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CherryPie99 11-11-2010 12:07 PM

Still on the island
At work they do this thing called Survivor Island - you choose a partner, pay $10 and weigh in once per week. The team has to lose a total of 1 pound per week to stay on the island. We are in week 9 of a 10 week competition. At the end whoever is still on the island and has lost the most weight (percentage wise) wins $100 each team member. I haven't really expected to win, but I really just wanted to be on the Island the last week.

My partner and I have been doing well, but this week I hit a plateau. I was doing everything the same as usual, but was not losing a thing. Yesterday was the weigh in and my partner weighs in and is the exact same. So I had to lose 1 LB to keep us on the island. I thought I was screwed. But, I get on the scale and YAY - lost 1.5 lbs!

So it has been 9 weeks, I've lost 21 lbs in these weeks, and we are still on the island for the final week!

Only 6 teams out of the original 21 are still left - I still don't think we'll win, but just being there is awesome!

lazylioness 11-11-2010 12:22 PM

that is awesome! Good job!

guamvixen 11-11-2010 01:46 PM

Good luck! You can do it!

Paloma 11-11-2010 02:27 PM

Congrats! We're doing a weight loss competition at my work too, but we're not doing partners. It could be very motivating to know you have someone else depending on you but I could see people getting snippy with their partners. Do you think this has caused any hard feelings among any of your coworkers or is everyone handling it pretty well?

Onederchic 11-11-2010 02:59 PM


CherryPie99 11-11-2010 06:48 PM


Originally Posted by Paloma (Post 3564224)
Congrats! We're doing a weight loss competition at my work too, but we're not doing partners. It could be very motivating to know you have someone else depending on you but I could see people getting snippy with their partners. Do you think this has caused any hard feelings among any of your coworkers or is everyone handling it pretty well?

One positive thing it has done for me is that I am extremely competitive, and it has made me feel obligated to keep up my side of the bargain, so to speak. And I can't lie - one week my partner gained 1/2 lb and this week she stayed the same and I was a bit annoyed. Fortunately I had lost enough to cover.

I know that 2 co-workers joined together and I was surprised because one is very thin to begin with. And one day the thin one came in and was like "Gosh, I hope you worked out extra hard, because I went to a birthday party this weekend and ate pizza and cake so I think I'm going to be up a couple of pounds" to her partner. And I could tell the partner was pissed. They only made it like 3 week into the competition.

xty 11-11-2010 10:12 PM

Kudos to you! And to your workplace for focusing on heath in a constructive, results focused and yet fun way. Very cool!

emthompson 11-14-2010 11:06 PM

What a fun project and congratulations!

CherryPie99 11-16-2010 04:49 PM

Ok, guys, wish me luck! Tomorrow is our last weigh in. I'm feeling pretty good - I think that I'll be down at least 2 lbs this week, but it's hard to tell because the scale that I weigh in on there is a little different then my one at home. If I make it, I'll be in the running for at least a little cashola, too!

Katy Belle 11-16-2010 08:37 PM

Good luck! Sounds like a fun competition!

Paloma 11-17-2010 09:22 PM

Can't wait to find out how you did! The weekend pizza incident confirms my feelings on partnered weight loss. Especially at my work, I swear everyone thinks the act of stepping on the scale once a week will magic away all their extra fat all on it's own.

islandchick1 11-17-2010 10:04 PM

This sounds really cool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Best of luck to your and your partner :)

CherryPie99 11-18-2010 05:06 PM

Well, good news and bad news.

I lost 3 more pounds, putting me at a total of 67 pounds this year and I lost 24 pounds the 10 weeks on the island. 2 teams were eliminated at the final weigh in and we came in 4th, so no prize money - WAHHHHHHH!

The team that came in first consisted of what I consider a fairly normal sized woman and one tall heavy woman. They worked out like crazy and lost 30% of their body weight in the 10 weeks. 30 frigging percent! That can't be terribly healthy, can it?

BellaLucia 11-18-2010 05:39 PM

Congrats on losing so much this year CherryPie99!

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