Trying to remember Potato soup recipe

  • A ,ong time ago, I was given a potato soup recipe. If someone could fill in the blanks, that would be awesome. This is all I remember:
    1 bag of frozen hashbrowns
    chicken broth (no idea how much)
    1 package of fat free country gravy mix (that makes 2 cups)

    It seems like there may have been some sour cream or cream cheese, but I cannot remember. PLease help me!
  • I have the potato soup recipe:
    1 16 ounce sack frozen O'brien hash browns
    3 cans chicken broth
    1 package Williams Fat Free Country gravy mix

    Simmer potatoes in 2 cans of broth until done. Mash potatoes against side of pan or blender 1/2 of mixture.

    Mix one can of broth with mix & bring to a boil stirring constantly. Combine potatoes & gravy mix.

    1 Cup=1 point

    If you have a blender I recommend this method of mashing.