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Ruthxxx 08-22-2001 07:07 AM

Daily, Wednesday, August 22
Happy Hump Day!

Lovely dinner and evening with my BIL last night - did not even miss my dog - much! We had hoped Hershey would be home Friday but Mother Nature is not co-operating well. They are still doing tests to check "cell cornification" (?) and Simon is waiting in the wings for "the Call".

This morning will be errand morning and then DH and I take off for Ottawa and a "wild" overnight. We will go to the Casino and throw away money for a bit and then have an elegant dinner. DH has never been to a Casino - he'll either hate it or get cooked. We will stay at the Westin overnight and then do a Chinatown shop. Ottawa has a huge Oriental population with an excellent shopping area where we can buy all sorts of strange things. We will try to avoid a dim-sum lunch but won't count on it. Oh dear!
If we shop really early we can be back in Delta for lunch but .....

Anyhow, hope everyone has a good day - see you late tomorrow.

debkay 08-22-2001 07:20 AM

Good Morning
Ruth enjoy your time with hubby. Have a fun trip

peachie, how are you? And Jiff, how is she doing?

My hubby arrived home safe and sound yesterday afternoon. The flight he was on was piloted by a 26 year veteran pilot who was retiring after this flight. Upon landing in Atlanta the plane was saluted with water cannons. Delta does this for special occassions, like when the Braves leave for playoff games. What they do......when the plane taxis to the gate, two fire truck water pumpers shoot water in an arch for the plane to roll through. I thought it was neat, my husband was not impressed.....MEN!!!

Not much going on with me today, I plan to hit the new Sam's, but that's it.

Janice, my daughter's ankle is back to normal, thanks for asking.

Have a good day all

Pooky 08-22-2001 08:24 AM

Good Morning everyone!

Beautiful sunny cool morning here and it promises to be a lovely day. I am still trying to conquer Mount Laundry--a never ending, ever growing mountain I might add!

As for painting, thanks for all the kudos but I have to tell you it is my first time ever doing anything like this. My neighbour's daughter helped me by sketching them out and I just painted in. So far I have Ariel, Flounder, Sebastien, Atlantica, King Triton, Ariel in a clam shell, another Flounder and one of Ariel's sisters painted on the wall and I'm hoping to get two more sisters done today. I love how the room is shaping up--but it will take a while to get everything complete. I have been trying to decide on Window treatments and I think I might have to scour the fabric stores for some ideas--any good ones out there?

Tomorrow is pay day so I'm off to do my shop in Orillia. I have to get all the last minute stuff for my sister-in-law's baby shower. Sigh....just a little envious here:^: I know it will happen for me soon--my hubby has already been bouncing up and down about when the new baby comes. :dizzy:

Ruth--have a fabulous time!!!! I hope you win big at the casino! :) :) :)

Deb, glad to hear your hubby made it home safe and sound. I imagine he's going to be pretty tired out for a couple of days because of jet lag and the time change. How will you ever get him to eat North American Japanese food again?? He's been spoiled I tell you!

Have a great OP day everyone!

MamaJ 08-22-2001 02:55 PM

Happy Hump Day!!
Good afternoon everyone! I'm a bit envious of your cooler weather up north! As usual, it's a hottie here in Houston.

I just got a shocker! I was sitting here at the puter and thought I heard noises coming from our back garage. My investigation lead me to a large glass tank with A HUGE SNAKE IN IT!!! :eek: Obviously it didn't make the nose, but wait till I find out which boy is responsible for this one!!! :s:

Feeling just a bit under the weather today. I think I caught Peach's sinus problem! ;) Stuffy pressure head with puffy eyes with sniffles and sneezes. Ugh! Managed to stay OP yesterday and so far today. DH wanted to go to lunch again but I steered him away from the Mexican restaurant this time! Wasn't sure if I could be resisting those chips today! We went to a buffet style where I ate small portions of two veggies and a half piece of fish. I have to admit as much as I longingly eyed some of the goodies as we were eating I realized what DH had picked out and it was one starchy thing after another with the exception of the small salad and roast beef! He had 2 different kind of potatoes, macc/cheese, corn bread, etc..! DH knows how I feel about those carb indulges so was gently reminded of his poor choices when I said "Honey, you're going to want a nap in an hour!" Point made...point taken....he skipped desert! :devil:

Ruth~~Have a wonderful time away with your DH!! Hope your DH enjoys the casino. If I was as much of a loser in the weight department as I am in the casino department -- Twiggy would have nothing on me!! :lol:

DebK~~So glad DD is back to speed! Wow, I didn't know the airlines did things like that! What a nice tribute to the retiree! Men, they need to learn to appreciate these things! ;)

