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porchmom84 02-17-2010 09:09 PM

Have you figured out your triggers to go off program?
I'm seeing my main one is fatigue....and am thinking I need to value rest more.

learning2Bhealthy 02-17-2010 11:29 PM

Hello, This is off topic. I did try to PM you but it says you don't accept them.:?:

I was wanting to know how your stabilization is going? I'm starting Monday and I just wanted to know a few things, that is if you don't mind sharing.:^:

Is it what you expected?
Is it a disappointment?
Are you fuller now?
How do you feel?
Like I said in other posts I tend to think the grass is always greener on the other side, which has brought me disappointments in times past.:D

I hope you don't mind me grilling you. You're the only one I know who is going through stabilization right now.

Thanks in advance

UknowMe 02-18-2010 07:54 AM

I go off program when my schedule is disrupted. I'm not good with on the fly choices. I'll vote pizza for dinner everytime !

MEEZOOGIRL 02-18-2010 08:27 AM

My big trigger is being bored.. or tired...

SalaamDementia 02-18-2010 09:22 AM

If I'm tired and I'm hungry - for instance if I've worked late and missed my 5 hours between meals, I'm so much more likely to overeat or just throw open the fridge and grab the very first thing on see, doesn't matter what it is.

leigh34 02-18-2010 09:44 AM

If I don't plan my meals in advance I just fly by the seat of my pants and eat what everyone else is eating. Also when I'm bored - afternoons at work get long!!

missmary 02-18-2010 10:16 AM

You have to plan ahead. Cut up some raw veggies, measure them and place them in baggies, so you can munch while you cook. Rely on the crockpot for those long working days and add a bit more to reheat for the next day. Keep lots of chicken breasts that are easy for stir fry. The compliments are such an energy booster.....I'm to the point where kind words of a great job are better tasting than that hamburger through the drive-through. Self-worth tastes so good. Get your family on board.....cherish your accomplishments, you can do this!!! You are worth the investment.

skinnyby25 02-18-2010 10:16 AM


Originally Posted by UknowMe (Post 3158586)
I go off program when my schedule is disrupted. I'm not good with on the fly choices. I'll vote pizza for dinner everytime !

i've noticed i'm the same way and i hate it. i think i use it as an excuse. thats why its so important for me to have quick food on hand. i've been keeping tuna in my fridge if i don't have time to cook meat or defrost it. or if i'm running late for work, my go tos are cheese, cottage cheese or a bar. also, i seem to want to celebrate special occasions with a really good meal. which i think will be fine later once i get only have to maintain, but for now eating off plan throws be off bad. i'm trying to not be so hard on myself for having a bite or something small off plan. like last night i a bit of op soup, usually i would have ate whatever because i already messed up. but i stopped at a few small bites. i need to get better at doing that because for me thats how real life is going to be.

kimmermarie19 02-18-2010 10:25 AM

my biggest trigger is when my schedule is being disrupted as well. like this week, i am watching my boss' daughters and staying with them at their house while him and his wife are in mexico. it is just harder to keep the routine up. i have a harder time sleeping when i am not in my own home too....which means i lay their unable to sleep and being bored....and we all know boredum equals eating. so, this week has been tough for me!!!

Nicatnight 02-18-2010 07:06 PM

My biggest triggers are when I am overly hungry (too long between meals coupled with poor planning) and when I indulge in something I shouldn't. It seems that when I take just one bite of something I shouldn't, it puts me on a very slippery slope where willpower just does not exist. You would think that knowledge would prevent me from sampling my kids' dinners sometimes, but it doesn't all the time. <sigh> I am trying though!

Goose 02-18-2010 10:53 PM

Extreme stress causes me to go off program. I eat my feelings. LOL

katwmn1 02-18-2010 11:01 PM

Definitely schedule disruptions...today was a perfect example. I got tied up in surgery all morning and had to be at an appointment with only about 15 minutes to get there...I didn't have any food with me, 'cause I didn't expect surgery to go so long...I ended up eating half of a Costco sausage, minus the bun, an apple and a diet soda - that's all there was available.

Lesson learned - ALWAYS leave the house with lunch packed!!! Even if it's just to run a few errands.

I do have to say that being on MRC, I am making better choices when I do go off program. Before I would have eaten the whole dog, with bun and piled high with mustard, relish, onions and kraut, probably a frozen yogurt and maybe even a churro!

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