Exercise nsv

  • I officially got to 40 pounds lost today but have mostly done it without exercise. One huge goal I've had is to be able to run a mile without stopping. I've never managed to run more than 2 minutes at a time so I decided to see what I could do today. I ran 5 minutes in a row and it wasn't very hard at all!!!! Losing the weight made such a huge difference... I had no idea! Can't wait to see what will happen as I continue to lose weight and exercise! I know it sounds like a small nsv but I can't stop smiling and it feels like a huge deal to me!
  • Congrats on the weight loss!!

    I remember running my first mile without stopping! Its such a great feeling! Keep it up!!
  • I remember the first mile on the elliptical. Never would have thought I could do it. Soon I did 2miles.... Then 4.... And I even made it to 5 miles! That was something that if someone had ever asked me a year or two ago, I'd have said that would NEVER happen. That I just wouldn't ever been in shape enough to not pass out or throw up.

    I took a picture of the "5 miles" thing on the elliptical, because it was something surreal and unbelievable to me.

    It's worth it to achieve something you never thought you could.
  • That's a great NSV...there's no stopping you now!
  • That is so great!!! I'm curently jogging about 30 seconds LOL so very proud of anyone that keeps it up for longer than that!
    Way To GO!!
  • Great job!! Keep on, keeping on!!
  • Thanks everyone Today I ran 1/2 mile without stopping which was 8 minutes in a row!! (ok, it was actually jogging at 4.0- doesn't resemble running at all haha but as I get better I'll be able to up it). I really want to achieve the mile and then go find my jerk PE teacher who seemed to think I was less of a person because I couldn't run.

    *does a happy jog*
  • Girl that's amazing! It's so hard to move when you are heavy, or right at the begining of exercising.I remember when I started I couldn't even do a jumping jack. Taking the weight off totally makes a difference in how you feel and makes it easier to exercise. Keep going! Before you know it you'll be running marathons!
  • Yall keep it up. I had a exercise NSV this weekend. I ran 7 miles without stopping at a 9:14 pace. I was like a lot of you when I started the C25K 8 months ago. It was all it could do to run 60 seconds, and this was after I had already lost 30 pounds and could pound on the eliptical. Keep it up, running has really helped my weight loss, but it can be addicting. I had a euphoric feeling when I was on mile 6 Sunday. No pain, felt like I was floating. I guess it was just those endorphins kicking in, what a high!
  • PS...I saw an awesome quote this weekend, and I thought of it today as I was running at lunch. "It's not sweat, it's liquid awesomeness!"
  • It is a huge deal!!!! You should continue to smile!
  • Way to go!! Being lighter does make everything easier!!
  • Thanks everyone! Its so nice to have somewhere I can come and brag when my friends are tired of it!

    @Crainjo- wow, that's awesome! I had tried C25K a while ago when I was about 15 pounds done but I couldn't get past week 3- I'll have to give it another go now! My favorite quote about sweat is "sweat is fat crying"... awesome haha