I'm 10 lb away!!

  • Just had to share, I made a mini goal of getting under 200 lb before our trip to Disney. I'm now down to 209 and SO close I can taste it, I have until the 30th to make goal...I work out every day at least 45 min, and eat as well as I can considering I'm full of gallstones and can have no fat or basically not much at all, lol. Wish me luck, and good luck to you all too!!
  • Oh Shannon!

    I KNOW how you feel about being SOOOOO CLOSE! I've found that as I lose more weight I need to decrease the amount of calories that I eat in order to see any change on the scale. I had a few days where I ate 500 more calories than usual, and I went into a stall! I'm now eating about 1500 to see if that works. I exercise a couple times a day-Turbo Jam or walking or step aerobics in the morning and then ab work, yoga, and/or weights in the evening as I watch TV.

    Up your fiber and water. Both will help eliminate all the toxins that the fat burn releases. Watch the carbs. I was doing WAAAAAY too many of them for a number of days and came to a stall right quick!

    Good luck with your ten pounds! You WILL make it by the 30th! Keep exercising and you'll also get a bonus of a firmer, tighter body that loses INCHES as well!
