
  • I weigh every day, too. If I don't, I can gain 5-7 pounds in one week without knowing it.
    It motivates me. Besides... I've found that when I weigh once a week, it can appear that I've lost NOTHING when I've been doing really well. I might just be retaining water on the "weigh day", and it can be really discouraging to see no change in the scale.

    Someone is going to jump in any minute and tell us not to weigh everyday.
  • When I first read that some people weigh frequently PER DAy, i was like, "what a nut"

    Until I caught myself doing it.

    I weigh everyday, sometimes 3x a day [before I get in the shower and after my morning business, so it's my true weight without entaglements -- then when I get home usually and then before bed].

    I'm becomming a scale whore...

    almost 7 lbs down now -- although still bloated. I expect it will be closer to 8 or 9 come Friday if I continue to stay on course.
  • i weigh every single day. morning, when i come home from work and before i go to bed. cause what if you lose in the week and then weigh in day you have a water weight day. as long as you don't get too caught up in the daily fluctuations i don't see anything wrong with weighing daily! besides if you see progress during the week it keeps you more motivated! or if you don't see progress you know to step it up a notch.
  • Weighing every day is fine if it doesn't cause problems with your mental game. However, weighing more than once per day is POINTLESS. You have to weigh at the same time every day (or week, or whatever) under the same conditions for the numbers to mean anything at all. Otherwise you're comparing hamburgers to oranges (not even apples to oranges!).

    For more info on a sane approach to the scale, check out this article:

    Why the Scale Lies

    If you understand what the scale can and can't do, and if you don't find those numbers DEmotivating, weigh away. But, my personal opinion is if you start saying things like, "I can't help it," then scale-hopping multiple times per day, or even daily, is just another compulsive behavior, and you'd do well to put the scale away for a few weeks to break the compulsion.

    When I started my current journey, I knew those numbers always hurt more than they helped, so my counselor weighed me weekly but I didn't even see the numbers for 6 months! That freed me to concentrate on my BEHAVIORS rather than "weight loss" and it really reinforced the "this ain't a diet, but a way of life" approach. It was an invaluable experience.
  • I agree funnie -- but I like to weigh. Especially in the beginning of this. I am sure it will subside, but if I weigh in at night at only 2 lbs. over my lowest weight, I get excited to expect a loss and don't much for the rest of the night.

    That is my mental game. It's not about comparing yesterday to today, but comparing today to tomorrow. If that makes sense to you.
  • Well it is nice to know that I am not the only odd ball in the bunch. I have been hiding this addiction for some time. I am a scale junkie I find it helps me stay on track.
  • That's an excellent article, Funnygrrl, but I don't consider weighing daily to be a "battle with the scale". And if someone wants to weigh more than once a day, that's okay. We all do lots of pointless things, but we're here to provide support for each other. And to judge ourselves, not others.

    I have an idea! Let's all weigh as frequently/infrequently as we want to!
  • I ditto Ellis! Good article! I'm a weigher! Had I kept a scale and stayed a weigher I would not have gained all this weight back again. Or atleast I don't think I would have. So yes I weigh almost everyday to make sure it does not find me in the night! haha
  • I didn't say what I said to be "judging." I just wanted to point out the FACTS about what the scale can and can't show, and to say that you should evaluate whether scale-hopping is helping you or hurting you. Using the scale as a measure of success, or to determine how you are going to feel about yourself, is such an ingrained concept to most women that they have no idea that the behavior might be compulsive, harmful, or just plain pointless, and that there might be another way to approach it.

    I found success in losing weight for the first time in my life when it finally dawned on me that the scale was always a saboteur, not a helper. By letting go of it, I was able to finally get a handle on reshaping my attitudes about a lot of things. I just wanted to share that there WAS another way, and that we should always be on the lookout for compulsive behaviors that do more harm than good.

    I think that is plenty good support.
  • I weigh myself every day, sometimes a couple of times a day. Just out of curiosity really. I find I am at my lowest weight first thing in the morning and about 2kg (which is about 4lb) heavier by the end of the day. It must all be water weight because it is gone by the following morning. If I fall off the wagon and eat a huge rice based meal or something I bloat up by about 1-2kg and lose about .5kg per day so it is obviously water retention.
  • Yes, you've offered some good support, Funniegrrl. Certainly some obsessive compulsive behaviour can become damaging. However, this
    Quote: However, weighing more than once per day is POINTLESS.
    has offended some people.
    And "putting the scale away for a few weeks to end the compulsion" has obviously not worked for some of us here.

    Hey, Grace! Congratulations on the loss!!
  • I'm a weigher...
    I do it every morning. If I would have done that 16 years ago, I wouldn't have been where I am. I don't let the scales determine how happy I'm going to be, I just like seeing numbers I haven't seen for 15+ years.

    I'm going in the right direction and that's what it's all about for me. All of the other issues that come with being overweight are resolving as I'm finding out about the new me.