Pooky~~I had to grin reading about your Mt Laundry woes! And it's only the 3 of you now! Just imagine the mountain gear you're going to need once your new little bundle gets here! :spin:

I spent over two hours on the phone with my mom this morning. She is definately having horrible depression with her forgetfulness. She was so depressed and told the reasons why at least four different times as she would forget what she already had said. I'm trying to convince her to get away for a bit and come visit. I know she's so lonely as she has very little interaction with others and altho dad is in his 70's he is involved with my brother in his business so is gone much of the day. I managed to get her calmed down a bit and found when she has her next doctors visit. She agreed to talk to him about an anti depressant. Man, I've not known her to be this depressed since she went thru menopause. I hate being so far from her that there's little I can do. And having three brothers there doesn't really help as they don't understand the "womanly/wifey" side of it! Men!

Sure miss so many of our regulars! Keep hoping that some of you lurkers will stop in and stay awhile.

Better get back to work! Hope everyone has a great day!


PS~Regarding football related deaths-I just heard the tale end of a report this morning that there has been 11 f-ball related deaths here in Tx this year! (teens) It is scaring me to death. The 14 yr old that died over the weekend they said had an enlarged heart and not heat related. I just don't know. Very scary and sad.

LindaBC 08-22-2001 04:35 PM

Ruth, enjoy your jaunt. Before you know it you'll be tied to the house with puppies. Lucky you going to the casino. My purse is still shaking from my last visit to the riverboat casino here so, even though I'm tempted to go back I know I never win so best stay away.
Debkay, I think if I saw fire trucks aiming hoses at a plane I was landing in I'd have a panic attack for sure thinking we were on fire or something. Yikes. I don't blame your DH a bit!:eek:
Pooky, your little girl's bedroom sounds adorable. I wonder if you'd be able to find a pale blue fabric with bubbles printed on it. That would fit in with the Mermaid theme. Possibly you could even get some fabric paint and do them yourself on plain fabric seeing as you're so talented.
J, I was thinking what I'd do if I discovered a snake in my garage. Probably pass out cold, knowing my aversion to reptiles. Was it a prank? Sorry your Mom is suffering depression. Hopefully she will confess all to her doctor and get treatment. Sometimes just a short term of Paxil will do the trick but I really don't know much about it. HOpe you're feeling better soon too.
I went for my morning swim and tried to get a good workout in in the 45 minutes there. The water was pretty cold so I had to keep moving. So many people have commented on how they like my shorter hair-do....except my sister when I saw her yesterday. She keeps hers long to please her Greek hubby and I saw him eyeballing my short locks but for once he didn't make a disparaging comment. I bite my tongue and don't tell her that I think her longer, frizzy, pepper & salt hair is very aging. MEOWW! I love my sis, but there's some things we just don't agree on.
It's another cool, rainy day here on the Wet Coast so I'm baking bread and buns, plus I have a load of laundry in. Pooky, I find that if I just do one load a day it helps me stay ahead of the game. Of course, there's just the two of us and #1 grandson for this week. Lots easier than trying to keep up with a little one's dirty togs.
I have two turkey breast steaks out and am trying to think what to make with them for dinner. I know grandson probably won't want any. He'll make himself some KD and a salad. Kids! Thank goodness DH will eat just about anything I throw at him if he's hungry enough. :lol:
Hope some of our old pals return to the hen house one of these days. Seems pretty quiet in her without all the cackling.

dottiejon 08-22-2001 06:01 PM

Happy wednesday!
I have a quiet hour home alone before DH gets home. It's nice to sit down and catch up with everyone's going's on. Life is quiet here, the end of summer and a lot of folks must be on vacation, because the commute has been quicker the past couple of weeks.

Hi Ruth, I'll bet you can't wait to get your little one back safe and sound. I really miss my cat when I'm away. Of course, she could care less about me, just turns on her heel and walks off (do cats have heels?)Hope you decided on a nice lunch out in Chinatown, and don't rush back home too quick. That sounds like a perfect day.

Linda, I am with you. If I was taxi-ing in on a plane and they started shooting water at it, I don't know what I'd do! Debkay, that must be a sight!

