Not so mini-goal: 90lbs down

  • I'm so excited to finally post this! When I weighed in this morning I finally hit 160. I have been hanging out around 161 for a few days, and I admit I was getting pretty impatient for that last pound to come off. I also measured my waist, which is now 28 inches (down from 40).

    My original goal was 150, and I'm still shooting for that, but I'll see how I feel when I get there. I might go a little lower if it feels right.

    I don't post a lot, but I love reading what everyone has to say, so thank you to everyone, you've given me a lot of support, even if its just from reading your post
  • Wohohooo! Congratulations, you have achieved a lot! I'm always impressed by people who manage to lose that much weight. It must feel absolutely great, living in your new body
  • Great job!!...congrats!
  • Awesome !
  • Thank you!

    graatsia, haha, yes it is like living in a new body! Or, for me at least, like getting to go back to living in my old one. And it is wonderful.
  • Great job!!!
  • Congratulations!
  • Good job!!!
  • Awesome!!!! Thats my goal so you just gave me hope and motivation

  • WTG! That's pretty amazing!
  • that's brilliant well done!!!