Newbie One Week and 6 lbs Down

  • Good day all, I am brand new but kinda lurking here for a week. Love the site. Just checked in at the center and very happy to have lost 6 lbs. I am a 55 year old women who has been at my goal over 10 years ago. I've been struggling to do it on my own and have only been able to lose 10 to 15 at a time and typically gain back. I realize this is a lifestyle change. So far I am happy with the plan. My first week consisted of

    Breakfast: MF maple and brown sugar oatmeat with cinnamon, vanilla and little butter
    Morning meal: MF Peanut Butter Crunch Bars (this is my favorite so far)!
    Lunch: Either a lean and green or the MF Zita Marinara (like alot)
    Afternoon meal: MF Honey mustard pretzels (did not like but liked if dipped in mustard)
    DinnerMeal: Either a lean and green or the MF Zita Marinara
    Night Meal: MF Chocolate Shake with vanilla and cinnamon and splenda blended with crushed ice (almost like a wendys frostie)

    Most lean and grean meals were fish(tilapia) or chicken with green salad, small tomatoes and lowfat italian dressing. Snacks here and there were pickles. Did good with my water but I only like the bottled water. Does anyone use a Brita filter and does it help with water? My biggest problem is journaling. Do any of you use MyFitnessPal? I think a app would be simpliest. Also just bought a fitbit and I get 10K steps 3 to 4 days a week. I do plan to up that. More focused on diet right now.

    Another problem is sleep. I don't seeem to want or get over 6 hours of sleep a night. Any suggestions for this issue would be appreciated. Frankly, I think I just like staying up real late. I stay up to 10:30 or 11:00 during the week and after midnight on weekends. Then because of my work I am used to getting up around 5:30 to 6:00 am every morning and maybe 6:30 to 7:00 on weekends. HELP/Advise to get more Sleep would be NICE.

    Thanks for giving me a place to brag, cry, rant and obtain support and feedback!
    Starting weight 242
    Current Weight 236
    Goal Weight 170
  • hello lady
    we are the same age. Glad to meet you. I am starting today. Let's stick with it till we arrive at goal....
  • Congrats on the 6lbs Mary! That's terrific and you must be so happy about that. I am now finishing day 7 and tomorrow is my first weigh in. I'm dying to know how I did. Hopefully as good as you.

    Have a nice weekend and congrats again
  • Quote: Congrats on the 6lbs Mary! That's terrific and you must be so happy about that. I am now finishing day 7 and tomorrow is my first weigh in. I'm dying to know how I did. Hopefully as good as you.

    Have a nice weekend and congrats again
    I'm VERY IMPRESSED,,,, you actually waited a week to look at your weight. I have peeking issues.
  • Maybe if you don't feel you need more sleep, you don't need it. Are you sure you are not tired and struggle to concentrate on your work? Try to monitor your energy levels.

    If you are sure you are not getting tired thorough the day, then maybe 6 hours is fine for you but it would kill me.

    If i were to suggest anyway of getting more sleep i would say go to bed earlier and try not going to watch tv of an evening or the internet. If you don't do these things after dinner, its easier to get in a relaxed enough mode for sleep and reading a book helps. Consider being in bed with a book at 9pm.

    And don't stay up so late on weekend nights.

    Filtered water should be fine.
  • Thank you for the info you shared at the beginning of this thread- it's great to see what other people are eating during the day. I'm not very creative with my options so far- so I may repeat your choices! How's the weight loss going? Your first week was very impressive I hope I see something similar!