upcoming change to the Nutrisystem forum

  • We are really glad that the Nutrisystem forum has been popular We've also noticed an increased interest in Jenny Craig, Diet to Your Door, eDiets Express, and other similar plans. The problem we are seeing is that people are posting in our other forums to ask about various prepackaged diet plans, but they aren't being met with the best response. We respect that everyone needs to find what works for them. Sometimes it means discovering new cooking techniques or diet plans. Sometimes it means using a prepackaged diet food program. We're all unique, and we don't want to exclude anyone. I guess it's no secret that I didn't like Nutrisystem, but I still think the general concept of prepackaged diet meals is something that is useful to a lot of people.

    What we would like to do is create one forum that would encompass all of these types of diet programs, so our members that use them can zoom in on the support they need, and so curious members can learn more about these types of diet plans without encountering opposition. We would essentially rename the Nutrisystem forum, and all current posts would remain intact. The new name would invite others, including Jenny Craig. I don't know what it will be - we may go with something obvious, such as Nutrisystem, Jenny Craig, Etc Whatever we choose, it will be easy to find - same place, same posts
  • That sounds like a great idea Suzanne!
    It would have been very handy when I was researching plans.