Wearing My Skinny Jeans!

  • Earlier today I was on the hunt for an older pair of pants that I could wear around the house, and I decided to try on my "skinny" jeans. Everyone here probably has some "skinny pants"; the pair you saved hoping one day you'll fit them again. Mine are a pair of bootcut junior's size 7s that I haven't worn in 3 years. At my heaviest I couldn't get them up, much less buttoned. As I type this I'm wearing those jeans.
  • Woohoo, congrats!
  • Congrats on all that hard work paying off. You must be tiny. Even at my smallest i'll never fit into a junior 7's
  • My skinny jeans are pristine, folded, and just waiting for me to be able to slide my legs into them ughhhhh haha
  • Congrats! what an amazing feeling!
  • Thanks all! There's something very satifisying about zipping a pair of pants you didn't expect to pull up. I'm getting there.

    Baker I'm not tiny but am vertically challenged. Fortunately I'm much less horizontally challenged than I used to be.
  • congrats! i have a pair of red jeggins, and i want to fit into them but also look decent since they're RED! ... oh, one day soon hopefully