12 pounds gone!

  • normally, I wouldn't post a thread to announce a mini-goal (probably a habit I should get out of if I want to keep myself motivated and proud of my achievements), but I just can't resist sharing this happy moment with you guys!

    the past 2 weeks, I've been feeling very icky about myself, thinking I gained weight and feeling miserable... no binge eating, though! I just felt crappy and like a failure... the last time I'd weighed myself, I was steadily at 248-251 range, but I had been feeling that I was getting back up to my all-time high weight of 260.

    well, motivated to get myself out of that slump, i weighed myself this morning, thinking I'd "scare" myself into dieting (bad idea, I realize), and lo and behold! I see that I've lost 12 pounds! and this was after drinking a couple of glasses of water and having a shower (which matters to me, because I always feel extra heavy after both.)

    it just made my day. and it was a MUCH better motivator than fear. i decided to skip the fattening Mexican food dinner I was supposed to have with my friend, and instead opted for a caesar salad, grapes, and tons of water.

    I'm happy, and I look forward to the next 12 pounds! I thought this was impossible to do, much more without trying (I haven't worked out in a month, but I've been taking the hydroxycut-manufactured hoodia supplements [no lectures, please], and haven't really been watching what I eat... just restraining myself from binging), so I can't imagine how much more progress I can make while actually dieting and exercising!

    sorry this is so long, and sorry for the lack of pictures, but I just wanted to share this small bit of happiness with complete strangers since I've worn out talking about it with my mom.
  • Awww congrats!! That is such a good feeling!
  • thank you, Danni! it's an amazing feeling.
  • I love that the more you stick to your "plan" (whatever that may be) the more resiliant you become and better at it . . . I think two weeks without a binge is bloody awesome You go!!
  • Congrats. Way to go!!!
  • Way to go!!!
  • Good Job!!
  • Nice Stay Positive!!! You got this.


  • Good for you! Keep up the good work.
  • awesome job!