3 Fat Chicks on a Diet Weight Loss Community

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lavendar 06-21-2011 05:51 PM

Weight loss = increased fertility...
so does anyone have a clue as to how much weight someone would need to lose to get back to ovulating?

I currently rely on my PCOS...lack of ovulating as 50% of my form of birth control...the other 50% is because of the lack of opportunity to spend alone time with my spouse....

Not that I wouldn't love another child....but I am content with my one child.

Just wondering about how my weight loss will effect my fertility?

csalove 06-21-2011 10:14 PM

The doctor told me about 10-20% of you body weight, that it would help tremendously. Hope that helps :)

mhill0823 06-21-2011 11:30 PM

Yeah I was told the same thing. 10 to 20 % will increase your chances.
may want to start finding other birth control options!!! :)

astrophe 06-21-2011 11:58 PM

Did I read that right? You rely on PCOS menstrual irregularity as part of your BC method? That's not reliable. Because all it takes is to suddenly ovulate for no reason and...

Better to have some condoms handy, and chart to TTA.


Esofia 06-22-2011 08:57 AM

I second FAM charting. You could also ask this on a FAM forum, there are bound to be people there with PCOS who are familiar with the patterns it shows.

bitetoobreakkskin 06-22-2011 09:11 AM

i now have an 8 month old from relying on my PCOS (who i am utterly thankful to have)...be careful!!

moving to 1derland 06-22-2011 09:18 AM

2 women I know as well as myself got pg after losing 30 lbs...........seemed to be the magic number-but could have just been a coincedence.

Might be time to start looking for alternative BC methods:carrot:

Nayner 06-23-2011 06:13 PM

I used to chart when I was TTC many years ago. I noticed about 2 weeks after I started my most recent diet that I ovulated, and 2 weeks after that I got a period. I've noticed in the past that if I just up the exercise and my water intake, my periods will regulate. I would never rely on my pcos for BC.


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