New Lifestyle Diet--Anyone out there doing this?

  • So it's a new year and a new diet for me. I looked into doing Medifast but the costs were a bit deterring given that there seem to be a lot less expensive alternatives out there right now, with New Lifestyle being one of them. I started on the 2nd and have lost 4.5lbs in 3 days, which is great and what I need because I lose motivation if I don't see quick results. It'd be really great if there are any folks out there doing this diet who can share their successes (more motivation for me), challenges, tricks and anything else that you have experienced.

    Being that this seems so similar to IP and Medifast in design (6 shakes, 1 snack and 8oz protein with 2 cups of veggies a day), I'm wondering if I should just pick one of those threads? Especially if I am solo on the New Lifestyle diet...

    Here's to getting motivated with some quick weight loss to get me to a place where I have confidence and energy to be more active and can overhaul my typical eating habits to one that is more realistic and healthy. I'm headed for the big 4-0 this August so I'm looking for the weight loss I've needed for years, coupled with a good change in lifestyle moving forward...

    Happy that 3FC gives us a forum to share this with other folks out there trying to make the same changes, no matter which diet vehicle we are traveling in...
  • I am doing the new lifestyle diet (NLS) and I started on Jan 1st. I buy my products through diet direct. Wonder slim products are exactly the same as NLS but diet direct has other brands of products that meet the nutritional requirements that can be ordered.

    Back in 2009 I used a combination of medifast (MF) and NLS and lost 80 lbs in 5 months. I kept it off for a year and had some medical issues needless to say I am back where I started. I like the taste of the NLS much better than medifast. I also like having 7 meals to use throughout the day versus 5.

    By now you should be feeling better since after day 3 or 4 you should be in ketosis. I was surprised this time all that I had was a mild headache so my transition was not that bad. I have been feeling hungry between meals since I think I am waiting to long to eat or I might not be getting enough water.

    Great job on the 5 lbs, that is what I love about this diet watching the scale move every week, it helps keep me motivated.
  • Oh I forgot to mention I am down 7.7 lbs and from the start wanted to lose 80 lbs, I guess 72.3 lbs now, but my official weight in is tomorrow.
  • Hi. I just saw your post. It's been awhile since you posted it but i was wondering if you were still on NLS diet and if you like it and are seeing results. I was considering starting it and some others input would be greatly appreciated.
  • I am using NLS products. I live just over the hill from the company, so it only takes 2 days to get my orders instead of a week from Diet Direct. I will be getting some items from that site though, as they have some items that New Lifestyle doesn't and vice versa. I love the grape drink that Wonder Slim has.

    I have removed 8.2 lbs since I started on June 25. I am disabled and can't get the aerobic exercise as much as I should, but I use my recumbent stationary bike and a seated yoga DVD that feels amazing. I work at a desk job with 5 minute breaks every hour, so NLS fits in with my lack of time to eat a regular lunch (we work 6 hours).

    My sweetie was not too thrilled when he found out I would not be eating as before, but I have shown him that we can still have the same recipes we like for dinner, but I will skip the bread/noodles/potatoes, and the recipes will have some minor tweaks (Splenda in the broccoli salad). I don't think he thought I would stick with it either, as I don't stick to a lot of new things

    So far I am loving this, so easy! And I don't have the cravings I had before. Nice to "meet" you.