Jenny Craig Chat

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  • omg.

    my roommate was in San Diego when I recommitted on Wednesday... and when her flight came in today, she brought me an In-N-Out burger! IN N OUT BURGER!!! I haven't been to the West Coast in about 4 years. I ate it. I just can't eat for the rest of the day now. I think I'll go for a second run and then go to bed early tonight
  • Started Jenny Craig on Saturday. Lost 3.8 lbs so far. Very expensive but worth it for the structure.
  • I would like to know more about Jenny Craig. I've been thinking about it for some time now but most of the information I find is from American Websites, I'm from Canada. I know there is a Jenny Craig Canada website, but it doesn't have a lot of info. I sent an email question to them through the website and never got a response. I need information on prices as well as general information. Can anyone help?
  • Quote: Well, I just came home from the wedding and I called and made an appointment for tomorrow! I've been thinking about this for a while, it's time to try again... wish me luck!
    I was just thinking that Wednesday will be a year!

    I'm down 40+lbs and while I've had some hiccups (gall bladder attacks/removal), I've pretty much been in control of my eating for a year!!

    Now, starting year #2, I honestly believe that by next year, I will be at my goal weight!!
  • New to Jenny Craig
    Hello to all,

    I am starting JC next week on Monday because I will be out of town for the weekend but I did order my food today and it should arrive by Thursday. I previously had lost about 40lbs on WW but gained it back because I have no time to be counting points and organizing meals for the next day. Im currently doing my masters, working 40 hrs/week and doing my internship which is 20 hrs a week. I hardly have time to eat but I have made myself a promise that I will follow this plan since it does not require any cooking. I am going to find it a struggle to be active due to my time constraints but I will make an effort. My fiance is a gym freak and he doesnt understand why I cant find a little time to dedicate to the gym but he is also very supportive on any decision that I make and he will be my number one cheerleader through my weight loss journey. I hope I can also find the much needed support on this site since I am doing the JC program from home.

    Have a great week,
  • i am with you Jennie. I started JC on Friday. Lost 4lbs in a few days (it was my TOM). Haven't weighed myself in a few days. I really hope this helps because it is freaking expensive!!
  • Reply to Dingo- Stay Motivated
    Wow 4 lbs is a great way to start. And as for this week even if you lose one pound it is well worth it because thats just one pound less that you have to worry about. A couple years ago I joined WW and lost a little over 40 lbs in about 6 mths and there were some weeks were I would lose 4 ounces or just stay the same weight and at first I would get upset but then I realized hey at least i didn't gain any back. Just keep your eye on the prize.

    Good luck,
  • Ha!
    I think I was just bloated from my period. That was really before I even started Jenny. I feel good though. I am so hungry today. I have been eating a ton of veggies to compensate. I hope they really are unlimited (if they are nonstarcy) cause I am eating A LOT.
    I am also running a lot. I ran 6 miles today and yesterday which is twice the distance I thought I could run!
  • I am so excited to start on Monday I cant wait : ) Great job on the 6 miles thats impressive. Keep up the good work Dingo.

    Happy dieting,
  • First week = Success : )
    I finished my first week of Jenny and I have lost a total of 5 lbs. I'm really excited even though I know the first week you lose a lot due to losing mostly water weight. I really hope that by writing on here and by writing in my journal I continue to stay motivated. I am also reading 100 days of weight loss and I really feel that this is helping me as well. Happy dieting to everyone.
  • I start the program on Tuesday of next week. Very excited after reading your stories.
  • Good luck to you on your first week on Jenny Craig. Ive been so busy I forgot to check back in on Monday. My second week was a success I lost another 2 lbs. I am really nervous about thanksgiving but what I have decided to do is eat my breakfast from my jenny craig meals and then have lunch at my in-laws house which I will probably have a salad and some turkey. Then I will have dinner at my families home where I will also start off with a salad and have some turkey and I will probably just have half of a dessert. I hope I can keep myself on check and not give in to temptation. Good luck to all and Happy Thanksgiving : )
  • Thinking about Jenny Craig
    I have been a lurker on this forum for years but I don't think I have ever posted anything. I have about 30 pounds to lose and would like to hear the pros and cons of doing Jenny Craig. There is a JC office within a mile from where I work and the convenience of not planning out my meals appeals to me. I have no willpower or stopping sense when I eat so the pre-portioned meals appeals to me. I also have a co-worker that is going to start back on Jenny after the first. The only con that I have seen so far from this forum is the cost. Any help will be greatly appreciated.
  • hello! i am going to sign up for JC tomorrow and i was wondering if anyone could share pros and cons as well.

    i am going to try the metabolic max program. I turn 28 in April and I am in my best friend's wedding on june 4th so i want to be significantly closer to my goal of 160 lbs by that time.

    It is possible to be at goal and that would make me very happy.

    I hope there are some other JC members to help with support. please show yourselves lol!
  • Hi, bjeweled!

    I signed up for JC back in August, but recently recommitted after a 2 month break (due to travel/work/laziness). I found that without JC, I didn't have the willpower or really the time to maintain a steady weight loss, as I don't cook nor do I like eating the same thing every day. I was 'lucky' enough to have stayed the same weight. I attribute this success to my drive, but also to JC. The results I received from them really reinforced my desire to keep going. Anyway, enough about me.

    The pros:
    -Easy to follow, especially for those who are new to dieting, counting calories, etc.
    -Weekly weigh in keeps you accountable. Trust me, nothing motivates you more to stay honest when you have a JC coach singing you praise when you lose weight!
    -The food is pretty good (I only like the frozen foods, not the meals that you keep in the cupboard.)

    -Can get expensive!
    -Obv. sometimes the JC food repertoire can get old, especially if you don't like eating the same thing.
    -IMHO, not enough Asian food...I'm Asian though. I'm sure others will disagree with me!

    As far as the metabolic max program, is that with the gowearfit?

    I actually own a gwf (before the mm program) and I cannot recommend it enough. It's also a BIG reason why I've maintained my weight/lost a pound or 2 when I went on a JC break.

    Something I have to say though is that JC allows you to have free foods and I don't allow myself that. I count everything that goes into my mouth (I'm a diet extremist, I'm told). My mother, on the other hand, doesn't (and she's been succesful). I think the best way (IMHO) is to count everything, so that you can fully take advantage of your GWF. With JC it's so easy to count calories even though it's technically not a part of your program because they're all listed. When you add those all up and then input that info on your gwf, you see the weight loss from the deficit. It's quite motivating!

    On another note: the GWF does NOT have all the JC food in the system, but that's not a problem as you can add them. What is a problem is the fact that some of the calories for the JC food are off in the GWF. I'm a control freak, so I've noticed that. They're only usually off about 10-50 calories, but since I count everything...everything counts!

    I hope I've been helpful. I know I kind of rambled a bit. Good luck with JC. I'm certain you'll be able to reach your goal .