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lady_adnerb 01-08-2004 02:07 PM

Pork Rinds
I couldn't find any info in Atkins about this--but are pork rinds ok during the induction phase? any other suggestions for crispy, crunchy (not counting veggies) treats for induction?

StarPrincess 01-08-2004 02:44 PM

Since plain ol' pork rinds are nothing more than fried pig fat, that would fall in the same category as bacon in my mind. I think they make a great snack and would be just fine for all phases.

Remember, though, that pork rinds offer absolutely NO nutritional value so basically they're still empty calories. I find them invaluable in cooking, but try not to just snack on them too often.

lady_adnerb 01-08-2004 02:58 PM

I had just read where pork rinds made a perfect coating for making chicken. I'd never thought of that. So it'd work for fish also I imagine? Has anyone ever tried that?

My family (hubby the most though) goes fishing a lot during the summer. So we eat a LOT of fish. I have to admit I usually eat it breaded and deep fried. Hubby tried making it in butter w/some seasonings and I just wasn't crazy about it. I need some ideas of how to make fish good to eat again :)

StarPrincess 01-08-2004 05:09 PM

I don't really like using the pork rinds in the deep fryer - they work good for oven "fried" things, though. As for fish, it depends on what kind you have. Cod is really good cooked and then put under the broiler with butter and paprika. Salmon is really yummy with a garlic lemon cream sauce (maybe some capers, too?) Not only are there recipes here on 3FC, but check out www.atkins.com and www. lowcarbluxury.com too. Above all, don't be afraid to experiment!

Also, be aware that your tastes will probably change. You like fried fish now, but as you break your addictions to carbs, you will find that the things you once loved, don't really taste that great to you after all. ;)

Ruthxxx 01-08-2004 06:12 PM

Pork rinds are fine BUT use just the plain, not the BBQ ones as they have carbs. Star Princess is right - use as coating for baked things, not deep fried as they will come unstuck in the fryer.
For crunch, you can try cheese crisps too - just a slice of cheese on parchment paper or a PAM sprayed plate and then zapped in the micro for about a minute. You can also do this with shredded chees - experiment!

And in case I lost you in the shuffle of our problems, WELCOME to the low carb board!

nasus40 01-08-2004 09:10 PM

My fav is tuna on pork rinds!!! MMMMMM

lady_adnerb 01-09-2004 08:46 AM


Originally posted by Ruthxxx
Pork rinds are fine BUT use just the plain, not the BBQ ones as they have carbs. Star Princess is right - use as coating for baked things, not deep fried as they will come unstuck in the fryer.
For crunch, you can try cheese crisps too - just a slice of cheese on parchment paper or a PAM sprayed plate and then zapped in the micro for about a minute. You can also do this with shredded chees - experiment!

And in case I lost you in the shuffle of our problems, WELCOME to the low carb board!

I just got lost (again). I looked at the back of the BBQ pork rinds and it says 0 carbs. Does that mean that you don't always go by the carb count on the back of packages?

and hi:wave:

LindaBC 01-09-2004 03:51 PM

Not sure about your last question. I usually buy the plain ones. I like to make Mock French Toast with them. The recipe is in our low carb recipe section under Miscellaneous, I believe. Very filling and almost fools me. LOL

nasus40 01-09-2004 04:42 PM

the BBQ coating has sugar in it.

1busymomma 01-11-2004 12:41 PM

We tried to use the pork rinds to coat our fish once last summer and fry them up, not only did they not stick, it came out mushy and ruined the entire dinner! It did not taste good either..... There was just no saving it.

I've never tried to bake with them after that incident, should give it a whirl and see what happens!

We love to go fishing in the summer as well. :)

Leenie 01-11-2004 01:01 PM

I'm not crazy with pork rinds as a coating either, I did try it and it didn't stick well.

We have different flavor pork rinds here, not sure of the brand but they say 0 carbs, no sugars in the ingred either.

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