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Rakkoon 01-20-2006 11:04 AM

I think I'm Pregnant **Update**
I haven't gotten a + test yet. I started spotting on the day of my period. Then the tenderness in my breasts started 4 days before my AF. So far the tenderness hasn't left its only getting worse. I never knew why women said it was so painful to breastfeed while pregnant till now. For the past 2 days I've been able to BF but last night I felt like my son was trying to pulling barbles out of my breast.
I tryed to test this morning but it came out Neg. From what I've been reading I'm only 4 weeks along. I think I would have to wait 2 more weeks for it to show up on a Urine test. I'm going to find out today if I can request a blood test from the Dr. office.
Whats funny is the day after I started working out again, I started feeling wierd. Gassiness, nausea, bloaded, heartburn, my gums bled out of the blue (I do floss) one time, breast tenderness, headaches, and now spotting. I never in all the years AF has visited, have never spotted.
Could this be in my head?

cinnamonspice 01-20-2006 11:32 AM

Most tests show a positive one day after your missed period. I'd wait a day or so if its still too early to find out and retest.

barbygirl43 01-20-2006 03:10 PM

I was on day 33 of my cycle. I had spotting as well but I've never been that late before and got a positive in the evening. Took another one the next evening and it was positive as well.

almostheaven 01-20-2006 09:15 PM

There's some new test out there that's supposed to tell you from the first minute.

GreatBigMonsterMomma 01-21-2006 12:23 AM

It could be in your head. Or you could be pregnant. I don't put a whole heck of a lot of store in HPTs, to be honest. I think I had three negative tests when I was pregnant with my first. Scheduling a blood test seems like the right idea to me, since then you can also get a pretty good idea of how far along you are, and blood tests aren't equivocal.

Rakkoon 01-22-2006 01:05 AM

I talked to a friend and she thinks I could be getting "Implantation Bleeding" b/c I only see the pinkish blood on the tp when I wipe, on the pad the whole day there was a spot about the size of a dime. This whole time I have only been wearing a pantyliner. Now 2 days later its over.
I went to the Dr. who did a Pap-test. He said that what was coming out wasn't even blood (mind you this was day after). He said it looked like the discharge you get when your period is over.
Normally I can go through 3 pads a day plus very painful cramps the first 3 days. My periods normally last 6 days. Also the tenderness in my breasts goes away as soon as I get my period. They still hurt. Now I'm going pee every 2 hour.
I find out the lab results on Monday or Tuesday. I'm excited yet doubtful. Nothing like this has ever happened to me. When I got my periods back after having my son, they were irregular as to when I got them but the flow was normal. They go on for the whole 6 days. So this is very unusual.
Has anyone had Implantation bleeding?

GreatBigMonsterMomma 01-22-2006 03:49 AM

Not so much implantation bleeding, but I bled with two out of three pregnancies. I was, in fact, rather scared this time because I didn't bleed. :lol:

I'll tell ya, though, if it feels like your nipples are being rubbed with barbed wire when you nurse, I'd think that's a good sign you're pregnant! I can think of little more painful than breastfeeding while pregnant. And yet, I have done it through both my pregnancies; it does tend to let up after the first trimester, & if you want to keep nursing don't let anyone tell you to stop.

Rakkoon 01-22-2006 10:30 AM

If I am.
I did have a miscarriage 5 years ago.
I know the Dr. will say something about that. Is there any chance breastfeeding can trigger MC?

Rakkoon 01-22-2006 06:40 PM

Im pregnant! Ijust found out today.

Ocean Girl 01-22-2006 08:49 PM

Congrats Rak
All the best to you & your new bub

GreatBigMonsterMomma 01-23-2006 01:04 AM

There is a lot of disagreement over whether breastfeeding can contribute to miscarriage. I haven't come across anything to convince me that the two are connected, & like I said I have nursed through two pregnancies.

Here's an article from La Leche League on the issue.
Here is a PDF file on the same topic.

The theory seems to be that since nursing is known to stimulate the production of oxytocin, it can cause uterine contractions. This is something both links deal with specifically. The short version is that there is just no scientific evidence linking the two. However, it is such a personal decision, and if you want to avoid anything that has the slightest chance of causing a miscarriage, that makes perfect sense to me. :)

Your doctor probably will tell you to wean if you bring the subject up. I never did. :) My nurse when I had Esther was just dumbfounded that my midwife "let" me continue to nurse while I was pregnant. :rolleyes: As if!

But it's all about what works for you.

And, before I forget:


hautbois 01-23-2006 10:48 AM


barbygirl43 01-23-2006 11:03 AM

I had never heard of BF causing m/c. I continued to BF my daughter after I got PG with my son. I had to stop pumping when she was 6 mos though because I was only getting about 1 oz. for 20 minutes of pumping (I was getting 6-10 oz. before that) and continued to just nurse before bed and waking up until she weaned at 8 mos. I'm guessing the milk changed tastes on her. I tried for a week to get her to continue but she stopped :(

Rakkoon 01-23-2006 12:50 PM

So around 6 mo the milk changes?
I'm still spotting but not much.

flower 01-23-2006 01:16 PM


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