Poll: What's Your Path?

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View Poll Results: What's Your Path?
Just Witchcraft
Santeria, Hoodoo, Voodoo
Other (Please Specify)
Multiple Choice Poll. Voters: 113. You may not vote on this poll
  • I put Germanic. I'm mainly Norse, researching into Norse magical practices too (such as seithr and galdr).
  • I am Wiccan. I am a High Priestess of a local coven in my area. I've never been solitare for very long, I like coven life (with the right coven that is). Outside of coven tho I am still definatly Wiccan but I practice alot of Kitchen Magick
  • Solitary Kali dedicant here.
  • Proud Wiccan Its what i was raised.
  • I put other. As I said in my profile, my religion--or lack of--is kind of private, but, as it was asked, I figured I'd poke my head in.

    I practiced solitary, electic, sort-of-not-really-Wicca for a number of years. A lot of that involved research into older magic-type-things--going back from the Golden Dawn and Thelema, eventually landing in John Dee and before that Trithemius. At that point, I pretty much drifted away from any sort of formal belief and practice.

    As I stand now, I'm largely agnostic. I think that magic and rituals are valuable as meditative and focusing activities. What remnants of belief I *do* have are vaguely. . .nature-based, I guess? Tied to the seasons more than any sort of theology. Anyway, my spiritual background puts me here, even though I'm not really pagan anymore, so I figured I'd post.
  • I've been Norse pagan for about 7 years now.
  • Shamanism, Druidism, and Wiccan. I call myself a pagan to not confuse anyone lol.
  • Merry Meet!
    I'd classify myself as Egyptian Pagan, with shamanistic and druidic roots, and a slight nod to Hinduism.
    I am an alchemist, most of my practice revolves around herbs in some way.
    I've explored Wicca and a few other pagan belief systems, never found a match, and finally realized that I didn't conform to any of the current "traditional" paths, so I made my own. I've been looking for a coven for many years, but it's been slow, so I've been a solitary practitioner since I was 16. I picked Egyptian, Just Witchcraft and other.
  • I ticked the poll a while ago without introducing myself, and now I can't remember what I checked. I've been a member of a druid order for quite a few years, but I also have some Hellenic leanings due to feeling a draw to some members of that pantheon. Most of what I do is solitary practice, although I sometimes work with DH and have been more group oriented in the past. I find it easiest to just call myself Pagan these days.
  • Oh this is tough. I don't identify completely with any of the mentioned, but I identify with parts of all of them. Does that make any sense? I suppose if I had to choose I would identify most closely with Keltrian Druidism.
  • I tend to go with what works - but as far as following holidays and cycles i tend towards the germanic and celtic traditions.
  • I see that this thread isn't very active but I can't say how exciting it is to come to any forum and see a pagan group already up and going!!!

    For lack of a better term, I'm an eclectic pagan though I really like the term "kitchen witch" as well!
  • Hi all!
    I checked "other" like many before because I am (and am not) lot of things! I'm not Wiccan but I lean towards just the "Pagan" label if I have to label at all and leave it at that for now. I am happy in just exploring myself and the universe around me.

    Edit: Though I also think the term "kitchen witch" is awesome. I'd like to add that to my repertoire, hehe.
  • I am of a Eclectic path which is a mix of a Celtic, Hellenic, Hege witchery ect.
  • I put Wicca and Other, for complicated reasons. I've been Wiccan my entire life, but I find myself still struggling to find my correct path. I used to be part of a coven, but I found myself following a different path from them and now I'm solitary.