Looking for a ray of hope

  • I'm more or less venting here, so bear with me. If you want to skip ahead to my question, just look for the I don't want to bore anyone with my self-pity.

    I've never been "officially" diagnosed w/ PCOS. I know I have it though (I'm sure a lot of you know what that's like). I've always had irregular periods and when I was 18 it got worse. I started having one long period per year. I'd go about 6 months without one and then it'd start. And never stop. I'd have to give in and go to the doctor. They would do all kinds of tests, tell me it's just a horomone imbalance and put me on birth control. Of course, I didn't have health insurance and there was no way I could afford the hefty bills (averaging $600). So once the BCP ran out, it was the same thing all over again.

    Well, last summer I saw a dr. who did more tests (much bigger bill). He never told me what was wrong w/ me. The woman who did the ultrasound mentioned PCOS and I looked it up when I got home. Anyway, the dr. gave me two choices: BCP or progesterone. "Do you want to get pregnant now or not?" There were no other options and I'd be on meds the rest of my life. I chose the BCP for now.

    Well, the pills ran out and I can't get my prescription refilled. I received a letter a while back that said if I didn't pay my full balance the dr. would not treat me. Part of me says good riddance, but the other part of me knows that there aren't many options around here.

    I started my yearly period in mid December... and I'm still on it. It's really frustrating to say the least. I don't want to go back on the pill. I want this horrible cycle to end. I want to be normal!

    Now, to my question... have any of you had problems w/ extra long periods? Did you have any luck w/ treatment other than BCP or progesterone? I'm currently on the south beach diet.... I'm hoping that might help.

  • Have you had your thyroid checked? My good friend, age 45, is on thryoid medication for hypothryoidism (underactive thyroid) and she has been having one long period for the last year, after lots of tests to rule things out (ultrasound, DNC, etc.) the concluded nothing else was wrong and changed her thyroid medication, something to look into if you haven't already. Good Luck.
  • If you don't have insurance, is there a women's health center anywhere nearby that offers free or little cost services? I know there is one at my local hospital that offers gynecological services with the price based on income/ ability to pay. (This is not a pregnancy center, by the way-- they do all sorts of women's health care.)

    Best wishes!
  • There is an organization of pharmaceutical companies that has a web page you can go to that provides free or reduced cost medications to people (well, certain meds, anyway). I don't remember the webpage or organization name but you may be able to find it in a web search. If not, give me a few days and I will call my doc and try to get the web address and post it here I'm not sure if they help with BCP's, but it's worth a check!
  • Women's Health Center
    The only place like that around here only does basic stuff (pap smears, vd tests, pregnancy tests, etc.) When I went there they told me to go to a real doctor. So that's out of the question.

    Thanks anyway though.
