
  • I've recently started eating oatmeal and have been putting a packet of sf hot cocoa mix and 2 packets of splenda in it. I've been eating 1/2 c because that's what the serving size says on the back of the canister and I've found that it only sticks with me for a few hours. The way I make it, it only has 2 points. I got on calorieking earlier since I'm not at home and was curious to see how many points 2 servings would be. Two servings, according to the ni posted on calorieking would be 6 points. I don't really want to spend that many points on breakfast so I'm looking for alternatives that would be filling and not be more than around 4 points.
  • I don't do weight watchers, but every morning I have a packet of Quaker Weight Control oatmeal. I make it with water and nuke it in the microwave for 1.5 minutes. It's quick and easy, plus it has alot of fiber and protein in it so it keeps you going for a long time and it is a great tool in weight loss. Not sure how many points it would be, but it works for me!!!

    one carrot for each pound lost in 2010 (so far):
  • I do a version of the oatmeal you have except I put a protein powder in it (chocolate) and a teaspoon of PB. It has a lot of protein and it sticks with you. Mine has 5 points.

    Or, I do a boiled egg for 2pts.

    Yogurt with a little cereal is around 2-3 points.

    If you go to WW try using their smoothies (choc, vanilla, strawberry) with your oatmeal.

    Oatmeal (like you fix out of the container) and Fiber One Yogurt mixed in is 3 points. It has a tangy bite at first but it is pretty good.
  • 1/4 cup uncooked steel cut oats, (cooked according to instructions) and 1/2 cup of fat free flavored yogurt (50 calories per 1/2 cup) is 3 points according to my calculations, and is pretty filling and a pretty large breakfast. It lasts me to my scheduled snack about 2.5 hours later.
  • I don't do WW, but I eat oatmeal most mornings. I eat the "heart healthy" portion, which is 3/4c of oats (I cook them in water.) Maybe if you upped it to the 3/4c (which isn't double) it'd be closer to your point range? I add various different things to it depending on my mood (this morning cinnamon and a touch of maple syrup), but it always lasts me at least 4 hours.
  • Quote: I do a version of the oatmeal you have except I put a protein powder in it (chocolate) and a teaspoon of PB. It has a lot of protein and it sticks with you. Mine has 5 points.

    Or, I do a boiled egg for 2pts.

    Yogurt with a little cereal is around 2-3 points.

    If you go to WW try using their smoothies (choc, vanilla, strawberry) with your oatmeal.

    Oatmeal (like you fix out of the container) and Fiber One Yogurt mixed in is 3 points. It has a tangy bite at first but it is pretty good.
    do you add the ww smoothies prepared or just the plain powder to the oatmeal?
  • I like to add a small can of peaches to mine to make it a little more filling.
  • powder in the oatmeal.
  • nicolee--

    I have started adding lots more water to my oatmeal and then thickening it with a little bit of cornstarch--what you use to make gravy. You only need about 1/4 teaspoon of the cornstarch and the calorie count is about 7 or 8 calories. That way you have a heavy, hot breakfast without the added calories or points.
  • Thanks for all the suggestions. I'll try some when I get to the grocery store this weekend.