Jenny Craig Chat

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  • 3 lbs down this week. So anxious for the next 13 lbs to go. I am hoping 4 weeks will be the goal. I want it so bad. So I can feel 50% free. I'm still on my cycle so I'm hoping for more next week! Medeis I feel you will make it!
  • Hi there Michlove, ugh I've been working hard trying to get ready for my cruise...leaving next Sunday and so much to do. I think I had lost some water weight as it is back and I am up a lb from my low this morning. But no doubt it will go away. But I was feeling light headed every time I stood up yesterday and just not so great so I self-diagnosed myself as down on my salt and ate a few licks of salt and felt much better. But no doubt that is why my weight is up.

    Michlove you are doing so great you are a total inspiration. You are going to be in Onederland sooner than you think!!!

    Gosh I will miss checking in with you guys next week! And I wonder what I will weigh when I get back. I fear that good food will overcome me! But I am going to try my best. Lucky thing I am not a drinker.
  • Morning ladies! I am copying and pasting what I already posted on the JC forum since it was rather long...

    As Usher would say, there are my confessions... Okay, yesterday, for the first time since I started JC almost 9 months ago, I went way overboard with my eating. And I used the excuse of being angry for it. I was upset because, not only did several people cancel last minute on coming to our party, but the few that did come came almost at half time, leaving us with cold burgers, hot dogs and hot wings to re-heat. Now, I understand that things come up and people need to cancel coming to a party once in a while, but when several people do it, it starts to make you wonder if maybe they got an offer to go to another SB party that they thought would be more fun. As for the people showing up way late, I find that inexcusable! At least friggin' call and say you're going to be late.

    So, in my anger, I started munching on chips. I had eaten very lightly earlier in the day because I was saving up my calories to have during the game. But I was getting really hungry and tired of waiting for these people to show up. One chip became a couple more and, well, you know the story. I took a I-don't-care-any-more pity-party approach to the day. A side of my life I hadn't seen in a long time. By the end of the day, I felt terrible physically. But here's the weird part...for the first time after a day like that, I didn't beat myself up over it. I just told myself, "Okay, it happened and it's done. Tomorrow is a new day and you're back on Jenny 100%." And I sincerely meant it and here I am after just finishing my delicious JC cinnamon roll and blueberries and feeling great again. I'm not going to make myself feel even worse by weighing in (something I'd do in the past to "punish" myself for binging the day before). I'll wait until my official weigh in day on Thursday. For some reason, I know that 3 days back on plan won't cause a gain come Thursday morning. I believe I've been doing this plan long enough now where having a slip like this and getting back on track has taught my body to be forgiving. I'm going to be confident that Thursday's weigh in will be good.

    That being said, Medeis, I have every confidence in you that you will make good choices while on your cruise. Even if you do eat a little too much a day or so, you've been on the plan long enough to know that you have the willpower to get back on plan the next day. Our bodies are so forgiving. Have a great time and just try to concentrate on all the fun activities on board even more so than the foods they'll serve.

    michlove, wow! Three pounds is terrific!! You are really working this program. Congratulations!!
  • I have missed you ladies!

    Medeis- Thank you so much for your support and I love the self diagnosed statement. Remember when I was sick? I did alot of trying to figure out what my body was saying. Don't worry you will be back on track and no matter what the scale says when you get back we are here to support you and I am sure the scale will continue to show a lower number.

    Sandy- I love your picture! I like candid pictures. Everything is so posed now a days. Sandy thanks for your honesty and I have been there big time but I agree with the day after. This is the first time if I mess up I just move on. Before I would just say frick it and boom back to the old miserable me. I used to have parties and go to functions but I have limited people I have kept in my life. Through the yrs if it's too much trouble, anxiety, trust etc I just don't deal with it. I am a punctual person and I have found many are not. It pisses me off like no other. So you are right in the way you felt. It's just plain rude.

    I weighed today at home instead of waiting for Jenny. I have made sure my scale matches theirs everytime and mine sometimes comes out a bit higher. But this morning I was 210.6! 2 lbs down since Saturday.

