Men notice my weight loss more than women

  • So far, one (perhaps two) women have commented on my weight loss. But at least five guys have which I find interesting.
    Some men even keep coming back for a follow-up chat on how I am doing. These aren't friends, more colleagues and acquantances. None are as overweight as me.

    It's probably that women don't want to appear to be hitting on me or just don't care but I am finding it funny. I mean these are grown, married (I assume not gay) men talking and showing interest in how I look without any inititiation on my part!


    Nevertheless I am taking a compliment from wherever it comes as a definite bonus! It's nice to be back on someone's radar.

    I am slowly becoming less invisible.
  • Maybe not according to my experience. Guys are the touchy feely ones! Not the girls!
  • I think men give more compliments than women. Just my opinion.

    And I am in the men's corner again lol
  • Women never say anything about my weight, it's always men. I think women, myself included, are afraid to stick their foot in their mouth. I hesitate to say to other women, "You have lost so much weight!" Because I'm scared its going to come out sounding like I am calling them fat, or saying they were. As someone who is working so hard to lose weight, I realize how silly that is. I need to work on that.
  • I don't feel women are comfortable pointing it out. I think at some level saying you look smaller is implying you where once bigger. I think since women are unfortunately trained by society (well, American and westernized society) to feel shame for a non-standard body-type this is a reflex way they manage conflict. Just because men are not taught to feel shame for this (well, supposedly) does not mean women will communicate with you in any way different than how they communicate.
  • Interesting. So women are just being polite. And the men blundering buffoons!
  • The women are noticing, but not commenting because a. they don't want to appear like they notice your body (as perhaps saying something would be seen as inappropriate?). and b. Women in general don't tend to give compliments with people they don't know really well.

    It's stuff I find frustrating and probably why I have so rarely had close girlfriends as I'm not the typical mold.
  • Yikes I must stick my foot in it alot I don't have a filter. Though for most women I imagine it is a comfort thing or possibly not wanting to appear vain.
  • For me, it was the new glasses.

    Several men noticed and commented on the style - these were guys I'd known for years and hadn't commented on anything about each other, LOL.

    No woman ever commented.
  • As a girl, I got more weight loss compliments from women than men. I only got one from a man, actually, and it was more commending my lifestyle change rather than my weight loss.
    Maybe it's just easier complimenting the weight loss of somebody of the same sex/gender?