Using the tools of OA, but not the meetings

  • I have found that when I followed an OA approved food plan, then my hungery almost disappeared. I tried on many occasions to tell my sponsor what was going on, but she didn't really believe that my hunger felt really influenced by eating sugar and grains, and when I ate clean, I didn't feel so hungry and that was the key to my weightloss.

    Of course I do use the tenets of OA and I do realize that I am an compulsive overeater. Right now, I am trying to focus on getting back into eating clean. I know it will work for me, but I don't know why I am hesitant to do it. I do acknowlege that cutting out sugar was really hard for the first 3 weeks.
  • I feel meetings are very important to my recovery. I need to hear others share their experience, strength and hope. I need the discipline of being accountable to someone by showing up at the meetings. I need the resource of having fellow addicts phone numbers to call if I need them. I hope you reconsider and attend some meetings.
  • Low self esteem and an compulsive eating
    Summer is coming soon and here i am fat still. I can tell its going to be a long miserable summer if I don't lose some weight. I recently lost 15 lbs but gained back 10. I feel so hopeless. I have access to all the weight loss tools. But what help is that if I feel like I don't desire to feel good about myself or motivated enough to lose the weight. I need help. I'm currently at 180 and my goal weight is around 135-140.I'm 5'3. I'm also a new member and need help on my journey. Ive tried doing it on my own but with little success.
  • Hey, momtimes3! It's not hopeless!
    Quote: Summer is coming soon and here i am fat still. I can tell its going to be a long miserable summer if I don't lose some weight. I recently lost 15 lbs but gained back 10. I feel so hopeless. I have access to all the weight loss tools. But what help is that if I feel like I don't desire to feel good about myself or motivated enough to lose the weight. I need help. I'm currently at 180 and my goal weight is around 135-140.I'm 5'3. I'm also a new member and need help on my journey. Ive tried doing it on my own but with little success.
    Yes, summer IS coming soon. It doesn't have to be a bad thing! I don't like feeling fat in summer when it's time for short sleeves and bathing suits but thing can be the LAST summer I feel uncomfortable.!

    What is the old saying? Start where you are! You don't have to do this on your own. I believe that we are all on this journey together when we share our triumphs and travails here. You can do this.