    I haven't been able to eat alot still. I am getting the bare minimum of Jenny foods and I know that isn't good but I am trying. The only times in my life I can't eat is during relationship issues. I am not sad about anything it is just a time in my life where I am reevaluating. During my 2.5 yr relationship with a man I have known since I was 12 has been stable but since the beginning I felt I was changing into what I felt he wanted. He didnt want me going out etc. So I quit drinking and smoking and going out and put on a ton of weight. I became resentful. I have now found my strength to stand my ground the more weight I lose. I am 33 and I had to grow up real fast in life.

    So long story short I am starting to be me again. Not drinking and smoking in excess but doing the things that I want. I am tired of feeling in trouble being myself. Getting dresed up just because or going to a friends house without a million questions.

    I have reconnected with my best friend of 15 yrs and I see her more now. I was set on leaving him but if he can let me live my life wihtout guilt then there may be a chance.

    Who knows. But that's why I can't eat- just too much anxiety in my stomach for it. I think I am getting in 1000-1200 cal though. What a roller coaster in a few weeks I may be saying ladies! Help me stop eating! lol. Sorry for the ramble but I think you ladies are great and open and I feel like I need to be too.
  • michlove, I'm sorry for all the anxiety you've been feeling lately. But I am happy to hear that you are taking your life back and doing what you want to do to make you happy. I used to be like that, too; do things to make others happy, but it made me miserable inside. Once you get past the anxiety of what your boyfriend will or will not accept of you, you are going to blossom into an independent and totally happy individual. I hope he can understand that this is what you need to be happy and that he has to love you unconditionally as is. You've got this, hon!
  • Hi Sandy, I am glad it is a new day for you and it sounds like you are shaking off what happened, though honestly I would have been just as mad and just as prone to eating the chips. To be able to sort of turn around and create yourself anew is a wonderful facility. I hope if I make mistakes on the cruise that I too can do that because really what else is there to do. One has to keep going and trying. I can't expect myself to be a total saint, however, I'm going to try to be responsible. Well I am looking forward to your weigh-in so I hope that goes ok, I don't think an instance of chips will throw you off too much.

    Michlove, I am sorry to hear of your anxiety. Make sure you eat healthy though. But I really do understand. Sounds like things got somewhat out of control for you and you are taking it all back for yourself, that is fantastic. I am happy for your weight loss too, you are doing great. But just be careful to get what you need food-wise. I drop down a few calories some days and I am not losing so watch that "starvation mode". But I get the urge not to eat when one is anxious so...I guess it is a balancing act, huh. What can ya do. But yeah, anyhow, ramble away. I am prone to rambling myself.

    As for me, I am at a plateau it seems. But unfortunately, due to this "vacation" I am having to work double hard this week and the one following the cruise. The stress is causing me to eat a lot less and I forget to eat things with salt and I get dehydrated and do everything wrong. I think I'm in starvation mode perhaps...(who knows). So I have to fix that, idk. Wish me luck!
  • Thank you so much for your support! I always look forward to us touching base for that little added touch. Your thoughts are wise and from experience and that helps. This is the first forum I've been on and it has contributed to my success. Checking in and sharing with you both is something positive and I always learn something.

    Jenny weigh in this Saturday.

    So many people have complemented me on my loss. It's very noticeable. When I tell people I still have 53 more to go they think that's too much. I'm large boned with brood shoulders. I don't want to settle at a larger weight than 157 regardless. I feel like myself again. It's fresh air to feel in control again.
  • Michlove, I just love to read your posts they are very supportive! It's always nice to come here and know that at least a couple of other people know and sympathize about my struggles. And the same goes for you. It's good just to type it out and I feel this forum makes me accountable. I don't feel like giving up when I come here. It's all about just keeping each other going.

    For me, well I am at 186.2 with 2 days to reach 185. Oh my goodness, can I make it? Haha! Even if I don't I am very close to it so that is good. Also I drank lots of water yesterday and I tried to eat plenty and get a little salt into me too, which all is helping. I will do the same today. I did not get to exercise last night since I was working, but I should tonight.

    I hope you guys do well today and stay on plan! I hope it is warmer for you all than for me, jeez it's freezing here again today.
  • Medeis- You will get there! Sometimes changing something just a little can trigger a bigger loss. It's strange. When I had my 6lb weight loss that one week- I had actually drank 2 days before and didnt eat great the day before weigh in. What's even stranger is the last time I did Jenny yrs ago every week if I drank alcohol I lost more. I used to joke that the Whiskey must have burnt my insides. Who knows!

