10lbs gone! First little mini goal~

  • Woo hoo!! Its the first time in a long time that I've succeeded in losing a chunk of weight! Even though It's only about 5% of my body weight, it's a good start! My next goal is to lose another 12 or so lbs to make it to 10% (hopefully before my trip to NYC on May 16th!).

    Just wanted to brag for a quick minute
  • Wooohoooo congrats!!
  • There is no such thing as "ONLY" 5% of your body weight! That's MAJOR! That's AWESOME! Seriously, CONGRATULATIONS!

    Also, you have GORGEOUS hair! So lovely!
  • Thanks guys! We're doing a weightloss challenge at work and of my opponents even said he could notice a difference!
  • Wonderful job! That's awesome!
  • Good job!
  • Congrats!!!!!
  • Big big congratulations! I just lost 9.5 and worked hard for it -- I think 10 lbs. is awesome!! I was never brave enough to do a wt. loss challenge at work--what I would love to have at a job would be a wt. loss support group. (My friend got hooked up w/Weight Watchers that way, and lost a lot of wt.) I move around doing temp work so the workplace groups are not possible right now. Keep up the good work!!

    I think your hair is gorgeous too!
  • Congrats!! I weigh 'officially' on Mondays but I suspect I will be joining you
  • Congrats! 10 lbs is great!