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MeganBeth 05-14-2009 05:24 PM

May Preggos
Figured we needed a new thread since we're already a good ways into the month! How're all you ladies doing?

jmb1981 05-14-2009 09:25 PM

lol i just realized that we are only two weeks from the end of the month and we are all still posting in the april thread!

merryalta 05-16-2009 09:37 AM

Modkitten has been staying on top of these things. We need her back! I hope she and her baby are doing well. Hopefully she will give us an update soon.

I found out yesterday that I am having a boy!!! I think there's something in the water! LOL He is also measuring a week ahead but they are keeping my due date the same for now.

jmb1981, My baby moves a lot, too. He did a couple of flips during his ultrasound. My husbands says it's like the movie Aliens.

:smug: Hope all is well with everyone and their babies :smug:

4myloves 05-18-2009 09:33 AM

You know, that babygaga ticker about the "uterus being the size of a grapefruit I'd like to throw at daddy," is really right on the money. I stopped taking my Lexapro when I found out I was pregnant and now I'd love to HURT DADDY. :devil:

MeganBeth 05-18-2009 09:14 PM

Oh she's beautiful!! :hug: Congrats mama!

4myloves 05-19-2009 09:14 AM

Phoebe is GORGEOUS!! She does not look like a newborn! Mom looks pretty good in those pictures, too!

Gale02 05-19-2009 03:27 PM

Wow Modkitten, she's just beautiful!! So alert and rosy (and you gotta love the full head of hair). You look great, I hope you're doing well. Congratulations, babies are so much fun!

lovinlifex2 05-19-2009 04:10 PM

Oh Mod - she is so beautiful! What a perfect, sweet baby. I am so glad that you didn't have to be induced and she got to make an entrance on her own. I hope that she isn't being to hard on mommy and daddy. Congratulations!!

merryalta 05-20-2009 04:13 PM

:congrat: Modkitten!

Look at those cheeks . . . and that hair! What a cute baby. Hope you are having a speedy recovery and enjoying your little girl.

MeganBeth 05-26-2009 12:51 AM

SO...I posted a bump pic on my facebook by request. So one of my high school "friends" more like a person I barely knew in HS but anyways...she decided to comment asking how far along I was. When I replied 'going on about 12 weeks' she IM'd me saying how I was so much bigger than her friend who's only 8 weeks pregnant...and still bigger than her friend was in her first pg with twins at 12 weeks too.

I wanted to cry! I feel big as it is, but it didn't really pop looking like a bump until I put a BEband thing on the other day. I do LOVE my best friend htough...she decided to log onto facebook for the first time in months just to yell at the chic!

4myloves 05-26-2009 11:58 AM

Good for your best friend. Sounds like the other GIRL is a flat out bee-yotch.

I'm slightly jealous of you gals who show early. With Jake you couldn't even tell I was pregnant 'till I was around 27 weeks. Just remember-----general rule is, the smaller you are, the earlier you show. So, it's a good thing that you're showing sooner than those other two. Plus, who even knows these days if that girl was telling the truth or just trying to psych you out over some high-school wrong she thinks you committed. Bottom line to this babble, don't let her worry you, enjoy your pregnancy and your bump.

P. S. I hate my job.

4myloves 05-27-2009 09:42 AM

I tried to get my husband to be a SAHD. He said "thanks, but no thanks." He was raised in a 50's family--man's the breadwinner, mom stays home and cleans and makes cookies and casseroles for dinner every night, vacuums in high heels, etc.

As much as I'd love to stay home with my kids, I'd never turn in to a June Cleaver. It's just not in me.

MeganBeth 05-27-2009 01:48 PM

I had my dating u/s last night and there's just one bean in there :p My midwife said everything looks great and isn't too concerned about the weight loss yet. It was so nice to see that tiny heartbeat!!

4myloves 05-29-2009 11:07 AM

MeganBeth--I had my first doctor's visit yesterday. My dr. does an u/s EVERY visit, so I got to see my bean, too! I also only have one--I was secretly hoping for twins, but I already love my little peanut. I'm only 8 weeks, but you could already see the heartbeat.

They calculated my due date 2 days after what I did, but I'm not changing my ticker for them. :)

I love my babies!!

