No Longer Obese!!

  • I weighed in two days late for a few reasons. I was sick this weekend, but I did try to stay around 1000 calories each day.. which should make this weight actual since I ate too many calories a few days out of last week. This is BIG for me!!

    (scale said 179 first but 179.5 twice after that.. I'll take it though!)

    That's down 3 pounds into the 170's, below my September 1st goal AND no longer OBESE with a new BMI of 29.9!!!

    My new mini-goal is now added!
  • Congrats! That is a big step!
  • Congratulations!! It must feel so good to have gotten that far. I love your little line, "Thin feels better than cookies taste!". I want to keep that in my mind all the time.
  • congratulations! that's a HUGE milestone, it only gets better from here!
  • well done
  • Congrats that's great!