Happy Happy NSV

  • I am way too excited. I have on a pair of pants I had to stop wearing because they are petite and they hang right below my ankles. They started to get too short because my hips were spreading. I put them on today and they are swallowing me whole. But the best thing about them is I had gotten used to the pockets being pulled apart further than they should have been and had to lift my shirt to find them. They were hanging in front close to each other where they were supposed to be. YAY!!!
  • Jigglefree,

    I've noticed all my pants are getting long too! Along with being very loose elsewhere. That's a great NSV.

    I went shopping for new jeans today, got the regular size 16 at Old Navy (Sweetheart style), they're still a bit snug but I'll be wearing them in 2 or 3 weeks for sure!

    I saw so many size 10's and wanted to get some for inspiration, but didn't. I saw on another thread where the poster has a pair of size 10 jeans she puts on each month on her "anniversary of healthy eating" and takes a picture. They go up higher and higher each month and she can really see her progress. I think that's an awesome idea! That way when she does get to size 10 she'll really be able to see how far she's come. When I read that, I immediately thought of you since you and I are both aiming for size 10's!
  • Yes, I am wearing a lot of floods lately - the sideways creep pulls them up past my ankles. Can't wait for them to sag a little. My pants; not me. :-) Congrats on your NSV!
  • That's awesome! I have a few pairs of jeans I can't wait to fit into, and a size 11/12 dress that I will not care if I lose another pound once I fit into it. Seriously, congrats!

  • That is terrific!