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fatsincebirth 04-18-2011 02:23 PM

Starting Medifast tomorrow - Any Tips?
Hi guys -

I've been calorie counting for the last couple of months and it went well in the beginning and I lost about 8 pounds but haven't lost anything the last couple of weeks. I do really good calorie counting when I'm at work, but when I get home (and the weekends, omg), I go CRAAAZy. I tell myself "hey, I did awesome today, I deserve 2 cookies" but then I end up eating like 8 but then I'm like "that's fine because I'm going to do Turbo Jam for an hour"... you know how it goes. I'm completely out of control LOL

So I tried medifast last year for about 1 week and lost 5-7 pounds, can't remember but then I tried doing low carb and that didn't work and I never went back on it. I've decided to really give it a go, the weight is seriously killing me (I was 204 last week and went crazy this wknd and as of today, I am 208 :( ), I NEED TO DO THIS. I feel like the strict plan would be best for me until I get to at least 180 and then I can calorie count (while practicing a little more self control, fml) LOL.

I would really appreciate it if you guys could give me some tips or suggestions that will help :hug: Thank you so much in advance!

beerab 04-18-2011 02:29 PM

1- STICK to the porgram it does work.
2- READ all the "success tools" on the mymedifast.com site- they are VITAL
3- plan in advance, do not let yourself get hungry on this plan.
4- Keep extra food with you at all times such as bars and puffs in case of an emergency.
5- do NOT skip meals, you may think skipping a meal here and there will help, trust me it doesn't.
6- it still takes time to lose on MF. Your first week will probably be your best week and then after that for women the average is usually 2-3 lbs while guys are better at hitting the 5 lbs per week average.
7- Week one is the hardest, make sure you drink TONS of water and also take advantage of the snack list (under success tools) because some of the snacks can help you survive (ie 2 pickles, 1 tbsp of pb, some broth, etc). And don't suffer through the headaches, TAKE SOMETHING for them :)

And remember- the closer you get to your MF goal the slower the loss- unfortunately that's how it is.

And the most important advice is don't get off plan! It's super hard to get back on (I speak from personal experience).

One more thing- if you do go off plan it's okay- no one is perfect, just keep trying.

Good luck! I'm doing MF it's great :)

fatsincebirth 04-18-2011 02:38 PM


Originally Posted by beerab (Post 3813449)
1- STICK to the porgram it does work.
2- READ all the "success tools" on the mymedifast.com site- they are VITAL
3- plan in advance, do not let yourself get hungry on this plan.
4- Keep extra food with you at all times such as bars and puffs in case of an emergency.
5- do NOT skip meals, you may think skipping a meal here and there will help, trust me it doesn't.
6- it still takes time to lose on MF. Your first week will probably be your best week and then after that for women the average is usually 2-3 lbs while guys are better at hitting the 5 lbs per week average.
7- Week one is the hardest, make sure you drink TONS of water and also take advantage of the snack list (under success tools) because some of the snacks can help you survive (ie 2 pickles, 1 tbsp of pb, some broth, etc). And don't suffer through the headaches, TAKE SOMETHING for them :)

And remember- the closer you get to your MF goal the slower the loss- unfortunately that's how it is.

And the most important advice is don't get off plan! It's super hard to get back on (I speak from personal experience).

One more thing- if you do go off plan it's okay- no one is perfect, just keep trying.

Good luck! I'm doing MF it's great :)

Thanks for the tips, beerab! It's super hard getting back on plan, I know, i tried doing it last year and I couldn't. But I have no choice, I will do it! I'm definitely going to plan everyday. As soon as I get home I'll make my first day plan. Thank you thank you! :goodvibes
Wow you've done an amazing job. Have you lost all this weight on medifast?

beerab 04-18-2011 04:20 PM

Nope I did south beach before MF and lost 30 lbs, the rest of it's from MF :)

I plan to go back to south beach eating when I'm done with MF.

fatsincebirth 04-18-2011 07:02 PM

I looked at SB as well before deciding on Medifast, but i definitely need more structure right now. I get a little too carried away with with freedom LOL I just tracked my order and I'll be receiving it tomorrow not today so I'll be starting on Wednesday, which is fine because it gives me some more time to get my L&G meals planned out. Thanks again for the tips!

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