September 25th Mini Goal

  • I am setting the mini goal of not eating bread until September 25--that is just a little bit over a month away.

    I have learned that bread is a trigger food for me. Last night I ate way too much and have felt sick all day. I think that committing to stay away from bread will help me to stop from binge-ing in general. I think a small goal is the way for now.

    I'll let you all know how it goes!
  • That's a good goal! I will try to do the same Good luck !
  • That could be very interesting! I don't think I could completely give up bread..
    The one trigger bread that I DO NOT ALLOW MYSELF TO BUY is good rye bread (the kosher NYC style, with seeds). I just don't buy it because I eat the whole loaf.
    I also don't buy crusty Italian bread for the same reason. That said, when I go out for breakfast, I always get rye toast. That is what I limit myself to.
    I'm trying to think if there is something else I could give up for a month... hmm..
    You gals have fun! Keep it updated, I'd love to see your progress!!
  • Good luck with your challenge! Bread is a binge trigger for me too (carbs in general, actually) and I eliminated 95% of it from my diet and I stopped craving it.
  • Good luck :0)
    Ohhh, this is a good one! I find any form of bread, pastry, or fried food really hard to step away from and especially while in a binge. I limit myself to 2 pieces of 45 calorie bread a day for this heart healhty diet I'm on. Trust me, you appreciate the bread a whole lot more :0)

    I'm doing no alcohol for 6 weeks!