Pooky, I think the blue or blue dotted curtain ideas sound nice. Or maybe you can find Little Mermaid sheets and make curtains out of them. Or just valences with a solid privacy curtain or panels. Can't wait to see the finished project. Hey I have a house that needs painting, do you hire out? I guess NY is a bit of a commute for you. But you could stay and I'd feed you good low carb cooking!:^:

Hi Janice, A SNAKE! Is that a Texas thing or a boy thing? Was that a practical joke or could it have swum? Swam? Swam up?Like through the pipes or something. Wow, sometimes I know I am really missing out on the having sons part of life!

debkay, how are you doing? I feel like we switched places- you seem to have settled down and doing better, and I just can't find my "groove." I had been doing well for the last week, lost 3 lbs, but can't hold it. I feel very stressed about my job, and am talking about leaving. This makes me so anxious I am crawling out of my skin. I just want to eat junk, and I eat a couple of "good" meals in a row, then add a bunch of crackers or chips. That is not a program! I am just going meal to meal now.

I am off to visit a friend for a few days. Her DH and older sons have gone for a beach visit with an aunt, and she declined, feeling it would be too much with her toddler, a very long drive and all. So I am going to go entertain her and the little one for a few days, just us girls, renting chick flicks, and drinking a little wine. Can't wait! Hey! You're all invitied! Wouldn't it be great to have a big old slumber party!

Remember the beach party thread from a year ago or so? What a riot- I believe Peach played a significant role in that tale!

So, I'll be gone for a few days,back probably on Sunday or Monday. Be good chickies!

love, dottie

Hey lurkers, and support threaders- you can use all the threads in this section to join in, and get help, and offer help! You don't have to "keep to yourselves!" It's all one big henhouse!:wave: :wave: :wave:

peach pit 08-22-2001 08:46 PM

ahhhhhh the beach party...my idea of a little slice of heaven!!
Dottie, have a wonderful few days with your friend! I am with you on the not finding my groove...I am hoping when the boys go back to school I can concentrate better on my food...13 days...but who's counting???

Linda, I am with you on the short hair! Mine is just about to my the bottom of my neck and it is bugging me...well, that and the gray roots too!!

Janice!!! did you say SNAKE???? the little guy is on his way! Take good care of him ok, I'll miss him, but will pick him up in a day or two or three.... I bet it is hard for you to be so far away from your mom when she is having a hard time!It is very hard watching them grow older. How is your daughter doing?

Pooky? when you are done at Dotties...I am only a short distance away...you come by ok? bring your brushes. That room sounds lovely and I am green with envy since I am still working on ONE single solitary leaf!!!

Debkay, Yikes!!!!

Ruth, have a great time!!! spend a quarter for me!

Jiff is still in the hospital, plans for one nursing home fell thru...insurance, social workers doctors all getting together and not agreeing...so she will be in the hospital until they can agree!!! GET THIS.....she has been on and 800 calorie diet and has GAINED six pounds!!!! One doctor had the nerve to accuse me of sneaking food into her!!! Very BAD move on the his part...I guess now he knows that I am at ZERO tolerance level for that crap or, come to think of it any other crap! At least Jiff's regular doctor went right to looking at her ankles!

gosh this is long...I am feeling a bit better today, the antibiotic made me sick so I am taking them at night!

have a good one!

nasus40 08-22-2001 10:49 PM

Hi girls

Peach is jiff retaining fluid??? oh she must be very uncomfortable. please give both of you huge hugs for me. I wish that i was there so i could do it my self. what a hard time. Hey did you hit that dr with your chicken purse???? take the antibiotic woth a few crackers that may help. depending on what it is you ca not take it with wmild so a few crackers if it still bothering you should help.

dottie have a greaat time and take it easy.

deb it does sound neat, but i can understand what he was going through too, i would have been afraid but that is me........ I am glad he is home safe and sound.

ruth have a great time spending the cah, enjoy it and you will not have to worry about getting home in a hurry to let hershey out, :o

janice my brother shoed up at home with a 4 foot boa snake one time, my mother reached over and grabed it out of his hands (she loved snakes) you can guess who fell through the floor:lol: :?: take care and get healthy.

Linda i sent a friend over to the low carb ww side. she has been on the pp web site, but not ever here, I had to laugh they were poo poo ing her idea if it could work and i thought of you.

mum2five 08-22-2001 11:25 PM

Ruth- where is Ottowa? I live about 40 minutes north of Detroit so we go to Windsor for casinos (only every now and then of course!:s: ) Have fun, me and my DH will be spending Friday night at the Mich. State fair. Going w/o the kids is soooo much more fun!;)
Tomorrow my sister and I are meeting with our new landlord to sign the lease for our second Curves location! I am sooo excited!:D We had to have a building before we could request an opening date with Corp. Hqtrs. So we asked for last week in Sept. or first of Oct. Keep your fingers crossed because if they make us wait longer it'll suck....we have to start paying the $2000 rent startong Sept. 1st!:dizzy:
(I'm not losing wt. why???:lol: )

Sons first game as a Freshman is tomorrow night too:smug: I'm so proud...and scared....and proud...

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