3 Fat Chicks on a Diet Weight Loss Community

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jaceycat28 12-10-2006 09:18 PM

meeting question
i have found a meeting near by that fits into my schedule. i told my husband about them and he is supportive. his one question is how much and i said i don't know. does it cost? any info would be appreciated. thank you.

mlk58 12-10-2006 11:19 PM

Nope, no cost. You can put a buck or two in the basket for coffee if you want to, but no charge.

charlenej 12-10-2006 11:55 PM

Hi Julie,

Just like MLK said the only requirement for joining OA is a desire to stop eating compulsively. A $2 donation is usually asked at the meetings to cover organization costs and periodic donations to the church or facility where the meeting is held.

Have you been to the website? www.oa.org

Also, there are online meetings at www.therecoverygroup.org held every three hours eastern time. Click on "doorway to TRG online meetings." It's a good idea to read the meeting protocol before you log on to your first online meeting.

If you need any help or have questions let us know :)


marny 12-11-2006 09:28 AM

Welcome! I'm glad that you found a meeting! So, how did it go?

jaceycat28 12-12-2006 11:12 AM

we will be going next sunday. i really can't wait. my husband is going for emotional support even though he needs it too. we have the tendency to feed off each other. i can be having a great day and then he'll mention food and i am done in. also i do that to him. we really need help. i have gained 60 pounds since meeting him. it is really frustrating. i'll lose then gain. i also gained alot after my daughter was born i guess mainly from stress eating.

marny 12-13-2006 07:18 PM


How awesome that your husband is going with you! I would love for my husband to go, but that will come when he's ready, and it's his idea.

Before or after the meeting ask if they have literature for sale. It would be really helpful to you if you got a copy of the 12 Steps and 12 Traditions of OA (Also known as the OA 12 & 12) Then, you and your husband could read step 1 before the next meeting. You'll have a better understanding of what OA is all about.

My husband and I each gained 60 lbs together also... Oy. The folks at the meeting will be able to identify with you and understand exactly where you are coming from.

jaceycat28 12-27-2006 09:25 PM

i have yet to get tp a meeting it seems every sunday we have a family event to go to but luckily next weekend no obligations. i just ordered a bunch of books on eating addictions on ebay and i believe three are from oa and the twelve steps are one of them. i will post next weekend on how the meeting goes.

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