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Ruthxxx 07-07-2003 07:25 AM

The Daily Cackle - Monday, July 7
Sleepy bunch of chickies this morning after the big weekend? :D I hope everyone on both sides of the border had a good long holiday.

Thanks to everyone for all the kudos yesterday! :love:It was a really big deal for me to get into ONEderland and I intend to never see 200 ever again! I think my next goal will be to get below 190 by September 1 but I hope to get close to 190 by mid-August when I go West to visit DD (Hi MEW! :wave: ) and pop in to LindaBC's to steal the pistachios from her cupboard! :lol: With all the support and encouragement here in the Coop, I know I will make it! :grouphug:

I will be snooping around looking for behaviour problems (you know who you are!) over the next three days but may not post much. My dear friend Shirleyanne is coming for a visit and will be sleeping in my room so PC access will be a bit limited. If you are going to be naughty, do so early in the mornings because I intend to make her sleep in. (Long story but she is dealing with a very difficult situation and needs a complete break. I will be on care and nurturing duty while she is here. We have been friends since we were 18 so know each other pretty well although we do have times when we are out of touch for a bit.)

So...this morning I do a million odd jobs before I leave for Ottawa. FlyLady is alive and well and living in my house this morning. Too bad I can't send her out to cut back the perennials!

Have a super week, Chickies.

Ms Spotdog 07-07-2003 10:36 AM

Congrats on the great new scale number, Ruthie!

You are a wonderful friend and Shirleyanne will be feeling better soon under your tender care.

We got back from Reno around 8 last evening. Bry's team won the tournament which is one of those good news/bad news things: good news that they were playing so well and knocking other teams out BUT bad news since we were all so exhausted but had to stay until the very last second. Fun weekend all in all. Bry's twisted ankle prevented him from running around with the boys at the hotel but we still did some fun stuff. It didn't prevent him from a few awesome closing pitching preformances.

Off to shower and work - have a good one ladies.



DonDar 07-07-2003 11:23 AM

Happy Monday all!

I am crawling out from under my rock of depression. I think I am finally back to being myself. I have had a very difficult time facing the loss of my job of 20 years. Last week I managed to exercise every morning and avoided drinking a glass of wine to put me to sleep at night. There are many benefits to not working, but it is still quite an adjustment.

I will have to catch up on my posts and find out what has been going on here for the last month.

Congrats Ruth on your visit to one-under land! Please plan on staying there!

Ms Spotdog, my boys are now getting involved in the travel baseball scene. Wow What an eye opener. We have had some major losses. Most of our boys have not experienced the art of stealing and running bases like we have recently witnessed in the all star world. We have been mercied in 3 innings 2 out of the last 3 games.

take care my friends, I hope to start posting again,

peach pit 07-07-2003 05:01 PM

Hey Jenny! Hey Spot! Hey Ruth!

:wave: :wave: :wave:

Did you say, "behavior problems", Ruth?

I don't know about no stinkin behavior problems!



goodforme 07-07-2003 05:49 PM

Behavior problem numero uno, reporting for duty!

I'm trying to remember the last time I went to another board and totally trashed their plan. I don't think I ever have :eek: Why? Courtesy, good sense, or maybe the fear of getting cyber-cussed out! Enuf said.

Hope you're all having a wonderful day. I'm off to take my flabby, worn out self for a quite intense session of tv-watching!

Jennifer 3FC 07-08-2003 12:33 AM

Hey Ruth, congratulations!!!!! Wow, Onderland. That is great! I think when I finally reach it, I'm going to go streaking.

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