Weight Ratio Change!

  • I haven't set any true mini-goals, outside of trying my best to stick to the plan I have put myself on, but my weigh-in this morning made me really happy! When I started I was 294 lbs, with 154 pounds to lose, meaning I had more pounds to lose than the amount of pounds in my goal weight (140). This week I've lost 5 pounds, bringing me to 276 pounds, with 136 pounds to lose- (four pounds LESS than my goal weight!) That feels really good!

    Thanks for reading!
  • You are doing great, congratulations.
  • Oh, I hear ya!

    WHOOT to you, girl - you're doing fabulously!!

  • Khep, what an interesting way to look at it. That is cool. That makes me feel better too. My heaviest, nonpregnant weight was 308, and my ultimate goal is 145. So that makes it so that i know longer have to lose more than my goal weight too. I wish i would have thought of that that sooner, that is a cool goal to set. Good thinking on your part. Although, maybe i am glad i didnot know that, it might have overwhelmed me, but it does show great progress huh.

    You are doing great by the way, keep it up.
  • Thanks everyone for your support, I really appreciate it!

    Get n healthy: I'm glad you like it! I was trying not to focus too much on the off-balance numbers, but now that it's a thing of the past, I am able to look at it with some happiness