Favorite Restaurant Lean & Green

  • First of all, I'm so happy to see the Medifast board getting some traffic! When I first started a couple of months ago you could hear the crickets chirping over here!

    I was out to lunch today with some friends and it got me thinking - what is your favorite restaurant Lean and green meal?

    Today at Chili's I had the Margarita chicken with no pico, no beans, no rice, substitute 2 sides of steamed broccoli. It's my favorite restaurant meal so far!

    I had salads my first few weeks when I went out, but I've burned myself out on lettuce for the time being.

    So what's your favorite on plan L&G at a restaurant?
  • I'm so glad this board is getting more talkative, too. This diet is so different from others so it's nice to be able to talk specifically medifast stuff!

    I've been out to eat three times. The first two I had a chicken salad with FF dressing, but I ventured to Applebees and got the 7oz (uncooked) steak, so cooked down...I may have had a little more then 5 oz but it was close. No potato or corn medly...instead, unbuttered steamed broccoli and a side salad with FF italian. I brought my MIO water flavor and just had that in my water to drink. So I probably had a little too much L&G but it was close. And that steak was delicious!