    You are so close to you 185 and you have worked so hard! You stuck with it when the scale wasn't budging and then boom! That tought me to keep on going when I wasn't getting the results I wanted. Everything catches up eventually.

    I think we are very lucky the scale is moving in the right direction- some people really struggle to lose a pound even when commited.

    I will tell you when I am 199 the first thanks will be to you 2 ladies! How exciting will that day be!?!

    I appreciate you. Keep on truckin! Oh and stay warm!
  • You girls are great! I really appreciate all the love and support from you both. Although I was up 0.4 yesterday from last Thursday's weigh in, I was down 0.4 this morning, so it is coming off again. Just sad that it's taken me 4 days to take off what I had put on from 1 day. I have to keep reminding myself if what I want to binge on in the future is worth all the extra effort to get it off.

    Medeis, whether or not you make 185 in 2 days is not as important as appreciating how far you've come on this journey. I still remember how you struggled at the beginning to even stay on track for more than a week. Then you suddenly got on board, stuck the the plan and started your workouts and your weight is steadily coming off each and every week. I'm so proud of you!

    michlove, I'd get that, too, from people. When I got to 160, everyone kept telling me that I didn't need to lose any more weight. But I knew I would not be happy with my appearance until I got down to 150, which is still 20 pounds heavier than my goal weight from just a few years ago. But it is attainable and maintainable. I know I will feel healthy at this weight and fit in a size 6 jean. That's all that matters, right? How WE feel about ourselves, not how others want us to look (of course, as long as we don't go overboard and get unhealthy skinny).

    And I know I've said it before, but would really love it if you two would come and join me on the JC forum, especially on the challenge threads. So many people join them and they are so much fun and motivating (plus, the forum is up and running just fine now, Medeis, no more pages that don't work). I'll be putting up the St. Patty's Day challenge today for early sign ups and I'll post the link here if you guys are interested. Hope to see you there soon.

    Have a wonderful Friday!
  • So this week total was 2.4 lbs. Not too bad. I ate crap on Thurs and Friday. I am going to really try and eat all my food and get it together again. I don't feel healthy and energetic as much as when I was sticking to the plan. With so much personal stuff I hate that as a female I live in my own head. Sometimes so many thoughts and things going on make my goals sit on the back burner. I know the things I need to do or stop doing to feel better. Just need a kick in my butt!
  • Hi you guys! I am 186.4 this morning. Very hard to get to 185, but maybe I will get to it on the ship, those scales might be different though, but we'll see. Sandy you are right, I have come a ways from when I started and I remember getting to 199 and the relief I felt. And I will try the JC board again when I am back from my cruise.

    Michlove, congrats on your loss, yay! You are doing great and will get to Onderland soon I am sure.

    Ok so cruise starts tomorrow. I have to stay Motivated, Focused, Energetic, Committed and it will all work out fine. I admit I do kind of dread seeing all that food piled there in heaps and gobs. But I will think of my blood glucose meter and make the right decisions. Well, I will not be posting in the morning I don't think. I will try to stop by here when we are in port, but ship internet is not cheap. I may need some encouragement so we'll see how it goes.
  • Ok I made it! OMG 185.9, can you believe it!

    Ciao bellas, I am off on my voyage! I'll try to check in with an update.
  • Ciao, Medeis! Have a wonderful time on your cruise. I can't wait to hear all about it when you get back.

    Michlove, losing 2.4 in a week on Jenny is an awesome loss. I'm sorry you're feeling like you're not making as much progress as you are, but I can understand it though. Life if just so hard sometimes, even when you have all the right tools. That's why it's so great to have boards like these to have friends to lean on when you aren't feeling like you're moving in the right direction. I just want you to know that we all feel this way at times. (((HUGS)))

    I finally broke the 156 barrier this morning and hit 155.2. I was wondering if I'd ever see that ol' scale drop again. For some reason 3FC wouldn't let me post my weight-loss collage picture into my signature, so I'll post it here. I am so happy with my progress so far...

    I hope everyone is enjoying a nice weekend and hope to hear from the others soon.
  • Congrats to both of you!!!!!!!

    Medeis- have a blast! You deserve it!.

    Sandy- Thanks for sharing your pictures- so inspirational!

    Ok so my appetite came back over the weekend. Crap!

    I am good today though

    We shall see- every day is different and brings different situations that all require decisions. Grrrr. I am so proud of both of you!