Beautiful NSV

  • I am at the library right now doing my internet stuff and this guy called me "beautiful". He was on the computer next to mine and when I went past him he said "Hello, beautiful" and he just left and on the way out he said, "Take care, beautiful"!!! This just tickled me because I don't ever recall a "stranger" guy (One I don't know) saying that to me before. Just wanted to share cuz it really made my day.
  • Glad it made your day!
  • WTG on that compliment. That is wonderful.
  • Good for you!! You go girl!!
  • You go girl!! Looking good in the neighbor hood!! hew!! Iknow it made your day
    take care and hope to see your post around. If i can find them! hew!!
    large site here.

  • Geez at my age I'd be tickled pink!!! What a nice thing for a stranger to say. Keep it up and I'm sure there will be many more compliments like this.
  • Awww, I'd be on for the rest of the day.
  • what an awsome NSV