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Ruthxxx 10-02-2001 08:10 AM

Daily Tuesday October 2
Wakey! Wakey! Guess I'm gonna have to start coming in here as soon as I get up and poking the 3FC resident rooster in the butt to crow and wake us up.

Another gorgeous day today! Hershey and I have been over to the cemetary to confirm a couple of dates - I am the Keeper of the Flame and in charge of the Family Tree. The cemetary is between a park and the forest - lovely quiet place. Wish they served coffee there, however. (I must go over while it's still dark!)

Super morning with son and grandbaby yesterday! Jim will be 38 not 36 - I guess I missed two years somewhere. Taylor is so adorable! She is 20 months - looks like a little person, not a baby. She and Hershey really hit it off. I taught her to sing How Much Is That Doggie In The Window. When I left, she was bugging her dad to sing it with her! Granny's revenge for all the dumb songs Jim made me sing to him! She is talking really well - her Dad was like that too - then he became a teen and became mute until about 30!

There's a ham in the crockpot and a big pot of soup on the stove and the rest of the day is mine! Going to decorate the Church for Canadian Thanksgiving this morning. Lots of corn and pumpkins and stuff around. Heard from a Toronto friend that cork stalks were selling for $2.50 each north of Toronto! Rip-off!

Have a great day!

Ruthxxx 10-02-2001 08:50 AM

LINDABC sent me this via PM
Hi Ruth, nice to hear from you.
I don't know if we will be going to Glamis Castle. Shelley and I are booked into a one day bus tour this Wednesday which will take us up to Loch Ness and points between.
It's been very windy last night and today. Shelley went out on her own and walked to town and back but I stayed in and caught up on laundry and vacuumed the flat. Made a leg of lamb for the first time in my life, surrounded by potatoes, onions, carrots, parsnips and turnips. It all turned out lovely. Scottish lamb is much nicer than the crap we get from New Zealand.
We had a marvelous weekend at Oban and a picture perfect day at the Isle of Mull on Saturday. I think in my post I called it Isle of Munn...DUH!
When we were on our way to Oban on Friday, we stopped at a town called Callendar and there we went for lunch at an Inn called Roman Camp. Discovered later that it has a high rating in the restaurant guide books here. It was a converted 17th century manor house/hunting lodge and very quaint. We had our lunch in a 'drawing room' with chintz covered chairs, faded, worn silk on the walls, old photos, a huge fireplace and a view of the rather rain-soaked gardens. We then had a walk through the drizzle down to the River Teith and poked around the huge veggie garden. It looked exactly like the ones you see on the British gardening shows with high stone wall, lots of hedges, perennials, lovely veggies just waiting to be picked (used in the restaurant), berries and fruit trees, statuary, etc. A really delightful stop.
Even though it's the end of the gardening season, I've very much enjoyed having a peep into private gardens on our prowls and comparing what they grow here to what I grow. They may be farther north than Vancouver, but they seem to have a similar climate zone, probably due to the proximity to the Gulf Stream. Obviously, hydrangeas do just as well here as at home. I've also seen many wonderful roses, but don't know the names of them.
Anyhow, I must give someone else a chance on the computer so I'll talk to you another time. Bye for now.

JHP 10-02-2001 09:00 AM

Good Morning!

Ruth - Glad you had a nice time with your family

Linda - Your trip sounds wonderful. You're like my mom when she comes to visit me - cooking & cleaning. :) Glad you're having fun.

Welcome to all the new chickies & hi to everyone to come.


DonDar 10-02-2001 09:09 AM

Morning Ruth,

Good to hear from Linda! Sounds like she is having a grand time.

Had a lovely evening yesterday. The only thing I had to do was attend our school's new garden club meeting. I loved it. We set up about 6 events during the school year. Our principal is in the club and will be a great assest, she is currently studying to become a master gardener. The mission of our club is to beautify our school using cuttings from our own gardens, and to seek donations for other landscaping needs such as mulches and edging.

Tonight had no activities planned, think I will do some yard work.

Newsflash, the family all sat down for a dinner together on a weeknight! Seems to be a rarity lately in our house. I would love to do it more often. It helps me eat op when I plan family meals.

Ruth, sounds like you and Hershey had a lovely visit. Hope that you did not spoil that dear child too much!

Wishing all an op day.


