Mix and Match Green Smoothie List

  • In case anyone else wanted to go smoothie summer with us.

    Since school let out and rules being all relaxed around here with bedtimes and schedules my kid has been slacker about her produce. I've been getting slacker myself on the PCOS produce front. I eat it still but not much variety because it's hot, I don't want to cook, etc.

    So I printed up this chart and stuck it on the fridge. She can pretty much pick it, we're both drinkin' it at lunch to help keep the produce level high. (I hope she doesn't make TOO weird of mixes!)


    There's more if you just google "smoothie mix and match" but I went with the easiest chart for a kid to deal with.

  • Oooh yum my green smoothie is a scoop of brown rice protein and a scoop of Mega Greens 
  • Yum! Thanks for the link to that chart! I love kale & banana smoothies, but now I am inspired to try even more combos!
  • She's been playing safe with mild romaine lettuce as the green. Today she announces she wants to try on kale now.

  • Today she picked esp tasty!

    1 cup OJ
    2 cups spinach
    1 carrot
    1-2 celery stalk (we did one because it was so LONG)
