Which food is tastier?? NutriSystem or Diet 2 Go???

  • Hey, im new to this site and i was considering either the nutri system or Diets 2 Go. Can anyone give me some tips on which is better on taste and variety. I have been looking on both site and cant decide!!! PLEASE HELP...THANKS
  • I tried both, and my reviews are on the main site.

    Diet to Go

    In a nutshell - I liked Diet to Go. The food was filling, there was lots of it, and the quality was great. I hated Nutrisystem. It's cheaper, but I thought the food was extremely poor quality and I still gag when I think about it. However, there are some people that really do like Nutrisystem.

    If you are considering one or the other, I'd suggest trying a week of each before you decide. Nutrisystem offers monthly packages, but they also offer an a la carte option on their website so you can try out a few days worth without a commitment.
  • I have to say that I agree 100% with Suzanne. I don't know if you have tried either yet, but I hated Nutri System. My dogs would not even eat it. I had to throw it out. I LOVE DTG. LOVE IT!
  • I just started diet-to-go and I am VERY impressed. The food is cooked fresh and vacuum-sealed before being frozen. The food I have had so far tastes great when cooked in the oven. (I've had the grilled cheese, brownie, spaghetti pie w/ cauliflower, mountain berry muffin w/ strawberry cream cheese, etc...) I was completely satisfied and didn't go to bed hungry.

    When I ordered a box of nutrisystem items I don't even think I would try the dinners. I was horrified at the fact that the food was freeze-dried and didn't have to be refrigerated. I have a friend who had a LOT of success on nutrisystem, but has since gained a little weight back. She tried to go back on nutrisystem and it didn't work the second or third time. She suspects there may be something in the food since she used to let her dogs lick the lids of the packages and they now have seizures. However, I definitely loved the nutrisystem chocolates and desserts.
  • Hi,
    I wondered if you could re-name this thread to have the proper name of Diet-to-Go. Using "Diet to Go", or "Diet-to-Go" is fine, but there is no "2" in the name.

  • I have tried both and could not handle the food on Nutrisystem at all. I tried to hang on because it is so beautifully affordable, but it was just awful for me. The whole powdered eggs thing was the worst. It's mostly shelf stable food therefore it's loaded with all kinds of fillers and preservatives to keep it shelf stable and it tastes it.

    Jenny Craig is about three notches up on the richter scale and is tastier and better quality, but it is also loaded with sugars and preservatives, but at least it tatses good (most of it anyway) though it's nearly twuce the cost of a month's worth of Nutrisystems. Jenny for me was about $600.00 a month with Nutrisystem being about $350.00.

    The best was definitely Diet To Go. In fact I could not believe how delicious and high quality that food is. My roomate did the low fat and I did the low carb. I tried some of her food, but did not like the low fat version (many do but I didn't care for it). The low carb was like eating fine restaurant quality food. Huge fillets of fresh salmon, Catfish (even the hanburgers were to die for) and all kinds of wonderful offerings. I never felt deprived. It was the closest thing I have ever found to eating out. It's also about the same as you would pay for Jenny Craig so for me it was a no brainer. In these economic times I can't really afford to do it again just yet, but I've been thinking about it!
  • Great reviews suzanne! Thanks for posting them. And as for the last post... yeah, that $250.00 difference is basically a whole nother month's supply! Jenny's pricing is ridiculous.