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tazcat 01-16-2003 04:24 AM

Daily cluck, Thursday, Jan, 16, 2003
Good Cold morning to you all. Time to start the new thread as it is 5:05 am, -14, and very frosty. It calls for rain tomorrow?:o

Sherrie-go for the hysterectomy. I've had one since I was 28-29:?: Best thing I ever did.

And Pookie, no I havn't found those pork rinds,"Yet", I will. I am looking at this as a quest. I will find them.:D :s:

I went to TOPS last night, I expected to be up as I have been bad,:devil:I even had a large muffin yesterday, but I stayed the same:cb:Now I will really try to get back on the program.

Well I am going to go to read some of the new threads that have been posted. Have a great day, please God watch over us all. Hi to all the new hatched chicks ;) Try to stay on program for today. Believe in yourself.

Love, Tazcat

debkay 01-16-2003 07:13 AM

Morning all. I've been MIA for the last couple of days. My friend battling breast cancer lost her struggle late Monday night.

The visitation was last night and the funural will be today. It was very difficult looking into the eyes of her children. They are not little children, her son is 20 and daughter is 15, but still, they need their Mom.

My older son and her son, were in JROTC together in high school. The kids in ROTC loved my friend, she treated the kids like they belonged to her.........she would tell them like it was......and they loved her for it.

My son and a few of the other kids from ROTC will be the pall-beares.

IF you would keep the family in your thoughts and prayers I would be grateful.


Ruthxxx 01-16-2003 07:42 AM

Aw, Deb, so very sorry. What a sad situation! The family are in my prayers.
Back in a bit - we are freezing to death and I need to stoke the stove!

Pooky 01-16-2003 08:09 AM

Oh Deb, that is so sad! My prayers are out to the family...

Just a quick one today since it is my first day of "home" schooling Miree in prep for school in the fall. Got a bunch a sheets ready for her and now I'm about to have a quick shower and get ready.

BTW, pizza is evil!!!!:devil:

Talk to you later :)

RobinW 01-16-2003 09:28 AM

Deb, your friends are in my thoughts

Christian 01-16-2003 09:45 AM

Deb- Sending prayers your way, It is never easy for a child to lose their parent, I lost mine young too, I know what they are feeling, and only the Lord brought me through it ;)

chuckie 01-16-2003 10:57 AM

Deb, I'm so sorry for the loss. I'll keep you & the family in my prayer's.

scooby2 01-16-2003 11:04 AM

Deb, you and your friends family are in my prayers, take care of your self too during this time......

Ruthxxx 01-16-2003 11:32 AM

My PC Is Ready!
Just got the call that the new PC is ready and tested but I can't go to Kingston today because I have a surgeon appointment this afternoon in Smiths Falls! The joys of rural living! I'll go to K tomorrow and take in the old processor so the techies can move my stuff to the new one. I sure hope I don't lose anything vital. (Yes, I will do backups before I disconnect anything!)

It is so darn cold in this house! My sewingroom is so frigid even after two days with the door open that I am seriously considering and electric heater in there. To heck with the expense!

I'll be offline later today and hope to be back up by the weekend so don't panic if I'm not around. Behave yourselves, however.
Who wants to be in charge of butt kicking?

Ms Spotdog 01-16-2003 11:49 AM

Debbie - I am so sorry about the loss of your friend. May you all be comforted by the wonderful memories you have of her and let her live on in your hearts.


peach pit 01-16-2003 11:57 AM

awwwwww, Debbie, I am so sorry. Sorry for your friend and her family and sorry that you lost someone you cared alot about.

I don't think my kids are ever going to go to school. The little guy is much better and WILL go tomorrow....the big kid had to go to the orthodontist and have an appliance put in and is uncomfortable.....and cranky.

I'd volunteer to do the butt kicking Ruth, but I don't think I could restrain myself.....I submit Noranoranoranora's name for consideration!

yes, Pooky, pizza IS evil!!!!

Jenny, thanks for the info on the show!

gotta run, cranky on is bellowing.



missedbeinhere 01-16-2003 12:17 PM

DebKay--that story hit a little to close to home, as a great friend of mine lost her battle with breast cancer last year and my own mother(52) is struggling now. My mom's cnacer was "gone" for 4 years then WHHAAMMO!! It came back--in her Liver this time--after a year of chemo she is back to work and the lesions on her liver are still there...but barely--then DOUBLE WHAMO-she got a nother lump right above where her mastectomy is--they took it out the day after Christmas..it tested positive for breast cancer, so that is where we are now. My Prayers and Hugs are with your freinds DebKay--It always hurts me when another loses the fight.

Well the temperature is freezing here as well, supposed to be getting some snow later on.

I am still OP, and do feel like I have a little more energy....but I am still compelled to nap in the afternoon...anybody have any suggestions why I get so tired around 1-2:00?? I get up at 7:15am and go to bed around 11or so..but I get soo tired about now I just want to curl up for an hour or so. This was before I started Atkin's also.:dizzy:

Well, I'll check in tonight

L144S 01-16-2003 01:26 PM

Good afternoon,
Deb I am sorry about your friend....

All is well, but I think my MIL may be lurking so I have to be nice :D

I am trying to get olderboy's birthday together, and for me I am really late. It is SOOO cold here it is hard to motivate.

I just booked a weekend at space camp for DH and older boy. www.spacecamp.com it sounds like a lot of fun and he has a few of his friends going. DH should have a great time sleeping in bunk beds, don't you think?

Speaking of beds, I got a tempered top for mine at Costco. OMG I have not slept this well or felt better getting up in the morning in the longest time!

Ok, gonna finally have some lunch, them off to run an errand before carpool.

Ruth, I think you should put Jiff and peachy in charge in your absents. it will make for some truly interesting reading.

jiffypop 01-16-2003 02:12 PM


peachy... maybe the cranky one could handle being in charge of these chickies!!!! it's waaayyyy too much responsibility for me!!

although, we COULD all assemble and sing a chorus or two. you can pick the song. 'when i was younger, and in my prime' was always a hit.

or even ave maria!!!!

dyan_q 01-16-2003 03:14 PM

Ouchie - I just gave blood for the first time, I got really woozie and had to eat 3 crackers. I'm trying to hold myself up, arguing with the nurse that "NO, I'm not eating those crackers, don't you have anything low carb." Finally I had my friend look thru the box of crackers and pick out the lowest carbed ones. And then I only ate half the package. (10g worth)

Deb - I'm sorry about your friend. Prayers are going out to her family and yours.

After nearly having a nervous breakdown with stress this week I told my Mom (bearer of all bad news) that I just couldn't worry about things I can't control. The next day she calls to say my Grandfather is in the hospital with pnemonia. Needless to say the stress headaches are back. I think it's the helpless feeling that gets me. Since there's nothing I can do, I worry.

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