Tippy 10-02-2001 09:26 AM

WEll, I did get most of the lawn mowed...along with the garden hose. Arrghh! I shouldn't be allowed near machinery while on drugs! Now, along with the bronchial asthma, I have a "head cold". It must be from wearing Ruth's meta bra! I had to fill it with BB's to make it fit.(Ohh, you don't wear it on your head like a big Mickey Mouse hat??)
Am going to do a bit of housework and finish the hose~I mean lawn! We're being invaded by those &%$@@ Asian beetles again. Gross, disgusting,stinky things!
Nothing else much going on exept my sneezing and hacking!
See ya!

cathyxxx 10-02-2001 09:39 AM

Good Morning Chickies!
Hey there!

Hope everybody is doing good.

I walked yesterday during my lunchhour for a little while and then once I got home and got supper cooked, instead of eating it I went for a long walk outside. The weather here in Louisiana is just awesome right now and I can barely stand being inside! hehe

TIPPY - i sure hope you get to feeling better! Sounds like you are still working like crazy even tho you don't feel good.

DONDAR - i can totally relate to your comments about sitting down together for a family dinner. That is a pet peave for me at my house. We never did that much growing up because of the way my parents worked and I promised myself that we would always sit down each night together for supper. With 2 teenagers that only happens a couple of times a week but I am always grateful when it happens!

JHP - good to see you! Did you get your office moved yet? I would love to chat with you when you have a minute.

RUTH - I can smell the ham & soup from here! yummy! I love any kind of soup

LEENIE - good to see your post yesterday! By the way - the picture of your angel is beautiful - she is perfect! Must be hard to keep your eyes off of here. Give her a kiss for me!

Well ok chickies, I hope everybody has a great day!

God Bless, Cathy :dizzy:

Leenie 10-02-2001 10:34 AM

Hi Wadies,

Wovely Day LOLOLOL.

Its beautiful here today, baby is naping so I get to PC YEAH!!!!!!! Actually I have to clean up a bit.......uhhhh. Gonna keep moving until I can get some sort of exercise program together. Gotta be honest I HATE exercising but I gotta.

Have a Wonderful Day!!!!!!!!
Love, Leens

jenniwookie 10-02-2001 12:00 PM

Good morning everyone!

Today the morning is cool and dewey and the cot is hot and steamy.

My youngest is learning to climb up anything. I'm trying to keep her from climbling the curtains!

Today consists of a trip to Costco. Seems we are almost out of diapers! :nono:

I hope all you guys have a great day!


scooby2 10-02-2001 12:48 PM

Happy Tuesday to everyone!!

Sounds like we are all having a busy day! I just returned from my lunchtime walk around the parking lot. I feel much better each day after I take that walk! Have been OP for 2 wholedays!! Yippee!!

Gorgeous here today as well! Sunny and in the 70's with a lovely breeze. I love TN!! :D

Not too much planned today other than work. I have a very boring life I have decided. :p

Pooky 10-02-2001 01:21 PM

Good afternoon everyone, giant headache this morning and I'm still feeling the effects from it. hone was ringing off the hook this morning, good news too. My cousin's wife had a baby girl this monring at 5 am , 7 pounds 10 ounces. Don't know the name yet, but my sister-in-law is jealous! She really wants her baby to come out--she's getting really tired.

My wee one has been up to her usual 2 year old tricks and got inot much trouble this morning. Feeling burnt out and tired and with a headache so I'm off to bed for a nap while my wee one sleeps.

Have a great day Ruth, Linda, Jennifer, Jenny, Tippy, Cathy, Leens, jenniwookie, scooby and all those to come! :)

TigerHorse 10-02-2001 06:11 PM

Hi all
It looks like some of my buds from the chat room are on the message boards now. How is everyone? I miss the old chat room too. I still speak with some friends I made from there but miss lots more. I can be reached at [email protected]

I am down to 160, 20 more to go - I lost more mostly from riding the horse a lot and trying to eat within my points. I think the exercise thing is so important and if I can actually enjoy the exercise, then its easier to lose and stay thin in the long run. I love my house still and the dh is doing great, as are the animals. I only regret that I don't have enough time to spend enjoying them...but I am trying!

I will make it a point to keep checking back here to read how everyone is and what you are all up to. You all really helped me through my wedding (s) and obsessiveness about the weight issue.

Check out my web page to check out the latest photo of the horse :-)

Have a great day all

Casey 10-02-2001 08:51 PM

Never rains but it pours
You know, we were hoping that October would be an improvement over September. Not here... dh got laid off yesterday. Ah, chickies... I know we'll be okay and that he'll find another job without too much hassle..

BUT (and I've got a BIG BUT!!!)

This means he'll be underfoot all the time.


Hope all is well with y'all! Keep on keepin' on!

Ruthxxx 10-02-2001 08:58 PM

Oh, Chicken POOP! Try not to trample him underfoot! This too shall pass - as the goose said after she swallowed the pork fat tied to a string!

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