I've been underestimating myself!

  • Holy (insert expletive here)! I just achieved my goal of a 30 minute sustained jog! I didn't know I had it in me! All of this time I've been stopping out of laziness at 10 minutes without pushing through my barriers. Admittedly, I did go at a slower pace today than usual: 4.6 kms (2.8 miles)/8 mins per km where I'd usually be at at 9 or 10.

    I downloaded an app called Run Keeper and with it I used the free fat burner exercise plan. Today, the second day, was a 30 min sustained pace. Since I've been exercising for 4 months, I decided the 30 mins should be a jog. I've never felt so proud of myself when the app beeped and said my target was completed. I threw my arms up as I was jogging and cheered!

    Sorry if that's a whole lot of blah. I'm just so excited (and my legs are burning! LOL)
  • WOW!! This is incredible! Congrats! That is such a victory - you did a fantastic job and it's totally worth celebrating
  • AMAZING!!!!! I will call Usain Bolt and tell him to watch out!!!! Congrats on your dedication!!! WOO!!!
  • Awesome Rhiko!!! My first day doing C25K made me feel like a queen of the world!! I'm only up to 25 minutes running (W7 D1) so I can only imagine how great you feel right now!!

    You are a runner, keep up the great work girlfriend!!
  • A lot of blah? Not a bit of it! That's a huge accomplishment! Congrats!
  • You have every reason to be proud!!!! (and I love that you cheered for yourself!!!)
  • Congratulations! That's incredible!
  • Thank you! I'm feeling the after effects today though. My hips hurt so bad lol It was my first time running on concrete too, so I know it's only my body getting used to it.

    I've been invited to run a mountain () with my partner's step-dad which takes him, at 6ft something, an hour. Translation, I'll do it in an hour and a half to 2 hours when I'm fit! That and I'm starting to train for a 5k fun run in November and, I think, a 10-15k run in December. It's great to know I could (hypothetically) do the 5k fun run tomorrow and go all the way
  • That is AWESOME! 30 minutes is great! I'm lucky to push for 5 right now! Kudos! You are doing great.
  • That is awesome! Well done.
  • That is awesome! Good job!
  • Wow! That is just awesome. Way to go! Keep up the awesomeness, girl!
  • You inspire me I have that same app and only used it one time. No way is jogging for 30 minutes straight a lot of blah. You are doing amazingly !
  • Thank you everyone. With your comments, I feel so much better about my decision to push through my lazy barrier and just do it. Now my hips are functional, I'm going to give it another go tomorrow and try for at least 20 minutes this time (to save my hips this time! ha ha)
  • I finished another 30 minute sustained jog today and I was 30 seconds FASTER than the first! I thought I was going so much slower. My hips still feel a little sore and my right one was sore throughout the entire run, but because it didn't get worse, I didn't stop. This gives me hope that I'll be able to keep this up and do well in my 5k run. Maybe even win! (I'm way too competitive sometimes )