MeganBeth 05-29-2009 12:50 PM

isn't it exciting!! It never feels real until I see the heartbeat. I don't think I get an u/s at every visit though I'm sure if I asked my MW would give me one. Though I know she does them if she can't find the heartbeat with the doppler which they always had a problem doing with ds because of how my uterus is tilted so we'll see.

I changed my ticker to what she had said my due date was all along as opposed to what I thought it should have been (my cycle length fluctuates between 28 and 31 days), but it really wouldn't have mattered much lol

julie99s 05-31-2009 06:05 PM

Dropping in... 13 days left till my due date! Any day now!

Modkittn, your daughter is adorable! I'm so excited to greet our baby!

4myloves 06-01-2009 09:37 AM

They say the U/S due dates can be off two weeks in either direction, and mine was so close to the date I calculated for myself I don't feel bad about not changing my ticker! :lol:

I'm now getting to enjoy one of the many "perks" of pregnancy----constipation! :p I went through this with Jake, as well. Time to break out the old stool softeners!

4myloves 06-03-2009 11:09 AM

Ugh. I don't know if it's because I'm two years older or because I have a 16-month-old toddler, but I am completely fatiqued with this pregnancy. There's nothing I'd love to do more than shut my office door, turn off the light and crash in my floor!

On top of already being tired, DH told me last night that his work is requiring him be there at 7 a.m. instead of 8 a.m. starting Thursday and lasting who-knows-how-long. So now I'm going to have to start getting up before 6 a.m. so I can have my shower out of the way and be "ready to go" when Jake wakes up. One of my small blessings has been being able to sleep an extra hour because Stewart spends that time with Jake in the mornings.

Sigh. Makes me *more* tired just thinking about it.

MeganBeth 06-03-2009 12:10 PM

I've been super tired this time around too. I've got an almost 2.5 year old and I have a feeling that has at least *something* to do with it. Though when I was pg last time I was working in a daycare with a classroom full of 1 year olds :?:

4myloves 06-05-2009 08:55 AM

Husband told work he was hired to work 8-5 and he couldn't change because his pregnant wife needs help with the baby. They actually told him OK. Go figure! Works for me, though--I just hope they don't get sick of his diva butt.

Hope everyone is doing OK. I'm still beat.

4myloves 06-08-2009 11:39 AM

Hope all is well with the pregnant women and new mothers!!

My DH was admitted to the hospital this morning b/c of chronic staph. They've been giving him progressively stronger antibiotics and finally decided to start him on an I.V. drip. He'll probably be in there for at least 3 days, maybe longer, because he has an active sore on his abdomen that they want to clear up.


Gale02 06-11-2009 03:55 PM

What a cutie patootie you have there, Modkitten!! I love the dress, it's adorable. Isn't it just so sad when they outgrow their newborn clothes?

How's your new family doing?

Gale02 06-12-2009 09:48 PM


Originally Posted by modkittn (Post 2783232)
We are doing well! I am still trying to figure out how people have time to do things like go to baby yoga and such. I'm lucky if I get to eat all my meals and get the laundry done!

I know what you mean. I count it a good day if I get to shower AND brush my teeth! It's getting easier, though, as he gets older. We're getting into more of a routine and so things get done a lot better than they did his first few months. Hang in there. IMO, it gets easier. :)


Oh and she was only in newborns for 2 weeks! She had her 4 week well visit today. She is 10lbs 9 oz and 21 3/8 inches long. She has gained 2lbs 1oz and grown 5/8 of an inch since born. They grow too fast!
Tell me about it! Caleb is almost 7 months old... I can't believe how fast it's gone. He's trying to crawl (currently skooching backwards) and is eating all kinds of different things now. It's just amazing how fast they grow up. Now I understand why people look at their teenagers and say things like "just yesterday he was a sweet sleeping infant." Enjoy it all!

MeganBeth 06-13-2009 12:42 AM


Originally Posted by Gale02 (Post 2783599)
I know what you mean. I count it a good day if I get to shower AND brush my teeth! It's getting easier, though, as he gets older. We're getting into more of a routine and so things get done a lot better than they did his first few months. Hang in there. IMO, it gets easier. :)

Wait?! Shower...DAILY!? Mines 2.5 and I still don't get to shower daily...man :cool:

Gale02 06-13-2009 12:58 PM


Originally Posted by MeganBeth (Post 2783705)
Wait?! Shower...DAILY!?

Hypothetically speaking, of course...

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